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「これらは、縦横・左右に多色線を配した布地です。」 口語だとこんな感じでしょうか。 「これらはカラフルなチェックの布地です。」


  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Prediction. Sessions clamps down on leaks. And more leaks pop up. Why? The lower level people in the White House obviously want us to know exactly how dangerous and deceitful this fake president is It's illegal - But someday these guys and girls are going to be heros - they braved going to jail to help the resistance. Didn't the nazis hate the french resistance. Didn't the claim resistance was illegal?

  • 英語の文章を日本語に翻訳して下さい。

    While the artillery prepared the ground for the attack, behind the Australian lines the assault formations moved up towards The Pimple. Smyth sited his brigade headquarters at a position called "Brown's Dip", which was about 200 metres (220 yd) south of the firing line. Due to the small front along which the attack was to be launched, the initial assault was to be undertaken in three waves by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Battalions while the 1st Battalion was to remain back at Brown's Dip in reserve, ready to be brought up to consolidate any gains or respond in the event of a counterattack. Once the 1st Battalion had taken up its position, the assault battalions moved through them towards the forward line at The Pimple. Once the attack was launched, half the force would go via tunnels that had been dug out into no man's land, while the other half would simply go "over the top". By 5:00 p.m. all the troops had taken up their positions and as the barrage came to a conclusion, the tunnels were opened and final preparations were made. Each soldier in the first two waves had been issued a total of 200 rounds of ammunition for his rifle, along with rations for one day, and miscellaneous equipment including a gas mask. The third wave had received the same amount of ammunition, but was also issued entrenching equipment that would be used to construct positions to defend the initial gains against the inevitable Ottoman counterattack. In support, each battalion had four Vickers medium machine-guns, which had been issued with 3,500 rounds, and contributed a platoon whose job would be to throw the 1,200 grenades that the brigade had been allocated for the attack. A small section of engineers was also allocated to undertake demolitions. At 5:30 p.m. the Australian 1st Infantry Brigade attacked as the first wave of 1,800 men threw themselves forward. To their north, the troops of the 2nd Infantry Brigade laid down suppressing fire on the supporting Ottoman troops at Johnston's Jolly, while the 3rd Infantry and 2nd Light Horse Brigades held the line opposite Sniper's Ridge. Half the force went via the prepared tunnels and half crossed the exposed ground between the trench lines. Dubbed the "Daisy Patch", it amounted to a distance of about 100 metres (110 yd) and it was raked with Ottoman artillery and small arms fire. From his headquarters overlooking the fighting, the senior Ottoman commander Esad Pasa, began to co-ordinate the response, passing orders for reinforcements to be brought up and calling down artillery. Casualties among the first wave of attackers were "relatively light" as the defenders in the front line of Ottoman trenches were still sheltering from the preliminary bombardment and had not had time to return to their fire steps after it had been lifted.

  • 英語の文章を日本語に翻訳してください。

    Reserve divisions and cavalry would then begin a pursuit from the ridge into the Douai plain. D'Urbal wanted a four-hour artillery bombardment to surprise the German defenders but this was over-ruled by Foch and Joffre. A four-day bombardment was substituted, based on the experience of the offensives of the winter and early spring (especially the St. Mihiel offensive). Delays in the arrival of artillery led to a postponement of the attack from 1 May until 7 May and the bombardment began on 3 May. Bad weather reduced visibility and the bombardment was extended to six days and on 8 May, the artillery began a destructive bombardment on the German front defences, which were severely damaged. In the last four hours, all of the Tenth Army artillery bombarded the German wire and the first and reserve trench lines, ready for the infantry attack at 10:00 a.m. The German defences had been improved in the ridges, hollows and ravines between Arras and Lens, since the war of movement had ended late in 1914. Barbed wire and chevaux-de-frise obstacles had been placed in front of the German defences and tunnels, caves and trenches, cellars and loopholed buildings had been fortified; avenues of approach were surveyed and registered by the German artillery. The 6th Army had retained most of the plateau of the Lorette Spur and all of the Spur of the White Way and Spur Souchez during the local attacks by the French in March and April. On 9 May, the French line ran about 1,100 yd (1,000 m) west of the Chapel, to the summit of the Arabs' Spur and by the Great Spur and Spur Mathis, down to the valley west of Ablain. Five German trench lines had been dug from the Arabs' Spur, across the plateau to the Arras–Béthune road near Aix-Noulette. The trench lines were fortified with iron roofs, sandbags, concrete and barbed wire. At every 100 yd (91 m), a machine-gun nest had been built into the trench and small fortified posts supported the defenders, one to the north-east of the Chapel of Notre Dame de Lorette, with dug-outs over 50 ft (15 m) deep. Artillery and machine-guns in Ablain commanded the southern slopes of the ridge and those in Souchez the eastern face of the spur. Guns hidden in Angres and Liévin to the north-east of the plateau commanded the approaches from the plain to the north and along the spur. Below the southern side of the Lorette Spur were Ablain, Souchez and a sugar refinery in buildings along a 200 yd (180 m)-length of the banks of the St. Nazaire stream, which had been fortified. To the south was Mill Malon and east of the sugar refinery lay marshes.

