Miscommunication in Cross-Cultural Interactions

  • Discover the challenges of cross-cultural communication and the impact of nonverbal actions. Learn how gestures and behaviors can be misinterpreted in different cultures.
  • Explore two real-life examples of miscommunication among volunteers in Africa. See how simple gestures like pointing and making eye contact can convey unintended messages.
  • Understand the importance of cultural awareness in avoiding social blunders. Learn how assumptions about 'natural' behavior can lead to misunderstandings.
  • ベストアンサー


A Peace Corps staff member is hurriedly called to a town in Ethiopia to deal with reports that one of the volunteers is treating Ethiopians like dogs. What could the volunteer be doing to communicate that ? A volunteer in Nigeria has greattrouble getting any discipline in his class, and it is known that the students have no respectfor him because he has shown no self-respect. How has he shown that ? Neither volunteer offended his hosts with words. But both of them were unaware of what they had communicated through ntheir nonverbal action. In the first case,the volunteer working at a health center would go into the waiting room and call for the next patient. She did this as she would in America - by pointing with herfingerto the next patient and beckoning him to come. Cceptable in the States, butin Ethiopia her pointing gesture is for children and her beckoning signal is for dogs.In Ethiopia one points to a person by extending the arm and hand and beckons by holding the hand out, palm down, and closing it repeatedly. In the second case,the volunteer insisted that students look him in the eye to show attentiveness,in a country where prolonged eye contactis considered disrespectful- while the most innocent American-English gesture may have insulting, embarrassing, or atleast confusing connotations in another culture,the converse is also true. 4)H foreign visitors were to bang on the table and hiss at the waiter for service in a New York restaurant,they would be fortunate if they were only thrown out. Americans might find foreign students overly polite if they bow. We assume that our way of talking and gesturing is "natural" and that those who do things differently are somehow playing with nature. This assumption leads to a blindness about intercultural behavior. And individuals are likely to remain blind to and unaware of what they are communicating nonverbally, because the hosts will seldom tell them thatthey have committed a social blunder.It is rude to tell people they are rude;thus the hosts grant visitors a "foreigner's license," allowing them to make mistakes of social etiquette, and they never know untiltoo late which ones prove disastrous.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

平和部隊のスタッフ・メンバーは、ボランティアの1人がエチオピア人を犬のように扱っているという報告に対処するために、エチオピアのある町に、急いで呼ばれます。 そのボランティアは、それを伝えるために、何をすることができたでしょうか? ナイジェリアのあるボランティアは、彼のクラスで規律を作るのにとても苦労しています、そして、彼が自尊心を示さないので、学生も彼に対して敬意を持っていないことが知られています。 どのように、彼はそれを示したのでしょうか? どちらのボランティアも、言葉で彼を受け入れた人々を怒らせたわけではありませんでした。 しかし、彼らが非言語的な行動を通して伝えたことを、彼らの両方ともが気付いていませんでした。 最初の事例では、ヘルス・センターで働いているそのボランティアは、待合室に入って、次の患者を呼びました。 アメリカでしているように、彼女はこの動作をしました ― 次の患者を指で指し示して、彼に来るように手招きしたのです。 アメリカでは許されますが、エチオピアでは、彼女の指さすジェスチャーは子供向けのジェスチャーです、そして、彼女の手招きの合図は犬に対するものです。 エチオピアでは、腕と手を伸ばして人を指し示し、手を差し出し、手のひらを下に向けて、繰り返し手のひらを閉じることで、手招きします。 2つ目の事例では、そのボランティアは、長く目を合わせることが失礼であると思われている国で、学生たちが注意深さを示すために彼の目を見ると主張しました、他方、最も無邪気なアメリカやイギリスのジェスチャーが、別の文化においては、侮辱的であったり、きまりが悪かったり、少なくとも誤解を招く意味合いを持つかもしれないのです、そして、その逆も当てはまります。 外国の訪問客が、ニューヨークのレストランでテーブルをドンとたたいて、サービスについてウェイターに不満を述べたら、追い出されるだけであれば、彼らは幸運でしょう。 アメリカ人は、お辞儀をする場合、外国人学生が礼儀正し過ぎると思うかもしれません。 我々は、自分たちの話し方や身振りが「自然」であり、物事を異なって行う人々は、とにかく、自然さをもてあそんでいると思いこんでいます。 こうした思い込みは、異文化間のふるまいについて見えなくなることにつながります。 そして、人々は、彼らが非言語で伝えていることが見えなく、気付かないままになりがちです、なぜなら、受け入れ先の人々は、彼らが社会的な間違いを犯したと彼らにあまり教えてくれないからです。彼らが失礼であると人々に伝えることは、失礼になります; このようにして、受け入れ先の人々は、訪問者に対して「外国人に対する許容」を与えます、そして、彼らが社会のエチケットの間違いを犯すことを大目に見ます、それで、訪問者は、どのものが最悪であるのか、手遅れになるまで分からないのです。





