• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。)



  • nekonynan
  • ベストアンサー率31% (1565/4897)

夏休みの風物詩・・・宿題の丸投げは駄目です まだ1ヶ月あるよ


  • 質問です。(高校生英語)

    Within the European Union there are growing attempts to secure the principle freedom for its citizens to live and work in any member country. 訳:欧州連合においては、その市民がどの加盟国でも住んだり働いたりする自由の原則を保証しようとする動きが高まりを見せている。 このforは何故必要なのですか?? あと、この不定詞(its citizensに係る)の用法がよく分からないのですが。不定詞ってits citizensのような名詞を修飾することは出来るんですか? それと何故growingのあとに動詞のattemptが付くことが出来るのですか?growingって名詞だからですか? 基本的な質問ですみません^^; スペルがまちがえているかもしれませんが、お許しください。 回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    There are two routes out. One is to produce a quality gourment product for which people will pay a little bit more. Premium food is a growing area, and cooperatives across Africa are beginning to respond to the growing market for premium coffee. 2つの抜け出す方法がある。(?) ひとつはもう少し支払ってくれるであろう人々のために高品質でグルメな商品を生産することだ。 品質の良い食品は生産地帯であり(?)アフリカ協同組織は高品質コーヒーのために???応答し始めている? この英文を訳したいのですが、よくわからなくて… 自分で訳してみたのですが、間違ってるところがあれば指摘お願いします。

  • Hotmailからのお知らせ

    Hotmailteam が差出人として次のような案内が来ています”Dear Account User This Email is from Hotmail Customer Care and we are sending it to every Hotmail Email User Accounts Owner for safety. we are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts so we are shutting down some Hotmail accounts and your account was among those to be deleted. We are sending this email to you so that we can verify your account.confirm your account by filling the space below.Your User name, password, date of birth and your country information is be needed to verify your account.Due to the congestion in all Hotmail users and removal of all unused Hotmail Accounts, Hotmail would be shutting down all unused Accounts, You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 48 hours for security reasons. *Username: .............................. * Password: ................................ * Date of Birth: ............................ * Country Or Territory: ................ After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. この案内は本当にmsn から着ている正式なものでしょうか?情報を入れて返信しても間違いのないものかが判断つきません。どなたか教えて頂けますか?

  • 英文についての質問です。

    We have instincts and propensities that bear subtle testimony to the universalities of our own environment, and that of our distant ancestors. Some of these instincts, like that for language, are so important that, for all practical purposes, they are unalterable; others are more malleable, and can be partially overwritten, or totally reprogrammed, by experience: they appear as defaults only when cultural influences, or other learned responses, are absent. ( The artful universe by J.D.Barrow) 1)最初の文に出てくるbearの意味がよく取れません。 辞書を引いてみたのですが、意味が沢山あってどの意味が適しているのかわかりませんでした。 2) また、最後のthey appear as defaults only when cultural influences, or other learned responses, are absent.の内容が難しく、どういうことを言っているのかがわかりません。 appear as defaults ということは、つまり現れない、ということになるのでしょうか? theyはinstincts だと思うのですが、 only when cultural influences, or other learned responses, are absent.ここの意味がとりわけわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 文と文の関係を考える 置き換え、具体化 対比

    Ivy League Versus State Universities [1] State-run puclic universities in the United States have tradionally had one powerful weapon in the battle to attract talented students : thier relative cheapness. Over the last decade, this has become less signnificant.Ivy League schools ----the elite private universities on the East Coast--- have been competing to entice more students from middel-and low-income backgrounds. A dramatic point in this struggle was reached in December 2007, when Harvard university announced that all admitted students from families with incomes up to $180.000 per year would be charged at most just one0tenth of that income, rather than the universtity's normal fees. The result was that for some students, it became much cheapers to attend Harvard than thier locals state university. [2]Many analysts claim the changes have been motivated by( growing political pressure). Ivy League schools have been desperrate to shake off the perception they are more interested in their bank blanaces than the academis recoreds of applicants. For some time, some members of Congress have been grumbling about Ivy League schools' regurar increases in fees, despite thier vast endowments----funds donated to them by alumni and others. Utilizing these funds to create tuition assistace programs for the benefit of students from middle-and low-income families may well be the best way to fend off increasing critism. [3] Whatever the motive, surely these efforts to help students with less money are a good thing? Not necessarily. 質問ですが、なぜ第2段落に、growing political pressure という言葉で文意が通るのでしょうか?the need to pretect investimentsでは、なぜ文意が通らないのでしょうか?根拠は、「議会の何人かは、ivy League school の普通の授業料増加にについてギャンブルをしてきている」「多くの寄付がされてるのに」 「こういった基金を利用するにも、これからは、学生のために(低所得者の学生のために) 増えている批判をfend off しようとする最善の方法をとるだろう」といっているからです。だったら、「investimentを守る必要性」があるから」と考えると、筋が通ると思ったのですが。なぜ、間違いなのですか? その理由を一緒に考えていただけると幸いです。

  • does lufthansa require ma

    Passengers are also required to wear a mask when moving around the aircraft, such as when using the restroom or walking through the cabin. Exceptions to the mask requirement are made for children under the age of six, passengers with medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask, and passengers who are actively eating or drinking.

