• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします。)



  • Ensenada
  • ベストアンサー率44% (484/1090)

No.2です。 もしかして、No.1さんの回答のほうが正しいかもしれません。 (過去回答を見ているとN0.1さんはかなり難しい英語でも適切な訳をしているので)





  • 和訳が知りたいです。

    インドの方からのメールですが訳が知りたいのです。 最後のkeep writing とはどのような意味があるのでしょうか? Dearest friend Thanks to your wishes, we watched aurora during the last day. Expressions, goodness of heart and good friendship is never constraint by any language. The day we met, I wished I knew more Japanese because both Pragya (the gal) and myself wanted to talk to you so much more. So we are really sorry as well that we don't know Japanese. Actually, in my heart, I really feel so inspired to you all guys that you have stick to your own culture and language. I wish we Indians loved our own language as much as you do. Photograph came out really well. Thanks for sending it. We have couple of Japanese friends and from them we know we really love Japanese people. Culture wise they are so close to Indians. Japanese preserved ashes of our great leader Subash Chandra Bose in their Japanese temple for so many decades. Japanese help this leader build his army to free India. So we always feel thankful to Japan. Some of our best movies have famous songs shot in Japan with Japanese words. 'Sayonara' word became so famous in India. When in 50-60's Japan had to give away their leader to British was a war hero, whole India had cried over that incident. My parents still remember that incident and keep telling me about that. Japan Suzuki brought in the car revolution for India and still is a market leader. So we are very well connected with Japan. I can understand how much shocking it might have been for you to go back to Japan. Japan has suffered so much in last 50 years. They are such a peaceful nature but still have suffered so much. It is very unfortunate. I am sure Japan will revive. I can tell you whole of India's wishes are with you guys. You all have so much energy, patience and strong will. I am glad that your near dear ones and house is safe. Please say my wishes to your family. Keep writing.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 大体の意味はわかりますが、ところどころあやふやなところがあるので、お願いします。 My apologize for the delay in replying as it was filtered into my junk mail Wish you and your family a very happy new year I greatly appreciate you keeping in touch It is good to see your xray and good results You have done well with rehabilitation Especially during winter you might have some stiffness but that should subside as time goes by I had the pleasure to see your website and it is heartwarming to see you had made a separate website and esp. a web page in English I greatly appreciate it I will convey your regards and wishes to all the staff who were involved in your care If you happen to visit dubai I would appreciate if you could drop by to say a quick Hi please keep in touch

  • 和訳に直してもらえませんか?

    凄く長いんですが、翻訳機を使ってみたけどサッパリわからないです。 どなたかお願いします。 how are you i missed you ^_^ so what's new in your life i would like to know you better and be closer to you as a firend as a very good friend ^^ i hopes i am not impolite. if you allow me to know you better i will be very happy. i already have a friend from italy. she is like a sister for me now. i would like to make the same relation ship with some friends from japan. and may be one day we will be able to meet each other. ^_^ and share a very good coffee or tee. i would like to travel to japan some day. and i will be very happy if i can have lot of friends from there. as i did in france. where i spent 2 years for my studies. in Toulon côte d'azure. a very nice place just like okinawa. but okinawa is very beautiful too. ok i have to go back work. if you have any question about me i will be very happy to comunicate with you. very big kiss on your head and a very big hug ;) see you soon

  • おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。

    おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。 How are you? Do you have anything special planned for the long weekend? Or do you have to work on the national holiday. On Monday you have・春分の日, right? From・Wikipedia:・This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day for the admiration of nature and the love of living things. Prior to 1948, the vernal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called・Shunki k・rei-sai・(春季皇霊祭?). Love of living things? Is this a kind of Japanese version of valentines day? I'm also sorry for my late reply :) No really I'm not trying to be funny, I'm really really busy. My project is going quite well, actually it is going so well that management decided to take some people from my team and let them help with another project ... I guess this is my punishment for doing so well :( In April I need to go to Singapore again and maybe we'll have a Korean customer. I have never been to Korea, I almost wanted to ask if you went to Korea already ... but then I remember that you have never left Japan. I think it makes to pure Japanese ... not spoiled by foreign things ... maybe except me :) Although Singapore is very nice, the food is really nice in Singapore, I would prefer to come to Japan ... I really look forward to have diner with you again. You are so cute ... and beautiful ... Oh on the return flight from Singapore to Brussel I got upgraded to business class again. So I had a very enjoyable return flight. I think I deserved it after all the trouble I had to get there ... haha It's a petty that your movie is not on the internet ... I'm sure you would be a hit on youtube:) ・Why are you embarrassed? You should be proud that you have been chosen to be in the commercial. I will never be chosen for a commercial ... It's getting late again ... I better go to home ... otherwise my Japanese colleagues still want to have a video conference ...・ Really wish I could see you soon,

