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STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Fires Scott Weiland and Joins Forces with Chester Bennington

  • STONE TEMPLE PILOTS recently made the decision to fire their former lead singer, Scott Weiland, and partner with Chester Bennington from LINKIN PARK.
  • The band felt that over time, the focus shifted away from the music and became more about the novelty of Scott's condition during live performances.
  • The decision to terminate Scott Weiland was met with skepticism, as the lead singer is often the face of the band and the one fans relate to the most.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS bassist Robert DeLeo recently spoke to Bill Bodkin of Pop-Break.com about the band's decision to fire its former lead singer, Scott Weiland, and join forces with LINKIN PARK's Chester Bennington. ストーン・テンプル・パイロッツのべーシスト、ロバート・デリオはポップブレイク・ドットコムのビル・ボドキンに対し、バンドの元リードシンガー、スコット・ウェイランドの解雇決定、さらに新戦力リンキン・パークのチェスター・ベニントン加入の経緯について語ってくれた。 "When you're a band that's had a career like we've had and you're considering terminating your singer, people kinda react to that like 'riiiiight' [because] I think with any band that's the person [the lead singer] people relate to the band," he said. 彼は言う。 『バンドをやって俺たちみたいなキャリアを重ねりゃ、ああいうシンガーはお払い箱にしなきゃって判断するだろう。みんなも“ヨッシャァーーー”って思うだろうし、どんなバンドだって、あんな人間(リードシンガー)を見りゃ、そんなバンドだって思うさ』 "I felt that over time, it wasn't really about the music anymore. It was, for live purposes, the novelty of what condition Scott was going to be in. It gets very frustrating to have to be in that position with someone over that amount of years." 『もう時間切れだと思ったさ。すでにもう音楽なんかじゃなくなってた。あれはライブ目的にしたって、スコットの気紛れサーカスだったね。何年もの間、あんな経験をしなきゃならないなんて、相当にイラつくもんだよ』




