• 締切済み

We humans have been...

We humans have been able to live on this planet for millions of years because there has been an enviroment that we could live in. このthat we could live inはcanでは駄目なのでしょうか。


  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

could の使い方と言うテーマですね。この文章は主文が there has been とあるように時制は現在ですので、素直に現在で押し通せば there has been an environment that we can live in となります。 can を could に置き換えると possibility を表します。could の代わりに might も使えます。 This medicine cpuld help your cold. You cpuld [=might, may] be making the biggest mistake of your life! can だと断定することになりますが、could/might だと百パーセント自信があるわけではない表現となります。 「住めた環境」と断定するには如何に住めてきたかという裏付けデータが要るだろうが、could とぼかすと、具体的データはないが人類は生き延びて来たのだから住めて来たのは自明だよね、みたいな感情が裏にあると理解出来るのです。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

   このthat we could live inはcanでは駄目なのでしょうか。     これが過去になっているところが味噌で、この2行だけでこれから著者の言おうとしていることが何か想像がつきますね。今までは住めたがこれから先は公害で、、、とか。



  • pro-visionの教科書で、we have live in c

    pro-visionの教科書で、we have live in communities that we recognize as "civilization" only in the last few hundred generations. only 以下の文章を強調する強調構文の作り方を教えてください。 答えは、It has only been in the last few hundred generations that we have lived in communities that we recognize as "civilization"となっているのですが・分かり易く教えていただけませんでしょうか?

  • have workedとbeen working

    【質問1】 Rob hasn't worked very hard this term. Rob hasn't been working very hard this term. この二つの文章に意味の違いはありますか? 前者はEnglish Grammar in Useの例文で、後者は私が作りました。 【質問2】 Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They have been going there for years. ”in the same cafe”を"at the same cafe"に置き換えることはできますか? できる場合、意味の違いは生じますか? "at the cafe"と"in the cafe"でGoogleしたのですが、両方ともほぼ同じ数だけヒットしたので、よく分かりません。

  • only?

    ●today's IT revolution is only the latest of several IT transformations that humans have experienced. ●it has only been in the last few hundred generations that we have lived in communities that we recognize as "civilization." の2文で「only」はどんな働きをしていますか?? 教えてください。

  • haveの意味

    下記の英文にhasは二つありますが、後者のhasについてお教えください。 Valenod has been a guest in our house. He has he dined with us. 動詞haveの後ろにSVが続くのは、勉強不足のため、下記の例を除いて見たことがありません。 この場合はどのような意味になるのでしょうか。お手数かけますが、ご教授を宜しくお願いいたします。 ------------------------- have it (from...) that ~ We have it from a reliable source that the isolated country is in need of outside support. have it that ~ Conventional wisdom has it that labor productivity rises in proportion to incentives offered, such as bonus payments. -------------------------

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Note that in the twenty-nine centuries between 1000 B.C. and 1900, life expectancy increased by almost thirty years, and in the seventy years between 1900 and it increased almost another twenty-four years. These striking increases are misleading, however, because the averages reflect to a very large extent reductions in infant mortality. The figures we have been discussing-the ones in the first row of the second section-are life expectancies at birth. The second row of this table shows the life expectancies at the age of sixty-five years. It can be seen that in 1970, the average sixty-five-year-old could expect to live about fifteen more years, to the age of about eighty-nine years longer than the average life expectancy of the newborn infant. That is, when you were born you could expect to live seventy-one years, and as you grew older and survived longer, you could expect to live longer. (See P&L Close-up, Life Expectancy: How Long Is long?) お願いします。

  • 速単の一部です

    One common idea among psychologists has been that people could deal with suffering more effectively if they were able to understand and accept it. (has been )は<されている>と訳すのですか? あまりしっくりこない気がしますが。

  • 英文訳

    適切な英文訳を教えて下さい It has only been in the few years that the public and their governments have been forced to realize the danger that we now face in term of protecting our environment. 我々は現在環境保護の観点において直面している危険を公共や政府がほんの過去数年間で実現を余儀なくされている。 よろしくお願いします

  • 海外サイトでオーダーした商品をキャンセルしたのですが...

    以下の文章が届きました。 オーダーはキャンセルされたのでしょうか? 翻訳していただけませんでしょうか? ご協力お願いいたします。 This just a quick note to let you know that your order (Ref: 19308085 ) has now been cancelled and your card has been refunded. I'm sorry we were not able to help more this time, and if there's anything you need in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us here.

  • 文法問題

    次の英文の( )に入る最も適切な番号と、その番号を選んだ理由を教えて下さい。 出来たら訳もお願いします。 In the last several years, there has been a movement to democratize the English language, ( ), to popularize it. (1)for example (2)such as (3)that is (4)thus

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    In recent years,people have become serious about protecting the natural environment. Very few people now question the motto,"Save our environment,save the earth." However,about forty years ago,when scientists began talking about the serious conditions of our planet,nobody took thdm seriously. Many people believed the earth was too big to be hurt by humans."Just imagine,"they said,"how small humans are before the earth. We cannot damage this huge planet."Some of them said the scientists were only trying to scare people. These days,however,heavy rainfalls,heat and cold wavds,big typhoons and extremely dry weather are reported all over the world. We also hear that the ice at the North and South Poles has started to melt. All these are happening beccuse humaos have been using too much oil and coal,and they are now using more of them. We also have seen trees and plants destroyed in many different places in the world. If you see a photo of the earth taken from space,you must notice how beautiful it looks. At the same time,you will feel that this planet is alive. In fact,it is alive,and we humans are part of it. So we must take good care of it. You may think one person's effort is nothing,but today there are over 6.2 billion people living on the earth. Think of the power we would have if we got together. 長いんですが、お願いします(T_T)

GEONU PR-500KIの機械不良
  • インターネット回線が繋がらず、数分置いたり、初期化および再起動しても状況変わらず繋がらない。
  • ルーターの電源は点灯しており、アラームとPPPのランプは消灯している。
  • 近日の太陽フレアとは無関係だと考えられる。