• ベストアンサー


アメリカのサプリの飲み方の表記なんですが、訳してもらえますか? take one tablet with water during the evening meal or may be taken earlier in the day if desired.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)




回答ありがとうございました(^^) 助かりました(*^^*)



  • 訳してください

    Mix two scoops (40g) with 8oz water or milk until desired consistency is reached. May be taken two to three times daily.

  • より丁寧な表現はどっち?

    「一緒に写真をとってもいいですか?」 という表現は (1) May I have a picture taken with you ? (2) May I take a picture with you ? などですが、どちらがより丁寧な表現ですか?(1)のhaveは使役だと思いますが、それを使ったのほうが丁寧なのでしょうか? それと Could you take a picture with me ? だとまた意味が違ってきてしまうのでしょうか? この場合、一緒に写真を撮る事を相手に頼んでしまう(つまり相手に撮ってもらう)事になってしまいますか? ニュアンスが知りたいです。 わかる方、是非よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 【文法】 can only be taken...

    "A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step" and can only be taken one step at a time. can only be taken... の主語は A thousand-mile journey で正しいですか? be taken one step とのことですが、one step は take の目的語ですか? 直訳は下記でいいでしょうか? 一度に一歩を取られることのみができる。

  • TOEIC対策 長文

    TOEIC対策で長文に挑戦しているのですが、解答を紛失してしまったので(1)~(3)の答えを教えていただけると助かります。               Use of Miracle Cure Miracle cure is a non-prescription medication designed for the entire family, for relief from common cold symptoms such as coughs, watery scratchy eyes, sore throat, sneezing and headaches. or It is not recommended for muscle aches and pains. Users may experience drowsiness. Do not operate machinery or drive after use. Usage may leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth INSTRUCTIONS: Miracle Cue should not be taken on an empty stomach. For maximum results, it should be taken 30 minutes after meals. DOSAGE: Children under 3   consult a physician Age 3 to 5    one tablet once a day Age 5 to 7:    one tablet two times a day(after breakfast and dinner) Age 7 to 15:    two tablets two times a day(after breakfast and dinner) 15 and above:  two tablets three times a day(after breakfast, lunch and dinner) No one should exceed eight tablets within a 24 hour period. If you are pregnant, please consult your physician. If symptoms still persist after 10 days, please see your physician (1)What is the suggested dosage for eight-year-olds (2)When is the best time to take the medicine (3) what problem may this medicine cause

  • 翻訳お願いいたします。処方

    翻訳お願いいたします。 「追加でいつも通り20日分処方されてる薬【睡眠薬】に6日分追加してもらえますか」 1Could you add a pill/ tablet for 6 days to this sleeping pill prescribed for 20days. 2 I'd like you to prescribe an extra sleeping pill/ a tablet for 6days 「with」 this/ the sleeping pill prescribed for 20 days. 3 I 'd like to have a sleeping pill for 6days perscribed「 with」 this sleeping pill /one as usual.. 英文にしてみたのですが、「前置詞」や、thisではなくthsseになるのか,そしてsleeping pillsになるのか?(処方されている薬は一種類だが20日分なら20錠なので)、また他の表現があれば教えていただけますでしょうか。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いいたしますm(__)m

    Water is our most important natural resource. Yet though water covers most of the Earth, only 2.5% of it is salt-free. Demand for fresh water has risen sharply in the last 50 years, and it is still going up. That’s already causing serious problems. Finding the right solutions may be one of the biggest challenges of our time. There are several reasons behind the growing crisis. The first is waste. About 70% of our fresh water is used to grow crops. It takes 1,000 tons of water to grow just one ton of wheat. Unfortunately, around 60% of that water is wasted. Better irrigation methods would help the situation. Pollution is another big problem. Many of the world’s great rivers, such as the Ganges in India, are badly polluted. Yet 350 million people rely on the Ganges. Their health is affected by the health of the river. Steps are being taken to clean up some waterways, but it is expensive and can take years. Overuse also puts pressure on water supplies. In the USA, 95% of the country’s fresh water comes from underground sources. With so much water being used to grow crops and raise livestock, water levels are dropping rapidly. Once used, those supplies are gone forever, since they are not refilled by rainwater. The key there is to lower demand. In many places around the world, people already live in crisis. More than one billion people have no access to clean water. That leads to millions of deaths every year, including thousands of children dying every day in Africa. By 2025, as many as 25 African countries may face severe water shortages. The situation could even lead to wars over water rights. The fresh water crisis is not limited to poor regions. Indeed, rich and poor countries from Asia to Europe to North America are facing shortages. It’s a growing problem that could soon affect us all.

  • 和訳に困っています

    ・no matter who you are or where you come from,one thing is certain;you are acquainted with the mosquito ・all this usually takes place so quietly that you may not have suspected anything happening 個々の単語の意味は調べて大体わかったのですが… 和訳に困っています お願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I think the Latinos stay longer for three reasons. First, they are used to eating their breakfast , lunch, and dinner later in the day than Americans eat theirs.Roughly speaking , they eat each meal one or two hours later than American people. Second they are used to taking more time at each meal, eating slowly and leisure ly. They would rather relax and talk to their friends during a meal than rush off to study or work.Maybe this is not true everywhere, but I think it is true here at Boston University.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    ちょっと長いんですが、和訳をお願い致します。地下水の処理についての文章です。 Rebound – During pumping, the surface of the water table is drawn down, which means that there is a layer of soil near the top of the matrix that isn’t being treated at all. Once pumping ceases, the groundwater’s containment level rebounds as the water comes in contact with this stained soil. Rebound may also be caused by non-aqueous contaminants that are slowly dissolving into groundwater. Unless these sources can be located and physically extracted, pump-and-treat cannot effectively clean the water. Tailing – Tailing basically refers to the the law of diminishing returns. Over time the effectiveness of pump-and-treat will decrease until the situation stops improving entirely. The remaining containment concentration may well be above the desired cleanup target. A better solution would have been to install containment around the site, and to only treat water that would not be coming in contact with undissolved solvents. Monitoring contaminant concentrations in ground water with time at P&T sites reveals “tailing” and “rebound” phenomena. “Tailing” refers to the progressively slower rate of dissolved contaminant concentration decline observed with continued operation of a P&T system. At many sites, the asymptotic, apparent residual, contaminant concentration exceeds clean-up standards. どなたか、宜しくお願い致します。 Another problem is that dissolved contaminant concentrations may “rebound” if pumping is discontinued after temporarily attaining a clean-up standard.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    During the Second Polish Republic, several monuments and a mound were raised nearby to commemorate the battle. A 16 m mound with a stone obelisk and a museum with two additional obelisks were raised during the years 1928–1933; a military cemetery was also built. They fell into disrepair during the rule of the Soviet Union (which often purposefully tried to erase traces of Polish history – the mound was for example lowered by 10 m). In recent years restoration work has taken place through various Polish-Ukrainian projects, with notable projects carried out by Polish boy scouts. The battle is considered one of the largest and most vicious of those involving the Polish Legions in World War I. Piłsudski in his order of July 11, 1916 wrote that "the heaviest of our current fights took place in the recent days."

  • パソコンの能力を考える時に、SSDの容量は重要です。
  • SSDはデータが満タンまで入っていると寿命が短くなるため、ギリギリの容量を選ぶのはおすすめできません。
  • H・Pの『15s-eq2000 G2 AMD Ryzen 3/256GB SSD/8GBメモリ/Windows 11 Home搭載モデル』の場合、512GBのSSDに変更することが可能です。