Tragic Bombing in Hiroshima

  • On a hot morning, a devastating bomb struck Hiroshima, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
  • Numerous individuals lost their lives, while many others suffered severe injuries and burns.
  • Witnessing the horrific scene, I offered assistance to the wounded, inviting them to take refuge in my shade.
  • ベストアンサー


On the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives,and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies. I was very sad when l saw those people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them,"Come and rest in my shade.You'll be all right soon." お願いします(・・*)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

その日の午前中、大きな爆弾がヒロシマに落ちた。 多くの人が命を失い、多くの人が負傷した。 全身を覆う大やけど。 そんな人たちを見るのがどれほど悲しかったか。 その日はとても暑かった。 私の真近で倒れ込む人もいた。 その人たちに私はこう言った。 「さあ早く私の影に入って。もう大丈夫だから」





  • A Mother's Lullaby

    夏休みの課題です。 英語が全くダメなので← 得意な方、訳お願いします;; A big,old tree stands by a road near the city of Hiroshima. Through the years,it has seen many things. One summer night the tree heard a lullaby. A mother was singing to her little girl under the tree. They looked happy,and the song sounded sweet. But the tree remembered something sad. "Yes,it was some sixty years ago. I heard a lullaby that night, too." (以下は、この木の回想です。) On the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives,and over their bodies. I was very sad when I saw those people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them, "Come and rest in my shade. You'll be all right soom." Night came. Some people were already dead. I heard a weak voice. It was a lullaby. A young girl was singing to a little boy. "Mommy! Mommy!" the boy cried. "Don't cry." the girl said. "Mommy is here." Then she began to sing again. 続きます(泣)

  • 英文を直してください!

    下の英文は上の日本語訳のように訳したつもりなんですが、文法的におかしい所を直してくださいm(__)m 私はこの映画にとても感動しました。 まず、この話が実話であるということにとても驚きました。 たとえ人々に無謀だと言われても諦めなかったジャックはとてもかっこいいと思いました。 夢を叶えるのはとても難しい事です。 しかし、昔から叶えたい夢があるのはとても素晴らしい事です。 また、私は多くの人々の協力とサポートにもとても感動しました。 彼の一生懸命な姿勢が人々の心を動かしたのだろうと思います。 私たちは彼を見習うべきです。 I was very impressed with this movie. At first I was really suprised in this movie was made based on a true story. Even if it was told many people to be reckless, I thought that Jack who never gave it up was very cool. Fulfilling your dreams is very difficult. But it is a very splendid thing that there is the dream that he want to grant from old days. Also, I was very impressed by cooperation and the support of many people. I think that his desperate attitude would move the emotions of people. We should learn from him. 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文の文法解釈願い

    以下の3つの文章について回答お願いいたします。  1What evidence suggests the possible popularity of this program?  2There was nothing those injured people could do but park the car by the roadside and wait for some help.  3This work is very doficult for us finish,so we would appreciate (whatever help) you can give. 1What evidence suggests the possibleまでの訳はわかりますが、possible popularity of this programをこのプログラムが人気となる可能性と訳しているのですが、ここがわかりません。特に副詞のpopularityをofで修飾するのは問題ないですか? 2はThere was nothing those injured people could doを怪我をした人は何もできないと訳しているのですがThere was nothing to doとかならわかるのですが、There was nothingだけでなぜ「できることがない」と訳すのでしょうか?またThere was nothingとthose injured people をずらっとならべているだけな感じがするのですが、関係代名詞などをいれる必要はないですか? 3については()が選択肢の問題でhelp thatがあるのですが、これはなぜだめなのでしょう? お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Kerensky declared freedom of speech, ended capital punishment, released thousands of political prisoners and did his best to maintain Russian involvement in World War I, but he faced many challenges, most of them related to the war: there were still very heavy military losses on the front; dissatisfied soldiers deserted in larger numbers than before; other political groups did their utmost to undermine him; there was a strong movement in favour of withdrawing Russia from the war, which was seen to be draining the country, and many who had initially supported it now wanted out; there was a great shortage of food and supplies, which was very difficult to remedy in wartime conditions. All of these were highlighted by the soldiers, urban workers and peasants, who claimed that little had been gained by the February Revolution. Kerensky was expected to deliver on his promises of jobs, land, and food almost instantaneously, and he had failed to do so.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 Shishmaref is located on a tiny island in the Bering sea. To the east you can see the mainland of Alaska. I arrived in season when there in on night - the time of the midnight sun. I often watched the sun start to set and then rise again. The village had only about two hundred people, and I probably met them all in my first two or three days. The young people spoke English, but the older people used Eskimo all the time. I tried to learn a little of the Eskimo language every day, dut it was very difficult. The first thing I learned to say was, " I'm hungry." Their life was very simple and natural. As you may know, Alaska has many wild animals which the Eskimos hunt. These provide them with meat, oil, and skins for clothing. One day when we went hunting, I saw my first grizzly bear. It was majestic. This was the most vivid experience of my first stay in Shishmaref.

  • 英語の質問です!

    It seems that for many people, their grandmothers were a very happy part of their childhood. を次のように書き換えるとき()に入る語をお願いします。 For many people, their grandmothers ()()()() a very happy part of their childhood. 訳もお願いします。

  • 英語を直して下さい!