  • 英作の添削をお願いします

    出来栄えも10てん中で判断してほしいです。 ポスターで募集をかけているボランティアの数を増えないのでどうすれば増やせるか(慶應経済) そしてそれは何故増えないのか 増やすにはどうすればいいか 何故成功できると考えるか を 含めて説明せよ という問題です I think why only a few students responded is a variety of reasens. One reasen is that a lot of good imformation ,such as merits of volunteer are lacking. By this demerit, a lot of high school students to want to work as a volunteer may lose motivation. Another reasen is that the time to carry out a volunteer work is fixed. They can't conduct volunteer everyday because they are busy studying as a high school students . Therefore, I think what they can do to increase the number of volunteers is that they should change a cotents of the poster. if they can describe a vriety of merits of volunteer work and explain the students can be free to have a right to conduct volunteer work in poster , they will be able to increase the number of volunteers.

  • 下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改

    下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改行がおおいですがわかりやすくしてあるだけなので、きにしないでください。) Some students are looking forward to a new school year because they can get a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and others are looking forward to it because it is the start of the football season. But there are some students who don't hope for school to start again. It's because they think of a boring class or a class with a lot of homework. How about you?Are you hoping for school to start again after summer is over? To my surprize and still now what I'm surprized at is that the atmosphere varies greatly from class to class in Japan. This doesn't mean there is no difference between classes in America. The only thing is, the difference is not so much. In Japan there are some classes where it's so quiet and nobody trys to express his opinion, and other classes where it's noisy and many students speak as they like. Of course most classes belong to the middle of these, that is, it consists of a few students who speak nothing and a few who always speak their minds and most other students who sometimes speak and sometimes keep silent.

  • 英文の和訳を至急お願いします。

    次の英文の和訳を至急お願いします>< In japan,businesses like to foster team spirit,so workers are encouraged to go out together to eat and drink.Students or groups of friend like to do things with large numbers of their friends not only because they find it more fun.It may seem curious to Americans,but we feel that there is a lot of freedom in groups.We can blow off steam,drink a little too much,and someone is there to take care of us.Plus,within groups,women and man are freer of social restrictions that would hinder them if they were alone. Japan is a small country with a large population.Our whole social mechanism is set up to swiftly and efficiently handle large groups.It works for us. 明日テストがあるので。。。 良い回答お待ちしております。

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。。

    But are such techniques in fact helpful to patients? It is of course important to assess any form of treatment, and given that patients vary enormously in their problems and their capabilities, group studies of mnemonic techniques are unlikely to be very satisfactory. Fortunately, there are techniques that were specially devised to investigate the effects of treatment on a single patient. Most of these originated in the operant conditioning laboratory; they have been adapted for clinical purposes by behaviorally minded clinicians, and are now being used to assess the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. They tend not to be well known to cognitive psychologists, who are generally much more familiar with large group designs, or in the case of neuropsychology to single case studies that are concerned with assessing and describing the patient’s deficits, rather than evaluating treatment. お願いします。。

  • 至急英文の翻訳をお願いします!

    Modern communications technology is amazing. Besides ordinary mail and the traditional telephone, we can keep in touch with friends and relatives wherever we (and they) are, using cell-phones, e-mail, or Internet sites. Unfortunately, modern technology offers new opportunities to criminals too. Most of the tricks they use take advantage of the fact that people are naturally greedy. Most people are familiar with at least some traditional 'scams' - tricks used to get money from innocent people. One common one is a letter telling you that you have won a large amount of money in a lottery, or saying that you have been left money by a distant relative (whose existence you weren't even aware of). To get the money, all you have to do is send off a moderate sum, to cover the cost of transferring the much larger sum into your bank account. Often you are then asked to send a further sum, to deal with 'unforeseen problems'. Of course, the large sum never appears in your account. Another scam that has been around for many years is when a stranger rings you completely unexpectedly and tries to sell you shares in companies you've probably never heard of. This may sound unlikely to succeed, but a surprising number of people are taken in by It, especially if the stranger sounds smooth and professional. If he already has some of your personal details, he may claim that your bank or financial adviser gave him the information and asked him to contact you. 全訳お願いします!

  • 英文の訳について

    (前略) Soon he is dancing around together with his goats. A monk who is walking by notices this strange sight. He too tries some of the berries and finds that they lift his spirits. He takes some of the berries with him back to the other monks. They are pleased because the berries help them stay awake during the evening prayers. This is only one legend of the discovery of coffee - and there are many.However, most researchers believe that the field where Kaldi, or someone else, first discovered coffee was in Ethiopia, a country in northeast Africa. ・・・・・・という英文を自分で訳してみると、(翻訳サイトでは訳していません!!) すぐに彼は自分のヤギと一緒に踊りまわっています。 働いている僧はこの奇妙な光景に気づきます。彼は、とても実のいくつかを挑戦して、彼らは自分の精神を上げることが分かります。彼は、他の僧と実のいくつかを取ってもって帰ります。その実は午後の祈るの間、彼らを目覚めておくことを助けるので彼らは喜びました。これはコーヒーの発見の伝説の一つだけです。そしてそれらは多い。しかしながら、多くの研究者はカルディや他の誰か、最初にコーヒーが発見されたのはアフリカの北部にある国であるエチオピアの野原ということを信じています。 ・・・・・・となったのですが、 訳がもし間違っているのなら、間違っている箇所を指摘して正解を教えてもらえないでしょうか。また、復習をしたいのでこの英文の全訳も記載していただくとありがたいです。(いろいろとお願いしてスミマセン・・・。)

