Why Taking Time Off to Make a Record is Important for Creativity
Taking time off and making a record is crucial for maintaining creative relevance.
The narrator wanted the band to remain relevant and believed that making a record was essential for that.
Despite discussing the idea with the other band members, nothing happened and they didn't start working on new music.
I felt like we were really dragging the brand through the mud, I did not want to end up like a classic rock band. Even though we were ‘classic’ we lasted where other bands had not. I wanted us to still be relevant, and to remain relevant you have to remain creatively relevant. To do that, you have to still make records. So I felt like we needed to take some time off and make a record. I was under the impression that was how everyone felt, because after having a few conversations with guys in the band, I felt we were all in that same place and same mode. Then nothing ever happened, we didn't get together and start working on music. So it goes on and on.”