  • 文の成り立ちを教えてください。

    次の各文中の指摘されている箇所は名詞句・形容詞句・副詞句のどれですか? (1)We are happy to hear the news. (to hear the news) (2)I have a book with a torn cover.(with a torn cover) (3)He decided not to go to the meeting.(no to go to the meeting) (4)The children came at the first sound of the bell.(at the first sound of the bell) 次の指摘されている箇所が何句、何節かを教えてください。 Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. (5)the exchange of goods between nations (6)for many reasons (7)that no nation has all of the commodities (8)that it needs 次の各文中の節を指摘して下さい。何節か教えて下さい。 (9)It matters whether he will join our team or not. (10)When Mr. Smith was absent, his wife gave us a lesson. (11)She was the only one that survived the crash. (12)They went to Paris so that they might see the sights. この問題を解いてみると、 (1)副詞句 (2)形容詞句 (3)名詞句 (4)副詞句 (5)副詞句・副詞節 (6)形容詞句・形容詞節 (7)名詞句・名詞節 (8)名詞句・名詞節 (9)whether he will join our team or not. 名詞節 (10)When Mr. Smith was absent 形容詞節 (11)that survived the crash. 副詞節 (12)that they might see the sights. 名詞節 になりました。 間違っているところがあれば教えてもらえませんか? どう訂正したらよいのか教えていただけると助かります。

  • フィッシングではないでしょうか

    こういうメールがきました。フィッシングではないでしょうか? ACCOUNT@ UPDATED Dear Account User CONFIRM YOUR WINDOWS LIVE ACCOUNT SERVICES. VERIFY YOUR HOTMAIL ACCOUNT NOW TO AVOID IT CLOSED !!! This Email is from Hotmail Customer Care and we are sending it to every Hotmail Email User Accounts Owner for safety. We are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts so we are shutting down some Hotmail accounts and your account was among those to be deleted. We are sending this email to you so that you can verify your account to avoid closure by our customer care team. Please confirm your account now by filling the space below.Your User name, password, date of birth and your country this informations would be needed to verify your account. Due to the congestion in all Hotmail users; and removal of all unused Hotmail Accounts, Hotmail would be shutting down all unused accounts. You will have to confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Info below after clicking the reply button or your account will be suspended within 24 hours for security reasons. User Name: Password: Date Of Birth: Country Or Territory: Alternative Email: Password: After Following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for anyinconvenience. Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after 24 hours of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently. Sincerely, The Hotmail Windows LiveTeam AFTER VERIFICATION,A MESSAGE WILL BE SENT TO YOU AFTER WHICH YOU ARE ADVISED TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY.

  • 直訳を教えてください

    海についての長文の中の一節で、 They believed that we must learn these things if we are to help solve the problem of providing food for growing numbers of underfed people in the world.という英文でif ~の文でare to help solveでここは意志で訳せるんですが、解答の訳はもしわれわれが問題を解決する一助となろうとするならと一助?どこからでてきたのかわかりません。ちなみにそのほかの文の意味はわかったのでこの部分の直訳だけ知りたいので、詳しく教えてください。

  • 英訳見てください!

    第三者として社会における脳死賛成派の事を書きたいのですが、 「脳死賛成派の人の多くは臓器移植が可能になるということが主張なのでこれについて説明する」というのを、「For a supporter group, it is the main reasons for support that an organ transplant becomes possible. Therefore this is explained. 」 と書きましたが、どうも微妙なようです。正しく伝えるためにはどう書けばよいでしょうか? あとこっちは普通の英訳で 「脳死や臓器移植に対する理解が広まって、提供者も増えれば、支援者にとって嬉しいのはもちろん、何よりもこのことが臓器を待っている患者さんたちにとっては希望を膨らませる明るいニュースになるだろう」 「When understanding to the brain death and the organ transplant spreads and the number of donors increases, it goes without saying that supporter will be glad and above all it is likely to become bright news that swells hope for patients who are waiting for internal organs」 といった感じです。翻訳サイトを下地に書いてみたのですが、まだまだ甘いと思いますのでご指摘お願いいたします!