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  • neologist
  • ベストアンサー率29% (5/17)

すみません、#2です。 心臓疾患は、複数種類がありますので、Cardiovascular diseases kill...ではないかと、付け加えさせていただきます。





  • 和訳をお願いします

    長くてすみません(>_<) 和訳をおねがいします The health benefits of walking are highly praised by experts ――and backed up by solid research.“Exercise can cut the risk of developing heart disease by half as well as lower blood pressure, reduce stress and minimize the risk of blocking the flow of blood to the brain,”Professor Charles George,medical director for the British Heart Foundation,told a journalist. “Since walking is one of the easiest,most convenient and inexpensive forms of exercise,it's an excellent choice for many people.”

  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    If you do,then you have a perfectionist streak, a habit that fuels a whole variety of stress-producing qualities,including procrastination,defensiveness,fear,guilt,and failure to delegate. One sutudy reviewed reports from 9,000managers and professionals and concluded that perfectionism result in reduced job performance. The research also cited health problems that result from this form of self-induced stress.In addition,those who set their standards unachievably high tend to lose self-esteem when they fail to meet their goals,which only adds to stress.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    ネットを見てたら気になる英語のサイトを見つけたのですが、英語が全くわからず訳すに訳せず、翻訳サイトを使ってもしっくりこないものとなってしまうのでどなたか和訳をお願いします。 Food faddism is as an exaggerated belief in the impact of food and nutrition on health and disease. Food faddists insist that food and nutrition are more significant than science has established. Such thinking frequently leads people to overestimate the beneficial effects of some foods (e.g., whole grains such as unpolished rice) and condemn others (e.g., refined sugars, flour and grains such as polished rice). Apprehension about particular foods or food components or about food manufacturing processes has led many people to adapt unorthodox food practices and to seek nonconventional approaches to nutrition. Many sensible, sincere people are also motivated to seek alternative food styles for ecological reasons. They are worried about environmental pollution through the use of agricultural chemicals and have turned to“organic” and other types of“health” foods. People have been led to believe that food grown without the use of pesticides or artificial fertilizers but with the application to the soil of natural fertilizers and other organic matters are more nourishing and less hazardous. They put an absolute faith in“organic” food and, as a corollary, ask for provision of evidence of absolute safety, an unrealistic and unattainable goal, with the application of new technologies such as genetic engineering to food production. When scientists discover that some component in a conventional food staff can be the risk factor for some life-style related disease, many people lose their faith in conventional nutrition and adopt approaches with the emphasis on new materials. Heightened health awareness caused by increase in information transfer, mainly through the mass media, has created expectations that at present exceed the ability of science to deliver. So-called health hustlers with application of pseudoscience take advantage of this situation. They promote tailor-made products and systems, which they insist, help one to resist disease, improve overall health or slow the aging process

  • 添削してください

    そして運動プログラムの構成要素(components of an exercise program)には次のようなものがあります。 Aerobic Fitness, Muscular Fitness, Flexibility, Neuromotor exrcise training です。 米国などの先進国における主要な死因原因の一つにCardiovascular Diseaseがある。 それにはが含まれており、現在もなお多くの人がこれが原因で亡くなっている。 そして、Hypertension(高血圧)はCardiovascular Diseaseの中で最も一般的な症状である。 多くの子供達も高血圧を抱えているが、これは年齢とともに有病率が増加する。 Excess Consumption of Sodium Chloride(塩化ナトリウムの過剰摂取)がこれの主な原因である。 CVDに要因には年齢や性別、遺伝子なども含まれるが、それ以外にもSmoking tobacco, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Physical inactivity, Overweight/obesity, Diabetesなどがある。 英語⇨ The components of an exercise program has following benefits; aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, neuromotor exercise training. Cardiovascular Disease is one of the major cause of death in developed countries such as the United States. It included angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, stroke, and a lot of people are still dead due to this. Hypertension is the most common symptom in Cardiovascular Disease. Many children also has this, but it's prevalence increased with age. Excess consumption of sodium chloride is major cause of this. Factors of CVD include age, sex and gene, but it has smoking tobacco, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, overweight, diabetes, too. 日本語文に英語がかなり混ざっていますが、こちらをもとに英文を作りました。 上の英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳おねがいします!!!

