• 締切済み


1. (questions/difficult/me/was/all/to/for/it/answer/the). 2. (roof/is/cat/friend's/my/the/the/on/sitting). 3. Ichiro,(to/going/tomorrow/the baseball game/about/us/with/how)? 4. (milk/cheese/child/is/knows/made/a/from/even). 5. (about/Japan/learned/many/since/things/I've)I came here. 6. (are/are/people/in/not/some/interested/who/there/breakfast)and start a day without it. 7.(have/this/a/like/never/fish/I/got/big). 8. (times/to/the teacher/how/been/many/has/Kyushu)? 9. (school/seen/is/I/ever/the/have/beautiful/that/this/most). 10. (tired/they/up/to/too/get/for/were/breakfast). 11. (the/is/Mary/playing/of/fond/piano). 12. I like(they/taken by him/the pictures/always make me/because/happy). 13. (the world/know/his name/over/known/people/all/is/to). 14. (the/she/finishad/has/magazine/already/reading). 15. Today(lives/technology/makes/which/our/use/better/we). 16. (gets/my/up/half/always/at/past/father/six). 17. (you/have/seen/blossoms/the/ever/cherry)? 18. All(in/that/to/were/came/the people/his house/interested/video games)

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0



1. It was difficult for me to answer all the questions. 2. My friend's cat is sitting on the roof. the 1つ不要。 3. Ichiro, how about going to the baseball game with us tomorrow? 4. Even a child knows milk is made from cheese. 5. I've learned many things about Japan since I came here. 6. There are some people who are not interested in breakfast and start a day without it. 7. I have never got a big fish like this. 8. How many times has the teacher been to Kyushu? 9. This is the most beautiful school that I have ever seen. 10. They were too tired to get up for breakfast. 11. Mary is fond of playing the piano. 12. I like the pictures taken by him because they always make me happy. 13. His name is known to people all over the world. know が不要。 こうでもしないと正しい英語は作れません。 All know his name is known to people over the world. こういう英語は主格の関係代名詞を省略していますし、何より、意味不明です。 14. She has already finished reading the magazine. 15. Today we use technology which makes our lives better. 16. My father always gets up at half past six. 17. Have you ever seen the cherry blossoms? 18. All the people that came to his house were interested in video games.

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

1. It was difficult for me to answer all the questions. 2. My friend's cat is sitting on the roof. theが1つ余計だと思いますが 3. Ichiro, how about going to the baseball game with us tomorrow? 4. Even a child knows milk is made from cheese. 5. I've learned many things about Japan since I came here. 6. There are some people who are not interested in breakfast and start a day without it. これが答だと思いますが、こんなのもあり得ると思います。 Some people who are not interested in breakfast are there and start a day without it.  →朝食に興味のない人たちはそこにいて、朝食なしに一日を始めるーーあり得ます。愚問。 7.I have never got a big fish like this. 8. How many times has the teacher been to Kyushu? 9. This is the most beautiful school that I have ever seen. 10. They were too tired to get up for breakfast. 11. Mary is fond of playing the piano. 12. I like the pictures taken by him because they always make me happy. 13. All know his name is known to people over the world. All people know his name is known to the world over.とやるのはtoが不必要なのでダメ。 14. She has already finished reading the magazine. 15. Today we use technology which makes our lives better. 16. My father always gets up at half past six. 17. Have you ever seen the cherry blossoms? theは互いにわかっている桜の場合。 18. All the people that came to his house were interested in video games. 以上でいかがでしょうか?


  • 文の意味が良くわからない

    和文英訳書の中の一文ですが、意味がはっきりしません。どなたかお願いします。 [All my life I have wished to have a house of my own ,but I didn't dare to hope I ever should.

  • この英単語の意味を教えてください

    (1)Mee too. (2)about (3)How about~? (4)many (5)pardon (6)all (7)in all (8)anough です。 分かるものだけでいいので教えてください。

  • everの意味

    if you ever want to see your daughter, you have to talk to me. you have no choice. 娘に会いたいなら、私と話すしかない、あなたに選択の余地はないんですよ。 この場合の、everの意味について教えてください。 辞書でeverを調べると、 1.At all times; always: ever hoping to strike it rich. 2. a At any time: Have you ever been to Europe? 2. b In any way; at all: How did they ever manage? See Usage Note at rarely. 3. To a great extent or degree. Used for emphasis often with so: He was ever so sorry. Was she ever mad! とありました。 2-bか3の使われ方のような気していますが、、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 感嘆文の質問です

    感嘆文って、HowとWhatがありますよね。 How tall this boy is! と What a tall boy he is! みたいに。 「なんてたくさんの間違いをしたんだろう!」と言うときは、What many mistakes I have made! ですか?How many mistakes I have made! の方が良さそうに思ってしまうのですが。 「少しの間違いしかしてない」時は What few mistakes...! ですか? What a few mistakes...! でしょうか?ひょっとして How few m,istakes...! なのか? よろしくお願いします。

  • ~ようになった

    「~ようになった」はどう言い表わせばいいですか? たとえば 「私は洋画に興味を持つようになった」は 1)I got interested in foreign movie. 2)I came to get interested in foreign movie. 3)I came to interested in foreign movie. のどれが近いですか? また1の場合は have got のほうがよいですか?

  • 現在完了形の疑問文でのall dayの扱い方

    こんにちは。表題について質問です。 英語の問題で、「I've written emails all day. 」をHow manyで質問しなさい、というものがありました。答えは「How many emails have you written?」でした。 そこで、質問ですが、なぜ答えにはall dayがないのでしょうか? 私は、「一日かけて何通のメールを書いているのですか?」という意味で「How many emails have you written all day?」と回答しました。 模範解答にはall dayが書かれてありませんが、もし書いたとしても文法的には正しいのでしょうか?間違いであれば、その理由を教えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • have toを「しなければならない」と訳してはなぜいけない?

    今受験勉強真っ最中です。 そこで質問ですが、ある参考書で、 I have always wondered at the passion many people have to meet the celebrated. という文を見つけました。その解説には 『このhave toは「しなければならない」ではない』 とだけ書かれてましたが、意味が分かりません。  どういうことでしょう。教えてください。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    After many hours of crying and shouting he admitted to me that he and this person have engaged in sexual contact. I'm crushed! This is the love of my life! I would never have suspected cheating from him! He said he had to get his curiosity out of his system before he asked me to marry him this summer. get his curiosity out of his systemとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 間違っている文があったら直してください。

    間違っている文があったら直してください。 出来れば訳もお願いします。 ア What do you call the third month of the year? イ There is a girl at the office which name I always forget. ウ He has not finished his homework yet. エ Let's wait before the rain stops. オ His son was named Mike. カ This is the longest book that I have ever read. キ She seems surprising at the news. ク I have finished writing the report a few minutes ago. ケ The climate of Canada is not as mild as Japan.

  • 文の意味について。

    友達のバンドのブログに、簡単な文なのですが、「i like it! how many do you have your original music and what kind of music? tarkey's nice guy! do i have chance?」というコメントが書き込まれていました、ブログの内容は、2曲のうちどちらの曲がよいか?という様な内容です。 その中の「do i have chance?」と言うのは、「私にチャンスはありますか?」と言う意味だと思うのですが、他に解釈はあるのでしょうか?