• ベストアンサー



  • Oubli
  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)

完遂しようと思う目標(自体)よりはむしろ、完遂を求める動機に伴う態度、習慣、傲慢性が倫理上の不安を生じさせる。 「完全なゴール」ではなくて、「完全性の目的」ですよ。他はお書きになったとおりだと思います。


  • 和訳問題

    For others it is the anxiety or the threat of being found out that creates a keen desire to be honest in order to escape the consequences. 「他社にとって、その成り行きから逃れるための熱心な熱望に気づかれるので、それは不安や脅威なのである。」 と訳してみたのですが、 ひょっとしてこの訳では点数もらえない訳になってしまってるんでしょうか・・。そんな気がしてならないのですが (for othersが何かの動詞の意味上の主語、だとか)

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    it is this concept that gave the Civil Right movement its moral strength - that the means of persuasion as well as the goal of an argument were equal important. 構文がわからず訳すことができません。 詳しく解説お願いいたします。

  • 英文和訳

    Many of the new Iraqi leaders, including the president, Sheik Yawar, said they would insist that Iraqis be given "full sovereignty," meaning that the government could do more or less whatever it wanted. And they said talks would begin immediately on the influence over American combat operations. But in more subdued moments, some Iraqi leaders said they realized that the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops would make that goal difficult to achieve. 上記のうち But in more subdued moments, はどう訳せばよいのですか?

  • 英文和訳

    構文が読み取れないので文法的に教えてください。 Speech is so familiar a feature od daliy life that we rarely pause to difine it. It seems as natural to man as walking, and only less so than breathing. 和訳はあるのでなんとなく分かります。しかし、倒置などいろいろと文法的要素が詰まっているので出来る限り解説してください。 as natural to man as というのはas asの間にこのような感じにto~がが入ることがあると理解しておけばよいでしょうか。 and only less so than breathing.これ「呼吸するに比べてわずかに自然でないとはいえ」と訳出していますが、よくわかりません。 御願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    But he postulated a change of human nature fostered by communism. It took many generations to prove him wrong. With the exception of a few diehards, none of today’s communist leaders hold to that orthodoxy. In the West, the moral validity of property rights is accepted, or at least acquiesced in, by virtually the whole of the population. This is true even in societies which are disdainful of competition. Attitudes toward property ownership are passed from one generation to the next through family values and education. These attitudes derive from the deepest values governing social interaction that people hold.

  • 和訳お願いします

    ・so for all intents it appears that the city has been deserted. ・most families understand what it means to say that a patient has less than I chance in 20 of returning to an independent life.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    It appears that we can have the capacity to monitor more than one chain of speech at once, though it may not be possible for us to monitor both to the same degree, or for us to have full conscious awareness of the content of both. We are also able to attend selectively to one conversation, even if there are loud competing conversations in the background, by extracting the relevant information from the complex signal of mixed speech. 以上2文よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文構造

    [英文]     It is not that they acquire less education than they once did. It is rather that the emphasis has changed. [日本語]     昔と比べて若者が教育を受けるのが少なくなっているのではない。     むしろ、その力点がかわってきているからである。 [わかった部分]     not-ratherを意識して書く。 [疑問]     it is thatはitが代名詞ではない場合、強調構文として、つまりthat以下は重要なの     だ。という訳になると思います。しかし、訳では、itが代名詞のニュアンスは含ま    れていません。さらに、it is thatが強調構文だというニュアンスも感じられませ     ん。it is thatはこの文章中でどのような役割を果たしているのでしょうか。

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! This was a campus (training-ground) for the military corps of upper-class youths, which Augustus promoted as part of a policy of producing model citizens and supporters of his regime. When not in use for drills and other displays, it would have been open to the general public as a pleasant intramural open space, analogous to the monumental porticus, such as the Porticus of Octavia and the Porticus of Livia, which the emperor created(in continuance of a Republican tradition) in the capital. It was provided with a central swimming pool and planted with plane trees whose estimated age at the time of the eruption is the chief argument for an Augustan date. The importance of the campus is attested by the fact that the space was obtained by suppressing six blocks of the pre-existing street-grid. Recent excavations have yielded traces of early properties which must have been bought or expropriated. One reason for placing the campus in the eastern part of the city may have been that this quarter was less densely populated than others, so that the cost of the development and the degree of disruption that it caused were less than they would have been elsewhere.

  • 簡単に和訳のほうをよろしくお願いします。

    the blade sharpening (for which you charged me $30) was less than satisfactory. I would like to ask that you refund the fee charged for this as it appears that it was either not done or done poorly.