• 締切済み


問 現代の若者たちは、自己中心的な彼らの親世代と異なり 社会貢献への意欲が高いと言われる。 環境問題の解決や共存社会の実現が 彼らに期待されている。 答 It is said that young people today,unlike their parents are selfishness,want to devote to their society. They are expected to solution the problem of environment and realize the society getting along with each other. 英語苦手です... 少しくらい点入りますかね.... 添削お願いします


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

★It is said that young people today,unlike their parents are selfishness,want to devote to their society. 添削→It is said that young people today, unlike their parents who are selfish, want to devote themselves to the contribution to their society. サンプル→It is said that today's young people, unlike the generation of their parents who are selfish, are very much motivated to contribute to the society. ★They are expected to solution the problem of environment and realize the society getting along with each other. 添削→They are expected to solve the problems of the environment and realize the society where people get along with each other. サンプル→They are expected to solve the environmental problems and realize the multicultural symbiotic societies. 以上でいかがでしょうか?
