• 締切済み




しかしながら、そのことはまた、人々がすべてのことをもっと速くやらなければという多くのプレッシャーを感じることを意味します。 おっしゃる通りthat 以下のことを it also means (意味)します、ということです。





  • 英文訳してください

    On the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives,and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies. I was very sad when l saw those people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them,"Come and rest in my shade.You'll be all right soon." お願いします(・・*)

  • 英文の和訳を助けてください。

    1。Value is being redefined: “Nice to have” is not enough. Public spending increasingly focuses on new therapeutic principle addressing urgent needs. 価値観は変わってきている。「できればあったらいいな」はじゅうぶんではない。人々(国民?)は新しい理論原則、、、、でわからなくなりました。 2。Cost, therefore, becomes a key issue: for governments, but also for industry financing innovation. それゆえ、経費?は政府にとってだけでなく、業界の金融イノベーション?にとっても重要な問題となっている。 3。Today’s industry has changed people’s lives for the better. But demand is growing faster than ever, creating substantial challenges: 今日の医薬品業界は人々の生活を良い方向へと変えている。しかし要求?は未だかつてないほど早く成長し?、大きな課題を生み出している。 でしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いいたします。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 彼はインド人なので文法や言い回しは少し違うかもしれません。 大体言いたい事はわかるのですが、相手がどう感じているのかを知りたいので正確な訳をお願い致します。 Good Afternoon ! I can understands the problem now.which is very genuine and it is very correct that you do not feel comfortable to work with him. i guess if you feel to change the guide you may do so. but you will have to teach the new guide everything again. which is time consuming for you. but since Mr. Arora knows your work he would have been more easy. This is something that you will have to decide as if you're not comfortable then it is very difficult. Kalimpong is a small town and it takes about 3 hours to reach by car and there are many hotels there to stay, it is a small nice town.

  • 英文が正しいか教えてください。

    英文が正しいか教えてください。 Second, I talk about society. Now, society judges a person by external appearances. For example, if my hair is blond, people would judge me and say “she is fool.” I watched one movie when I was 15 years old. The movie story is about blond hair girl. She’s hair is blond. But she is very smart. This is the fact. Now, but, judge a person by external appearances not only people but also society. Society is a big group. We don’t judge a person by external appearances. But I think that we have to change society. If people don’t judge a person by external appearances, we could accept people have many things. That’s why I agree with one should never judge a person by external appearances. 間違っているところなどがあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    Antipersonnel mines are laid on or under the ground so that they explode when they are stepped on.They have only one purpose: to kill and injure people. Many of those injured by mines die a slow death. Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination. この英文でThose who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.の survive often live lives...についてなんですが動詞surviveの後に再び動詞liveが来るなんてありえるのですか? Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.の英文はどのように日本語に訳せばいいでしょうか? あとdie a ~death という熟語はどういう意味ですか?

  • 英文訳

    They felt that they weren’t paid enough by Tiger for their original ideas in Tiger shoes. So BRS became independent of Tiger company then was Kihachiro Onitsuka. Tiger shoes were very popular among top runners. To make his company’s shoes appeal not only to top runners but also to average people, Onitsuka decided in 1977 to change the company’s name to ASICS. The letters ASICS were the first letters of the Latin Phrase “Anima Sana In Corpore Sano,” or “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”   少し長いです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    Many people feel so much stress at work that they hate going back on Monday morning after a weekend at home. They are fearful, anxious, and uncertain because work gives them little job security and heavy workloads. Peter Fielding, a Canadian psychologist, says,"There is no longer the feeling of being a long-term, valued employee. Just look at the newspaper and you read about layoffs, strikes, shutdowns." With downsizing, workers also have increased workloads. "We are all expected to do more with less and that's difficult,"he explains. Workers who used to have autonomy, freedom, and control now feel powerless. They are beginning to question the value of their work. "Professional identity is a real part of personal identity," says Nan Gardener, an unemployment counselor. "When you don't feel that you are making a significant and worthwhile contribution, it's hard to keep going." Although the work climate today is difficult, there are wars for individuals to fight the stress. ・Take back some control. You may not be able to Control events that happen around you, but you can control your response. Ask yourself, "Where can I get some job satisfaction and job challenge? What can I do with what l've got?" Try to find something each day that provides a challenge, even if it is just a different way of doing ordinary tasks. Challenge creates excitement. It motivates and revitalizes. ・Balance work and play After many years of education, many people are unable to find a job in their field. Instead, they have to take any job to get a paycheck. The job may not be suited to their capabilities. It may not present the challenge they are looking for. If this describes your job, remember you are more than your occupation. Enrich your life in other areas. Involve yourself in activities outside of Work. Gain strength from the areas in your life where things are going Well. Realize that this job may be temporary and do the best job you can. Remember, too, many people don't have a job to hate. ・Get support from colleagues We all need support from our colleagues in the workplace. Little things mean a lot, like potluck lunches and birthday celebrations. We also don't laugh as much as we used to in the workplace, yet a sense of humor can be vital. Decide that you will laugh at whatever you can laugh at and take advantage of the mutual support of colleagues. ・Have realistic expectations With increased workloads and cutbacks, many people are feeling they can't do their best work. Keep your work in perspective. Look at the big picture and establish reasonable objectives. Prioritize and make lists. Do what you can each day, and recognize each accomplishment. Look at what you can achieve, not at what you can't.

  • 和訳して頂けませんか。

    和訳して頂けませんか。 Many people lead bad lives that would gladly lead good ones but do not know how to make the change. フランクリンの言葉です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文が正しいかどうか教えてください

    この英文におかしい構文やアドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 First, I will state about dream. Many people have dream. Not only children but also adult. And many people want to work about television. For example, singer, actor, cameraman. I think television give them dream. My friend wants to be actor. So she watches many movies. Anime is popular in my country. Anime is part of television. Anime give many people dream too especially children. This is because children like watching anime. My young sister is always watching anime. We can know many works by watch television and movie. I watched television about introduce work. I like sing a song that watch television and remember song. Therefore, I think television and movie give us dream. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    The ability to own and dispose of property under a rule of law, a notion spawned by the 18th century’s Enlightenment, spread through Europe and North America. It produced new ways to organize society’s pursuit of the industrial means required for people to the Enlightenment, people could barely improve upon their short and miserable lives. Indeed for generation after generation, people tilled the same of land. Material progress was marginal at best. Global life expectancy was 25 year, unchanged for a millennium.