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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語)



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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

ことわざ 1. d. 一か所に長くとどまらない人、あるいは、仕事を絶えず変えてばかりいる人は、決してお金を儲けられない。 2. e. 重要な仕事には大変な努力が必要で完成するのに長い時間がかかる。 3. b. 他人にふるまうようにあなたが忠告するのと同じように振る舞いなさい。 4. f. 何かがよいか悪いかはあなたがそれを試してみた後初めて分かります。 5. i. あなたが他人にあなたに接して欲しい様に他人を扱いなさい。 6. h. あなたが徳のある生活を送ったか、罪深い生活を送ったかに従って、あなたは罰を受けたり褒美を得られたりするだろう。 7. a. いつもおとなしく不平を言わない人が、状況があまりに厳しく耐えられなくなると反抗するものです。 8. g. 全ての災厄、損失、不幸が、誰かにとっては利益になっています。 <注> c. 私たちは何かを奪われて初めて、その本当の価値を理解します。 j. ある人が好きなものが、他の誰かによって好かれないかもしれません。 <参考> *英語のことわざ・名言・格言 http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~maihobby/english/index.htm *英語ことわざ辞典 http://www.eigokotowaza.net/proverb/a.html 英作文 1. I told her that she should not have gone out in the storm. 2. The traffic jam prevented them from reaching their destination on time. 3. We must do what we can to save energy.



回答ありがとうございました。 英語のことわざということでしたが、日本語とは違って英語の言い回しに慣れず、 ことわざを見ても、日本でいうどの意味かが分からなかったりしました。 覚えるしか無いですね。 その他のページもつけて頂き、参考になりました。 http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/7503847.html http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/7503982.html


  • 和訳お願いします!!

    下の文はJomo Kenyattaの演説で比喩表現が入ってるらしいのですが、それ自体ががどこにあるのかも分からないので誰か分かる方は教えてください><↓ 'There is no society of angels,whether it is white, brown or black. We are all human beings, and as such we are sure to make mistakes. If I have done a wrong to you, it is for you to forgive me; and if you have done something wrong to me, it is for me to forgive you. The Africans cannot say the Europeans have done all the wrong; and the Europeans cannot say the Africans have done all the wrong.... You have something to forget just as I have. Many of you are just as Kenyan as myself.'

  • 全体文と指示語がわかりません

    There is little to which each of us tends to cling so stubbornly as a view-point which we have adopted as our own.It does not seem to matter how we have come by it.Once it is ours we treat it as a personal attribute,something which has become a part of ourselves,and which must be defended as certainly as we defend ourselves against attack. 1文目のto whichの先行詞はlittleでしょうか?so~asから比較級が使われてるとおもうのですが上手く訳せません・・なので次の文のItとcome by itがわかりません・・そして最後の文のoursはsomethingにかかるのでしょうか?だとしたらtreat itはours somethingでしょうか? 長文、質問ばかりですみません なにとぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語No.2

    英英辞典からの質問です。 reference =part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing これは、 (1)you say or write something(something you say or write) (2)you mention a person or thing in something (something in which you mention a person or thing) の合成ですよね? ややこしい。。

  • 英語で書いた感想文です。

    文法とかスペルに全然自信がなくて; もしよければ手伝って下さい。ほとんど間違えてると思いますが。 ソウルサーフとゆう映画映画の質問付の感想文です。 1, What have you learned from the movie? - i learned that when we think that life has ended, it is only just beginning. Everything in life has a purpose, a reason. There may be time that we think we want to give up, but that’s where you find real strength. Like Bethany, she is a very strong person. Terrible things happened to her even though it seems that she doesn’t deserve it because she is a very good person. But out of that terrible thing that happened, something good came out of it. She was able to overcame the problems she has faced. Anything is possible. All we need is faith, in God and in yourself. 2, How can you apply it in your life. 1, find something which is challenging for me. 2, Set a small goal. 3, get motivated 3, what have you felt when you try living with one arm? - I tried tying my hair with my one hand, and i realized that there is no way you can do that. how dificult it is to not be able to do something you normaly do everytime. お願いします。

  • 英語で何て言えば良いでしょうか?

    『私たちは年号も大事にしなければいけない。彼が言うように、それは日本で長い歴史を持っている。しかし一方で、日付を書くときに少々混乱させられるのも事実です。なぜなら西暦と年号の二通りあるからだ。』 We have to cherish the name of an era, he said, it has a tradition for a long time in Japan. But while it is a fact that we are a little confused when we write a date on something reports because we have two ways how to write a date by the Christian era or the name of era. これで良いでしょうか? 教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 People sometimes want to know if they could have met this before. If they have met in the past, or in childhood, or if he associated with the family or neighborhood or is a total stranger. There is an ancient system of astrology, which I have not yet fully tested It has to do with the houses that the ruling planet of the seventh house falls in. Whether it is a cadent house, I. e. falling off the angles of the chart, or a Succeeded house and so on. The ruling planet of your house of marriage is considered succeedent. Your soul mate has a need for emotional security. He is concerned about establishing roots and a stable life pattern. He often turns to the past, though it doesn’t necessarily mean you already know him. It can mean that he is future but if you break up, he will return to will look back to the past for relationship and people he has known before. Traditionally astrology teaches that when you first meet he will be a complete stranger but something about him, or the place or the relationship will be reminiscent of the past. You will feel as though it is familiar, or you know him, or like a memory from something or somewhere you cannot quite recall.

  • すみません、この文章を訳してください。お願いします

    I'am most pleased with your personality. It is more important how we treat each other, or how we get along. What is nice is when two people have been together for 50 or 60 years and they still treat each other like the first day. That's special! That's why you have to be best friends first... I really like these pictures of you, reminds me of making love to you through the night...

  • 至急!英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If you are with someone,(ask) the person if it is okay for you to smoke. 2)Do you (mind) if I smoke? 3)If the person does not (show) you to smoke, he or she will say something like "Please don't," or "I'd rather you didn't." 4)At present we (live) in Yokohama. 5)When I was child, I (had played) the piano. 6)Where (have you gone) all this while? 7)Tom (went) to San Francisco to see a friend of his last month. ()内が合っているかと英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 解説を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の前半となりますので、内容が分断していると思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The house you and your soul mate will live in together will be of an old or traditional sort. It will have a lot of woodwork. And you will first see it when it is empty, or vacant with a lonely bare or neglected look that wants you to love it. It will be a good house, that will seem to draw you both. There will be something about reminiscent of a past life together, a former era. But only vaguely so, as if it stirs some subconscious memory deep within you. There will be a tree close to the house. High walls and it is a little secluded. It will seem familiar to you, for all it is not so.. You and your soul mate will help each other struggle to achieve goals in and rise in this house; which is practical and serious It will seem to you that your soul mate is Career orientated and hard working.

  • 海外の会社からの返信です。和訳お願いします。

    海外の会社からの返信です。和訳お願いします。 I will need more information than that to go ahead and treat something a client hosts as abuse. None of our staff understand Japanese and hence it is difficult to ascertain whether that is infringing material. If you wish,you can prepare an email request that we will forward to our customer (however, he would take down the content only at his own discretion). Alternatively,you can me with further details and proof that this is infringing material under US law and we'll take it down right away. よろしくお願いします。