Do u like japanese fashion?

  • I have been interested in Japanese fashion for 6 years and love the mix of casual and extravagant styles.
  • Unfortunately, it is not easy to buy Japanese brands in my country, but there is a store called Harajuku that sells Lolita fashion.
  • My favorite Japanese fashion brands include Glad news, TutuHA, Golds infinity, and Duras. I often shop at Rakuten global to buy gyaru's brands directly from Japan.
  • ベストアンサー


・Do u like japanese fashion ? Of course, I’m interested in Japanese fashion since 6 years 
・What type of japanese fashion do u like ? I follow a lot of different trends like harajuku style, hime gyaru, onee gyaru, ora-ora, rokku, agejo … I love the mix between casual clothes and something more extravagant. I’m a gaijin gyaru who can wear a rokku outfit one day and something more hime the next day. I’m a fashion addict and I find a lot of inspirations in Japanese magazines like egg, ranzuki, vivi, jelly, soul sister, ageha … 
・Can u buy those clothes in ur country ? Unfortunately not really, but there is a store wich sell japanese brands but more for Lolita I think th name of this shop is Harajuku. 
・What japanese magazine do u read ? I’m inspired a lot by Ageha and Soul Sister, but I read egg, popteen, ranzuki, vivi and jelly too. 
・What is ur favorite japanese fashion brand? My favorite brand are propably Glad news and TutuHA because these brands are really rock and girly too, but I love Golds infinity and Duras it’s more feminine and sophisticated. If I could do a list of all my favorite brands I prefer : D.I.A, Duras, Ank Rouge, One Spo, Egoist, Emoda, Lip service, Glad news, Egoist, Ghost of harlem, L.D.S, Liz Lisa, Ma*rs, TutuHA, Skinny lip. 
・please introduce me the shop u visit very often ! The shop I visit the most is Rakuten global because it’s the only site where I can buy gyaru’s brands from Japan and I don’t need to buy my clothes by an intermediate. I don’t by a lot in France because we don’t have a store for gyaru’s brands unfortunately. です!どなたかよろしくお願いします!><

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

・Do u like japanese fashion ? 日本のファッションは好き? Of course, I’m interested in Japanese fashion since 6 years もちろん。ここ6年ぐらいはゾッコンなの。 
・What type of japanese fashion do u like ? どんなタイプのファッションが好き? I follow a lot of different trends like harajuku style, hime gyaru, onee gyaru, ora-ora, rokku, agejo … I love the mix between casual clothes and something more extravagant. I’m a gaijin gyaru who can wear a rokku outfit one day and something more hime the next day. I’m a fashion addict and I find a lot of inspirations in Japanese magazines like egg, ranzuki, vivi, jelly, soul sister, ageha … 原宿系、姫ギャル、オネエギャル、オラオラ、ロック、アゲジョーとかいろんな種類に興味あるわ。カジュアルとゴージャスをミックスしたようなのが好きね。私は外人ギャルだから、ロックの衣装をまとったり、次には姫っぽい格好をしたりね。ファッション中毒みたいなもんね。だから日本の雑誌、エッグ、蘭月、ヴィヴィ、ジェリー、ソウルシスター、アゲハなんかから刺激をもらってるの。 
・Can u buy those clothes in ur country ? あなたの国で日本の服は買えるの? Unfortunately not really, but there is a store wich sell japanese brands but more for Lolita I think th name of this shop is Harajuku. 残念だけどあんまり売ってないの。日本のブランドを扱ってる店はあるんだけど、どっちかって言うとロリータ系なの。確かその店の名前は『原宿』だったわね。 
・What japanese magazine do u read ? どんな日本の雑誌を読むの? I’m inspired a lot by Ageha and Soul Sister, but I read egg, popteen, ranzuki, vivi and jelly too. アゲハ、ソウルシスターからは刺激を受けてる。読んでるのはエッグ、ポップティーン、蘭月、ヴィヴィ、ジェリーなんかね。 
・What is ur favorite japanese fashion brand? 好きな日本のファッションブランドは? My favorite brand are propably Glad news and TutuHA because these brands are really rock and girly too, but I love Golds infinity and Duras it’s more feminine and sophisticated. If I could do a list of all my favorite brands I prefer : D.I.A, Duras, Ank Rouge, One Spo, Egoist, Emoda, Lip service, Glad news, Egoist, Ghost of harlem, L.D.S, Liz Lisa, Ma*rs, TutuHA, Skinny lip. グラッドニューズとTutuHAがお気に入りね。だってどっちもロック系でガーリーでしょ。でもゴールズインフィニティとデュラも好き。女性らしくて洗練されてるでしょ。 お気に入りブランドを全部挙げるとしたら、D.I.A, デュラ, アンクルージュ, ワンスポ, エゴイスト, エモダ, リップサーヴィス, グラッドニューズ, ゴーストオブハーレム, L.D.S, リズリザ, マーズ, TutuHA, スキニーリップ。 
・please introduce me the shop u visit very often ! よく行くお店を紹介して! The shop I visit the most is Rakuten global because it’s the only site where I can buy gyaru’s brands from Japan and I don’t need to buy my clothes by an intermediate. I don’t by a lot in France because we don’t have a store for gyaru’s brands unfortunately. 一番良く行くのは楽天グローバル、だって日本でギャルブランドが買えるサイトってここだけでしょ。洋服買うのに業者は要らないし。フランスではあまり買えないの。残念だけどギャルズファッションのお店なんて無いからね。