  • この文章の和訳をお願いします。

    Now look at 【私の名前】 can do with these couple of lines … This movement and play are magnificent! TALENT. インスタグラムでイラストにコメントをもらったのですが、いまいちわからないので和訳をお願いします。 these couple of lines …はイラストの線のことでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Some say these early Chinese fans were first bronght into Japan in the third century.According to legend,t that time the Empress Jingu had her court craftsmen make fans that would fold down so they could be more easily stored and carried when not in use.Sometime after that,the Japanese began exporting folding fans to China.By the 1400s,the volnme of Japaneseーmade folding fans exported to China had grown so large that it had become a threat to the Chinese domestic fan industry. 翻訳お願いします。 翻訳サイトは使わないでください

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    To counter these effects, making coffee weak with more water is a way to cut down on caffeine and other substances that can do harm to our body if taken excessively.

  • 英語の文章を日本語に翻訳して下さい。

    Lieutenant-General William Birdwood, commanding the inexperienced Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), comprising the Australian Division and two brigades of the New Zealand and Australian Division, was ordered to conduct an amphibious assault on the western side of the Gallipoli Peninsula. The New Zealand and Australian Division normally also had two mounted brigades assigned to it, but these had been left in Egypt, as it was believed there would be no requirement or opportunities to use mounted troops on the peninsula. To bring the division up to strength, Hamilton had tried unsuccessfully to get a brigade of Gurkhas attached to them. In total ANZAC strength was 30,638 men. The location chosen for the operation was between the headland of Gaba Tepe and the Fisherman's Hut, three miles (4.8 km) to the north. Landing at dawn after a naval gunfire bombardment, the first troops were to seize the lower crests and southern spurs of Hill 971. The second wave would pass them to capture the spur of Hill 971, especially Mal Tepe. There they would be positioned to cut the enemy's lines of communications to the Kilid Bahr Plateau, thus preventing the Turks from bringing reinforcements from the north to the Kilid Bahr Plateau during the attack by the British 29th Division which would advance from a separate beachhead further south-west. The capture of Mal Tepe was "more vital and valuable than the capture of the Kilid Bahr Plateau itself." Birdwood planned to arrive off the peninsula after the moon had set, with the first troops landing at 03:30, an hour before dawn. He declined the offer of an old merchant ship, loaded with troops, being deliberately grounded at Gaba Tepe. Instead, the troops were to travel in naval and merchant ships, transferring to rowing boats towed by small steamboats to make the assault. First ashore would be the Australian Division, commanded by Major-General William Bridges. The 3rd Australian Brigade, known as the covering force, were to capture the third ridge from Battleship Hill south along the Sari Bair mountain range to Gaba Tepe. The 2nd Australian Brigade, landing next, were to capture all the Sari Bar range up to Hill 971 on the left. The 26th Jacob's Mountain Battery from the British Indian Army would land next and then the 1st Australian Brigade, the division's reserve; all were to be ashore by 08:30. The New Zealand and Australian Division, commanded by Major-General Alexander Godley, followed them; the 1st New Zealand Brigade then the 4th Australian Brigade. Only after the second division had landed would the advance to Mal Tepe begin. The planners had come to the conclusion that the area was sparsely, if at all, defended, and that they should be able to achieve their objectives with no problems; Turkish opposition had not been considered.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The song gets its name and story from the street Bono grew up on, but it began — like many U2 tracks — with a guitar riff the Edge came up with at home. In speaking about these initial steps, the Edge noted he sketches songs on GarageBand and works with drum loops Larry Mullen Jr. recorded for the demo process. "My job is to find a way to inspire Adam and Larry and Bono, so I don't often care to finish out a piece fully," the Edge said. "I just want to get something down that I think is a great starting point and then I know that whatever I come up with, they'll come up with something better. So I just need to get it going where its identity is clear and it's got some kind of vitality and point of view that's interesting."

  • すみませんが此方の文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが此方の文章を翻訳していただけませんか? 翻訳サイトで訳してもちゃんとした文章になりませんので誰か英語の得意な方、御願い致します。 Live to Tell 55 The next scene contains graphic masturbation. As a warning and curtousy to those upset by such things, please click http://mariano.kemonoart.org/LivetoTell/59 to skip past it. Then that night, someone had a dream about a sweet memory in her life... Vulpa: *jumping up* SPINEL...!!!! Uh... Thinking: Oh! That was just a dream! That was about the first time we kissed each other! But because of that motherfucker Omega, we never had the chance to... Oh Spinel! I need you so much...! Hmmmm... I wonder if the kids... Oh! They are asleep! Hey! Wolufu was supposed to wake me before he went to sleep to relieve him from his guard! Oh well... Hmmmm... Perhaps I could take this chance to...

  • 翻訳してほしい文章があるのですが・・・。

    丸投げで申し訳ないのですが、翻訳してもらえますか? よろしくお願いします。 These quick release microphone adaptors are worth their weight in gold, but I'm only charging $10.00 each for them! They are great for quick change stage situations, live recordings and studio applications. No one wants to wait for us to unscrew and relpace a mic from the stand. Push the red button and pull the microphone from the stand. These are designed to fit any stand mounted microphone. You must specify if you desire insurance. We are not responsible for any uninsured items. Payment is required within 4 days of auction's end. Payment via PAYPAL, check, or major credit cards from U.S. financial institutions only. Thanks for looking. Be sure to check out our Ebay store inventory.