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください

    The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon than with a prime minister. (The Summing Up by W. S Maugham) 最初に出てくる"The great man is too often all of a piece."について質問があります。 偉大な人間はあまりにしばしば断片のすべてである・・・・・? *ここはどうやって意味をとればよいのでしょうか? 断片を統合したような人物、という感じですか? *また、too oftenのところがわからないのですが、 The great man is all of a piece.にするのとどういうニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 以下は前文です。 *************** I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be made real. The ordinary is the writer's richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落となっています。 比喩が多いかもしれませんが よろしくお願いいたします。 He has a correctness of manner about him. He has a strong tight aggressive, old fashioned and rather formal handshake. He has hands that are strong wristed, like someone used to manual work. They are not handsome hands but they are rugged. The hands themselves over the pinkness have a ashy appearance, the look of being spread over with a coating of lard. They are quite clean but the circulation is more feeble on the backs of the hands and fingers so these look a shade paler, they are white dappled with pink as if frostbitten, or like the fallen blossoms of a tree. but can go blue with sensitivity the cold or icy days. The backs of his hands are broad and almost square and smooth skinned, the tendons show slightly in the skin above the knuckles, his hands are not thin but not pudgy and padded either. The shape of the tendons and angles and knuckles can be discerned in the flesh, rather than being covered over, but they are not cadaverously thin by any means. Just fine handsome hands. They have tapering fingers that are narrower and more refined than you'd expect for the broadness of the backs of the hand but sturdy and hard all the same, if he jabs you with the fingers it’s a hard sharp poke.

  • 英文に区切りを入れてください

    英文全てに、音読するときに 区切りを入れる場所を示してください。 チャンク・リーディングというのでしょうか。 少し長いですが、よろしくお願いします。 One of the charming,or unpleasant,things about living in an old University town is that the church clocks strike every quarter of an hour.The sound is always beautiful, but sometimes it disturbs people,when they are trying to sleep,or startles them,when they are thinking of something else.Actually,most people who live near such clocks soon get so used to them that they hardly notice them. One year, several people who lived in Cambridge thought they heard one of the big church strike 13 minutes instead of 12 at midnight one night.They listened again the following night,and sure enough ,they heard 11,12,and then 13,so the next morning, they phoned the priest who was in charge of that church and told him what they had heard. Of course,he was very surprised, and said that he would have the machinery of the clock examined by the engineers as soon as possible.Actually,when he phoned the company that looked after the machinery of the clock,they were so interested in the problem that the manager and two of his men came at once and spent an hour examining the clock,but they found nothing wrong with it. Then the priest suddenly had an idea,One of the colleges of the university was on the other side of the road,opposite the church,so that evening ,just before midnight,the priest hid in the yard in front of the church with a pair of field glasses,and carefully examined the windows of the college with them.When the church clock began to strike midnight ,one of the windows opened,and a student appeared with an airgun,and as soon as the twelfth stroke had finished ,he aimed at the bell carefully and fired a shot。

  • 英文に区切りを入れてください

    英文全てに、音読するときに 区切りを入れる場所を示してください。 チャンク・リーディングというのでしょうか。 少し長いですが、よろしくお願いします。 One of the charming,or unpleasant,things about living in an old University town is that the church clocks strike every quarter of an hour.The sound is always beautiful, but sometimes it disturbs people,when they are trying to sleep,or startles them,when they are thinking of something else.Actually,most people who live near such clocks soon get so used to them that they hardly notice them. One year, several people who lived in Cambridge thought they heard one of the big church strike 13 minutes instead of 12 at midnight one night.They listened again the following night,and sure enough ,they heard 11,12,and then 13,so the next morning, they phoned the priest who was in charge of that church and told him what they had heard. Of course,he was very surprised, and said that he would have the machinery of the clock examined by the engineers as soon as possible.Actually,when he phoned the company that looked after the machinery of the clock,they were so interested in the problem that the manager and two of his men came at once and spent an hour examining the clock,but they found nothing wrong with it. Then the priest suddenly had an idea,One of the colleges of the university was on the other side of the road,opposite the church,so that evening ,just before midnight,the priest hid in the yard in front of the church with a pair of field glasses,and carefully examined the windows of the college with them.When the church clock began to strike midnight ,one of the windows opened,and a student appeared with an airgun,and as soon as the twelfth stroke had finished ,he aimed at the bell carefully and fired a shot.