  • 日本語にして下さい

    I taking a lot wonderful time^^ but If you stay here, I take more and more it time!haha

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    I went to the beach yesterday with some friends and I saw a lot of Japanese girls there. It made me think of you and how we met in Guam;-)

  • 日本語に訳して頂けませんか。

    I have a store here my freinds will like the stuff they will by a lot of stuff from you big business here

  • プライベートレーベルのお店

    私は外国人ですけど日本のファッションが大好きです。I'm really love Japanese fashion and brands like Private Label and Pinky&Dianne. 東京か名古屋でプライベートレーベルのお店があるかデパートを知っているだったら教えて くれませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に訳してくれませんか。

    I have a store here my freinds will like the stuff they will by a lot of stuff from you big business here

  • 和訳してください

    I'm very excited to learn about Japan! I just think a bit difficult but not impossible. You are a very gentle person! I love to meet her! I know that I write nonsense! But it's all fun! what do you like most? I do not know about Japanese fashion, but I quite like the style, but the Brazilian society is very different in the field of fashion! If I clothe the Japanese style, I would be mocked by the minds of most people here is not broad enough to understand! understand?

  • might likeの訳し方

    Certainly the fashion industry might like us to throw away all our clothes each year and buy a whole new wardrobe, but it has never been able to achieve this goal. might likeは望んでいるという訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 日本語に訳して下さい

    You're welcome, but I want my hair to be short for now www Ah well, now things are more clear (^^) But somehow I managed to forgot that hairstyle name w Since I do know tons of hairstyles Specially the mullet hairstyle and the king of the mullets: har har Thank you! Few girls have complained about my eyes too by the way :3 Yeah, there's nothing better than that LOL But in case we swim on the overflows here in Sao Paulo, we'll consider the roof of my house our "little personal beach" LMAO Also, that might become a little trouble, since I can't swim too. orz A kinda of a great and an unique experience :3 I like that! Nothing better than that, relaxing like that after a hard day. Oh yes! LMAO Not to mention that while here is noon, in Japan is midnight lol You look really good and really beautiful in those clothes~ (^o^) Also, one of the things I wanna see in Japan is cherry blossoms (^ω^) These last summer days are really hot and rainy. I can't wait for the autumn. There are days that I'm almost roasting

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    1. 'I used to like them a lot but now I just be like aw they are cute but I don't like then as much anymore.' 2. ' i'm haft way thourgh with the day, Yehet.

  • この英文を日本語訳してください!

    I find school okay, it's fine it\'s relaxed teachers don\'t treat you like little kids which annoyed me during secondary school!  But I have a lot of annoying teachers, one of my teachers is very sarcastic and rude, noone likes her I think she hates her job :s