     Under these circumstances, the best approach to computer literacy might be to stress the limitations and abuses of the machine, showing the students how little they need it to develop their autonomous powers of thought.

  • 和訳お願いします

    People fell so, and know so, and say so. There is no glossing over or “greying” of the facts, as often seems to happen in japan. In the same way, Europeans are strongly aware of justice; and indeed, nowadays the legal systems of almost every country in the world are modelled ont the humanity of Christian justice. As regards attitude to women, the Christian concept of chivalry has always given high priority to respect for and the protection of women.That is why most male Europeans, until more recently, have followed the practice of “Ladies first”. As modern women have clamoured for greater autonomy and power, however. man's natural chivalrous instincts have, quite naturally, declined. If women want to wear the trousers, so to speak, they must fend for themselves. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    教えてください。 language is a man-made products, designed by and for the male half of the species to the neglect and exclusion of womenという 文があるのですが、to以下がどうして解説にでているような訳になるのか、わからないのです。解説には「女性を無視し、排除し、」としか書かれておらず困っております。 どなたかお力を貸していただけますか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします All across the United States, honeybees are flying away from their hives and dying.Empty hives are causing a lot of worry about some important food crops. Bees give us a lot more than delicious honey. They are pollinators―they enable plants to produce the fruits and nuts we enjoy by carrying pollen from one plant or flower to the next. The wind pollinates oats,corn,and wheat,but many other plants(like apple and cherry trees and melon vines)depend on insects,bats,and birds. Animals pollinate about one out of every three bites of food we eat. And in the U.S.,millions and millions of bees kept by human beekeepers fly around doing a lot of this important work for food crops. Professional beekeepers raise honeybees,box them up,and send them on trucks to fields where farmers grow food. Bees live in groups of about 40,000 individuals called colonies. California's almond crop alone depends on about half the bees in the country,about 1.5 million colonies!

  • 和訳で間違っている部分を直してください。

    yah○○の和訳ソフトで英文を和訳したら以下のような文がでてきました。なかなか意味が通じるように和訳できなくて困ってます。 (1)In all of these cases , we are presented with a new set of circumstances and we must adjust ourselves to adapt to the new situation. これらのケースの全てに、我々は状況の新しい集合で紹介されます、そして、我々は新しい状況に適応するために身なりを整えなければなりません (2)Stress can be a great motivator that inspires us to learn , to grow and to accomplish things we’ll be proud of later. ストレスは、我々を学んで、成長して、我々が後で誇りに思うものを達成する気にさせる偉大な誘因となる人でありえます (3)It must be to lean how to skillfully manage stress and use it help us. それは、巧みにストレスを管理して、それを使う方法をたてかけることが我々を助けるということでなければなりません (4) We all need to find our personal optimum level of stress to add richness, character and joy to our lives without overwhelming ourselves. みんなは、ストレスの我々の個人の最適のレベルが我々自身を圧倒することなく豊かさ、品格と喜びを我々の命に加えるとわかる必要があります (5)Find ways to reduce or avoid your exposure to unhealthy levels of stress. ストレスの不健康なレベルへのあなたの露出を減らすか、避ける方法を見つけてください

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I think both by nature and nurture I tend to apologize more than the average person. It definitely comes from growing up in the culture of “nice” in the Midwest, but I’m also a conflict-avoider and people-pleaser by nature, which seems to amplify it. Additionally, I tend to use it a lot when I’m trying to sympathize with people—if they say they’ve had a bad day, my response is usually, “I’m sorry.” I know the whole discussion of how women say sorry too much, but it just seems ingrained at this point and part of who I am. It’s not done to minimize myself, my opinions, or my feelings. It’s not done to minimize myself, my opinions, or my feelings.の和訳をよろしくお願いします