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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に直したい!)


  • ローマの紀元前493年、地主と労働者の対立が起こり、労働者は不満を抱いていた。しかし、メニーニアスの説得により一時的な解決が図られた。
  • 紀元前493年、ローマの裕福な地主たちは労働者の不満に直面していた。平民は都市に流入し、地主に頼らずに自由に生活することを求めていた。
  • 紀元前493年、ローマの労働者たちは地主に対して不満を抱いていた。しかし、メニーニアスの説得によって一時的な解決策が見つかることとなった。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

In 493 BCE, Rome's wealthy landowners were in a panic. They had held the reins of government of the new Republic while the workers (also called plebeians) farmed the land. Workers complained that the rich were useless. The plebeians began to move into the city, where they became craftsmen, traders, and hired workers. They no longer had to depend completely upon the landowners. They were free to complain and demand greater equality between rich and poor. They took action and left the city in huge number. Rome couldn't survive without the work of the plebeians. Menenius convinced the workers that their rebellion would be a disaster for the rich and the poor alike. Thanks to Menenius' persuasion, the workers agreed to go home. It is natural for Roman workers to have complaints. If I had been a worker at that time, I would have had the same complaint with them. It seemed to me that rich people were indifferent to poor people's sufferings. If I had listened to Menenius, I would also have been convinced. I think that just as workers were suffering in the past, so are they suffering now.




