• 締切済み




こういう warmly の使い方は私も知りません。 ひとつの推測として回答します。 ここでは「こころよく・受け入れて」くらいのニュアンスではないでしょうか。 No.2さんのおっしゃるように、対比ですね。 「世の中には知らないことばかりがある。 それを私たちは謙虚に受け止めないといけない(無知の知ですね)。でも知らないことを(知らないと突っぱねるのではなく)、 (新しいことを知る喜びを持って)受け入れて理解し、知っていることに変えるために」 と読んではいかがでしょう。 人のみに許される、知を得ることの重要性とその喜びを語っているように 読みとったのですが、いかがでしょう。


  • aroundの意味が分からない

    言語についての文章で This is a natural development because all of us seem to feel more comfortable when we are around what we know , and naming things is a way of knowing. とあるのですが これ(身の回りのものに名前を付けて呼んでいく事)は自然な成長だ。 なぜなら私たちはみな私たちの知っている事の周りにいるとより落ち着き 物に名前を付ける事は知るための方法だからだ。 以外に訳しようが無いのですがあってるでしょうか? 同時に上の和訳も添削していただきたいです

  • 英語 和訳

    With the population of the world set to rise dramatically in this century from 6000 million in the year 2000 to 10000 million by 2050-and with most of that growth in the Third World-what should we be thinking of with regard to providing the most basic of resources:food? この英文どなたか和訳お願いします。

  • 英作文の添削のお願いです!

    英作文の添削をお願いします。 問い  ‘An education changes your mirrors into windows’ .Explain what this quote means. 答案 This quote means that education give us a different viewpoint that helps us to think widely. The mirrors imply a limited world where we can look only ourself. And the windows imply a widely viewpoint which we can look around the world. If we get a good education,we would see things objectively and correctly. But if we couldn’t get enough education,we would be a person who has a narrow vision. So this quote teaches us the importance of education. 拙い英文だと思いますが何卒よろしくお願いします。

  • trace the consequencesの意味

    Contemporary events differ from history in that we do not know the results they will produce. Looking back, we can assess the significance of past occurrences and trace the consequences they have brought in their train. But while history runs its course, it is not history to us. The reason is that it leads us into an unknown land but rarely can we get a glimpse of what lies ahead. Things would be different if we were allowed to live a second time through the same events with all the knowledge of what we have seen before. If so, how different would things appear to us, how important and often alarming would changes seem that we now scarcely notice! It is therefore, probably fortunate that man can never have this experience and knows of no laws which history must obey. (質問)trace the consequencesの意味が分かりません。「結果をたどる」という訳らしいですが、自分にはこれが何のことを表しているのかさっぱりです。どなたか説明をお願いいたします。

  • 英語に堪能な方お願いします

    次の英語の( )に当てはまる適切な語句を [ ] から選んで教えてください 1.If it ( ) Sunday today , I would be able to go out with you. [was/were/is] 2.John could have finished the project on time , if he ( ) been sick in bed. [wouldn't have/hadn't/haven't] 3.If it ( ) rain tomorrow , we will cancel the school trip. [should/will/could] 4.Michael is the ( ) the five boys in this picture. [taller than/ tallest of/most tall in] 5.( ) you improve your per formance , we will have tolet you go. [unless/supposing/if] 6.This parcel is ( ) the one you brought tothe post office yesterday. [more heavy than/more] heavier of/heavier than/the heaviest of 7.The average number of sales per salesperson this year is twice ( ) last year's. [as more than/ as much as/so much more/so many as] 8.The synthetic material our company developed is ( ) in quality to any existing water proof cotton. [inferior/superior/better/as good as] 9.Onece you know how to ( ) your new PC , words will open up to you. [make most useful /act best with/make the best use of/use well] 10.due to the heavy snow storm , we arrived late and were only able to take part in the ( ) half of the meeting. [latest / former/ later /latter ] 11.If you got to know him better, you ( ) to like him better , too. [would come/ will comet/coud have come/can come] 12.I wish you ( ) me about this matter before submitting your report. [had called on/ call on /will call on / calling on] 13.( ) the project gets done by tomorrow , you can take afew days off. [should/in case of/because/provided] 14.( ) it rain tomorrow , we will have to hold the company picnic in the activities center. [although/if/should/would] 15.( ) your timely advice , our company would have been deceived and gotten into serious trouble. [had it not been for /if we haven't had /was it not for/ if we don't have]