    私は土曜日と日曜日バイトがありました。 I went to part time job on last Saturday and Sunday. 土曜日は○○でバイトをしました。 I went to ○○ on Saturday. 沢山の人が来ました。 Many visitors (guests?)came. その日はゲームを買っていく人が多かったです。 There were many people who bought a game on that day . とても忙しかったです。 I was very busy. 日曜日は○○でバイトをしました。 I went to ○○ on Sunday. その日はまだ2回目でした。 It was still the second on that day. 片付けや料理を運んだりしました。 I carried putting in order and a dish. 慣れていないのでとても緊張しました。 Because I wasn't used, I was tense. とても疲れました。 I was very tired. これから頑張りたいです。 I want to do my best from now on. おかしい所や、もっと自然に直した方が良い所を直して下さいm(__)m 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文を訳してもらえませんか?

    We Shall Rebuild Our Society On March 11, 2011 a magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami struck the eartern part of japan. An unbelievable number of people died and lost their homes, and about four thousand people had to leave their hometowns. Many of the survivors lost family members and suffered mentally as well as physically. But even so, people helped each other and tried to keep a smile. In fact, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami have bulit a community to look after each other . Their efforts and perseverance surprised Japan and the world. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削おねがいします。

    自分が今の仕事を選んだ理由を英文で書きました。 添削よろしくお願いします。 I was working as a guide helper when I was a university student. I chose the work related with the person with autisms because of that. I was mental disabilities person's guide helper. However, there were person with autisms in that, too. I had gone out to various places with them on the weekend. But there were a lot of people who have taken a turn in the park during a day. And some people went to the same place every time. When I went out with the person, who lives in group home, She said "I don’t know why I am here, and I want to go home.” And she cried. At that time, I was working as a part-time job. Therefore, I did not neatly know their detailed situations. But I doubted that "Is their life good as today?" in many times. Of course, there were a lot of happiness and goodness, too. However, doubted things very strongly impression in me. So I thought that I want to help the individuals diagnosed with autism to be able to spend the full life happier than now. Therefore, I have chosen the current job that was able to be more deeply related with the person with autism.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!!

    英語が非常に苦手なものです(泣)明日英語のスピーチがあるのですが、時間がないので助けてほしいです!よろしくお願いします!! 英文:I love a trip. I tell that I went to Fukushima for snowboarding with a friend the other day. I got on a night coach from night of January 17 and went to the Daira, Adachi plateau of Fukushima. When it arrived at the inn, it was about 4:00 of the morning. The feeling was excited, but I fell asleep once and I got up for 8 carrier 30 minutes of the morning and went to the slope by bus. When I arrived at the slope, one area was very clean by snow. I changed into a wear at once and went to be slippery. I did not have experience of the snowboarding so far, and this time was the first challenge. I had there was a good child to a friend, and the child teach it from the beginning. I fell down first and. However, I got possible to glide alone while I slipped a lot. When I got possible to glide, I was very glad. It was fearful to step on the lift, but got possible to get on a lift first. I want to thank a friend.  I entered the hot spring at night. I have a feeling that a tired body softened by the effect of the hot spring. It was very comfortable. The supper ate sukiyaki. Vegetables and meat were very delicious.  I gathered in one room together and played a game while eating a cake and talked afterwards. It was the future and talked about a thing of the love, an interesting thing in various ways. It was good to be able to do a deep talk. I made a tour of Fukushima on the second day. I walked the neighborhood and took a photograph with a digital camera. There were footbathing and a lake and a Shinto shrine in the neighborhood of the inn. Powdery snow fell, and the circumference was surrounded in the silver world and was very beautiful when I took a walk through a lake on the way. And I returned to the house on the night coach again. I became the very good memory. I want to do a lot of trips from now on. I go to the land and want to watch various things in spite of being a feeling with skin. Thank you. 日本語:私は旅行が大好きです。こないだ友達と福島にスノボーに行った時の話をします。 私は1月17日の夜から夜行バスに乗り、福島の安達太良高原に行きました。宿に着いたときは朝の4時頃でした。気持はわくわくしていましたが、一旦眠りにつき、朝の8持30分に起床してバスでゲレンデに向かいました。 ゲレンデに着いたとき、辺りは一面雪でとてもきれいでした。早速ウエアに着替え、滑りに行きました。私は今までにスノボーの経験がなくて、今回が初挑戦でした。友達に上手な子がいてその子に一から教えてもらいました。最初は転んでばかりでした。しかし、たくさん滑っているうちに一人で滑れるようになりました。滑れるようになった時はとても嬉しかったです。最初はリフトに乗ることも怖かったのですが、リフトにも乗れるようになりました。私は友達に感謝したいです。  夜は温泉に入りました。疲れた体が温泉の効果によって和らいだ気がします。とても気持ち良かったです。夕飯はすきやきを食べました。野菜やお肉がとてもおいしかったです。  その後はみんなでひとつの部屋に集まり、お菓子を食べながらゲームをしたり、語ったりしました。将来のこと、恋愛のこと、面白かったことなど色々な話しをしました。深い話ができてよかったです。 二日目は福島めぐりをしました。近辺を歩いてデジカメで写真を撮りました。宿の近くには足湯や湖や神社がありました。途中、湖を散策していると、粉雪が降ってきて周りが銀世界に包まれてとても綺麗でした。 そしてまた夜行バスに乗り、家に帰りました。 とてもいい想い出になりました。私はこれからもたくさん旅をしていきたいです。その土地へ行って肌で感じながら色々なものをみていきたいです。 ありがとうございました。