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    They were very interested to know how your trip went? And my mother said that your are very "kawaii so" because it has not been so cold in more than 100 years. Come to think of it ... you're really not very fortunate. In summer you visited Osaka and it hasn't been so warm for 100+ years. And when you visit Belgium in winter ... it hasn't been so cold for more then 100 years. You really go through cold and heat to see me ... I'm so happy to know you ... Of course you can stay in "our" hotel room as much and as long you want. . I come to Tokyo for you. If you ask me about my top 5 things I want to do when I'm in Tokyo,

  • 歌詞の和訳がしりたいです。

    竹内まりやの『本気でオンリーユー』の訳がどうしても知りたいので、凄く長くてお手数おかけしてしまいますが、どなたかご協力、お願いします。教えてください! Now let's get married No need to wait and waste our time Why do we have to carry on this way? No one can keep us apart So,let's get married right away I'll wake you up in the morning,my baby Sweeten your coffee with my kiss And in the night I will hold you so tightly Whisperin' the words you long to hear So, let's get married Why don't you ask me and stop hesitating? Just think how happy we can be You & me in a small house with a dog So, let's get married right away When you are blue and so down, my baby I'll give a smile to cheer you up But if I get sad and lonely Please hug me close and wipe my tears So, let's get married I just don't know how to live without you Maybe it's nice to have our kids some day And this is all I can say Now let's get married right away So, let's get married right away

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    下の文はJomo Kenyattaの演説で比喩表現が入ってるらしいのですが、それ自体ががどこにあるのかも分からないので誰か分かる方は教えてください><↓ 'There is no society of angels,whether it is white, brown or black. We are all human beings, and as such we are sure to make mistakes. If I have done a wrong to you, it is for you to forgive me; and if you have done something wrong to me, it is for me to forgive you. The Africans cannot say the Europeans have done all the wrong; and the Europeans cannot say the Africans have done all the wrong.... You have something to forget just as I have. Many of you are just as Kenyan as myself.'

  • ペンパルとのメールの和訳

    最近、ペンパルが出来たんですが、文章がいまいちわかりません。 和訳をお願いします。 Yes my little boy is 3 and we do have magna here. Not alot of people know alot about it. My son did get into dragaon ball and Nuato to. I did like Inuyasha but with no ending i did not like that. So as i think you guys have a lot of costumes that you wear. I love the culture. I want to visit someday. Is America liked by japan and does it look as exciting as japan does to me? please email! この文章では、動詞の前にdoやdidが多用されていますが、どのような使い方なのでしょうか? それから、途中の文に、So as i think とありますが、ここのasの用法はなんでしょう?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    届いたメールをもたもた翻訳していたら、相手から2通目が届いてしまいました。 相手も早く返事が欲しいようなので、英語の精通した方に和訳をお願いしたいと思います。 AからEは数字でFは生き物の名前です。 よろしくお願いします。 1通目 I must acknowledge the fact that i am very impressed with your email and in every indication you have proven not to purchase my animals for investment purpose which others do but first of all because you love this stunning and wonderful creatures as well as i do and will be more than willing to take very good care of them when in your possession. I think A JPY(Yen) should be equivalent to C GBP(Pounds) in my currency and i must let you know it is not a bad offer at all though i normally go for D - E GBP. I might be willing to consider but first of all,i think purchasing a pair will be more better to an individual,unless you already have some available and moreover, i do not find it comfortably at all separating my animals. Like i said,i have a pair up for sale at the moment and you will not want to let them go if seriously interested in a F pair,so let me know if you will be taking the pair should i consider your offer? Your English is not bad at all, don't get discouraged since i perfectly understand you. 2通目 I hope you must have seen my previous email. Let me know if you will be making a purchase on the pair,so as to proceed further with reservation and shipment when appropriate since i have got other offers coming in. Like i said before,your offer have been accepted depending if you will be taking a pair or singles?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As you know, a very well sharpened blade by a honemeister will keep it's sharpeness for quite some time.All of my other straight's get sharpened by a honemeister and the cost for sending my razor and return to me is $42. I live in a small town and need to send then out as no one in my town can sharpened a straight.