• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

     直訳ですと      何が、私の少女に、出て来るのにそれほど長く(時間を)かからせているのか?      ですから意訳では      何が原因で私の子が出るのにそんなに時間がかかるのでしょうか      さらに意訳すると      ウチの子がなかなか出てこないんですけれど      当たりに落ち着いたんじゃないかと思います。



回答ありがとうございました。 勉強になりました。


  • 英語ラジオの、リトルチャロ2にでてくる文章の中で had given

    英語ラジオの、リトルチャロ2にでてくる文章の中で had given がなぜ使われているのか、理解できません。 解説をお願いします。 主人公チャロが、さっききつく叱られた白い犬から、ソーセージをもらう場面です。 It was the white dog who had given him the sausage ソーセージをくれたのは、さっきの白いメスの犬である。(NHKラジオテキストの意訳) この英文章の中では had given him を使っています。 なぜ過去完了形を使っているのでしょうか。 過去完了形を使わずとも、単に過去形の gave him でもよいのではないのでしょうか。 それとも、文章上のテクニックで使っているものなのでしょうか。 解説お待ちしています。

  • 不定詞 用法

    what is taking my girl so long to come out うちの子がなかなかでてこない という訳になっています。状況は空港でペットの入った荷物待ちをしていていて警備員に尋ねているところのようです。 この時の不定詞は副詞用法でしょうか? とすると 結果、目的、理由 原因 どれにあてはまるのでしょうか?

  • この文章を和訳してくださいませんか?

    この文章を和訳してくださいませんか? コレです↓ Do you like doing funky kinds of hair styles? - Question by bjdog98 Jess: I guess with hairstyles, I’m probably the more adventurous one with hair colors. I do tend to, because I have extensions, cut my hair on the road. So I’ll have it really long at the start and by the end of the tour I’ll have super short hair, like I do right now. As two months have gone on, I’ve had really long extensions and then every night I was like “I want it shorter” and I’d cut it. So yeah, I guess we do. あと、自動翻訳機はできるだけ 使わないでもらえると嬉しいです^^;

  • so long as の意味

    コンサルタントの経費精算について書かれた文章です。 When traveling on behalf of the A project staff may opt to drive to the project location instead of fly, so long as the cost of doing so does not exceed the cost of standard 14-day advance airline ticket between the project teeam member's home city and the project location. 文中にある、so long as... と、 so does not exceedのところがよくわかりません。何かの用法なのでしょうか?お願いします。

  • 英語 和訳をお願いします。

    お世話になります。私は高齢者ですが、ある方から下記のような英文が送られてきました。 現在NHKで英語放送(基礎)を聞いておりますが、この文章は私にとっては難解で全く判りません。 goo翻訳 エキサイト翻訳等をしてみましたが意味が良くつかめません。 どなたか和訳が出来る方がおいでになりましたら教えて下さい。 小説"Shell Seekers"からの引用です。 Living, now, had become not simple existence that one took for granted, but a bonus, a gift, with every day that lay ahead an experience to be savoured. Time did not last forever. I shall not waste a single moment, she promised herself. She had never felt so strong, so optimistic. As though she was young once more, starting out , and something marvellous was just about to happen.

  • 代名詞の問題教えてください

    代名詞の問題教えてください (   )にはどれが入りますか。和訳も教えてください。 1The issue is one for (each/every/me/we/us) students to discuss. 2He cares so little about his meal that (anything/nothing/everything/something) will do so long as it fills his stomach. 3These two disliked (every/all/each)other so much that it was difficult for them to come to (no/some/any) agreement even in defence of their own interests. よろしくお願いします

  • Everything But The Girl のCome On Ho

    Everything But The Girl のCome On Home です。 和訳をお願いいたします! Baby come home, I miss the sound of the door Your step on the stair's not there to wake me no more And every day's like Christmas Day without you It's cold and there's nothing to do And it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home Baby, what's keeping you all this time You're wasting your days out there in the sunshine And who can I turn to if you believe still That England don't love you and she never will For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long I don't like drinking or painting the town on my own So please come on home Baby come on home Please For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home

  • 洋楽で、Everything But The Girl のCome O

    洋楽で、Everything But The Girl のCome On Home です。 和訳をお願いいたします! Baby come home, I miss the sound of the door Your step on the stair's not there to wake me no more And every day's like Christmas Day without you It's cold and there's nothing to do And it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home Baby, what's keeping you all this time You're wasting your days out there in the sunshine And who can I turn to if you believe still That England don't love you and she never will For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long I don't like drinking or painting the town on my own So please come on home Baby come on home Please For it's mighty quiet here now that you're gone And I've been behaving myself for too long 'Cause I don't like sleeping Or watching TV on my own So please come on home

  • 和訳してください

    アメリカのHFからこんなメールが送られてきました。   Hi Little Sister. Hope that school is going good. I am thinking highly on going back to school to finish my Holistic Health Degree. It will be a challenge with working and taking care of Joey but I need to further my education and get a better job so I can come to Japan and visit you and your family. Love you and miss you. サイトを使って和訳してみたものの、意味がよくわかりません・・・ どなたかわかりやすく和訳してもらえないでしょうか?>< お願いします

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いいたします。↓ ・What are the main things that Japanese companies look for in an employee? ・Many people have to work very long hours, and many of those are unpaid. ・Japanese companies often make their workers from taking long holidays together. ・Japanese, it seems, strongly discourage their workers from taking long holidays. ・Some Japanese companies expect woman to leave and get married when they reach about 25, so even highly qualified women don't get such good jobs. ・Should workers have to socialize with their bosses? ・Should workers try to keep their personal life separate from their work? ・What things make for good boss? 以上です。よろしくお願いします。