  • whatの疑問形以外の使用方法について

    Television keeps us informed of what is commentary going on in the world. 上記の英文で「what」が使用されていますが、疑問形でもないのに何故使用されているかわかりません。 わかる方がいましたら是非とも教えてください。 それではよろしくお願いします。

  • 語句をならびかえて意味の通る文にしてください

    1. (questions/difficult/me/was/all/to/for/it/answer/the). 2. (roof/is/cat/friend's/my/the/the/on/sitting). 3. Ichiro,(to/going/tomorrow/the baseball game/about/us/with/how)? 4. (milk/cheese/child/is/knows/made/a/from/even). 5. (about/Japan/learned/many/since/things/I've)I came here. 6. (are/are/people/in/not/some/interested/who/there/breakfast)and start a day without it. 7.(have/this/a/like/never/fish/I/got/big). 8. (times/to/the teacher/how/been/many/has/Kyushu)? 9. (school/seen/is/I/ever/the/have/beautiful/that/this/most). 10. (tired/they/up/to/too/get/for/were/breakfast). 11. (the/is/Mary/playing/of/fond/piano). 12. I like(they/taken by him/the pictures/always make me/because/happy). 13. (the world/know/his name/over/known/people/all/is/to). 14. (the/she/finishad/has/magazine/already/reading). 15. Today(lives/technology/makes/which/our/use/better/we). 16. (gets/my/up/half/always/at/past/father/six). 17. (you/have/seen/blossoms/the/ever/cherry)? 18. All(in/that/to/were/came/the people/his house/interested/video games)

  • 英語の堪能な方に和訳をお願いします。

    英語の解る方にお願いいたします。 辞書などつかいましたが、 もうお手上げです。 こちらの英文を 和訳していただければ たすかります。 Fruit for eyes and penny loafers worth eating. Leather is the new cardboard. Woozy in the form of acoustic strings. Fluttering courtesy of the levity you receive upon shelling your cocoon. Oh shit, that one movie from when you were a kid. And things come flooding back. Mentally, all the braincells you’ve fried away are back and zombied. You drool but are half dead, so it’s not like people care or notice the stains of ketchup (yeah, ketchup) on your pants, but nobody reads your shit anyhow, so what is there to even exist? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 添削いてください

    ある映画のペーパです。 「最近の自然問題の取り組みからわかるように、アシタカは非常に現在の私たちに近い存在だと思う。私たちは自然も人間も共生できるような世界を望んでいる。そして、タタラバのリーダーのエボシもまた私たち現代人の象徴であるような気がする。 彼女は平等社会を築き、新たな発展のために森を壊している。 これは私たちがやってきたこと、そしてやろうとしていることに似ている。」 As we can see from recent efforts on natural issues, I think that Ashitaka is very close to us today. We hope a world where nature and humans can coexist. Furthermore, it seems that Eboshi of the leader of the Tataraba is also a symbol of modern people. She was building an equality society and destroy the forest for new development. This is similar to what we have done and what we are trying to do. ・「そして」を英語にするとAndだと思うのですが、ペーパーなどではあまりAnd, So などの表現は良くないと聞いたので、forthermoreにしました。 ・そのほか、英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 英語が堪能な方へ、どうぞお願いします。

    英文をサイト翻訳で作りましたが、言い回しがおかしくないか見ていただけないでしょうか。 We will send the goods from Japan. It takes 4 weeks to 2-delivery, please understand. The goods of us, and then pack it very important with waterproof, so please do not worry. Goods, placed in a bag of opp, and I keep it carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. If there is a point of something noticed by the customer, please feel free to question us. If the goods If it were not in the description as, we will be happy to refund as soon as possible.We are happy of the most able to see your smile. The policy of our peace of mind, sincere, polite, we will do our best to our customers. どうぞよろしくお願いします。