• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

DISK3に問題発生。修復出来次第送付します。 それ以外はすでに送付済みです。





  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳できる方いらっしゃいますか? 特に、But with me in it の意味が分かりません。 I have one looking the same, but with me in it. I'll post it when I get a chance, so you'll see me in Japan in my past visit.

  • 翻訳ですが…。

    またまたお世話になります。 ペンパルからメールを貰ったのですが「It doesn't have the nagas or statue that I drew recently, but I'll send those when I figure out how to scan them easily, ok?」と途中に書かれてまして、ちょっと、うまく翻訳できずに悩みました。これは一体どういう意味なのでしょうか?特にnagasという意味と最後のok?というのが、よく分かりませんでした。

  • 英語が堪能な方、翻訳してください。

    英語が堪能な方、ネイティブの方、日常的に話されてる方に答えていただけたらありがたいです。 I went shopping today. I found very cool T-shirt!! I think I wanna give it to you. But You started packing to go back home. So I'll send you a present When you'll come back Japan again. この文章でネイティブの方に伝わるでしょうか…?どんな風に訳したか教えてください。また、直すべき箇所があればそれも教えてもらいたいです。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    海外のネットショップからメールが届いたのですが、翻訳ソフトを使ってもイマイチ意味がわかりません。 以下の英文になります。 Thanks for your order! I will send a bill when I have prepared your package and have the final mailing weight. Also, I am out of Emergency stock but expect to have more next week, possibly on Friday or even the following Monday, depending on when our shipment arrives in this holiday season. I can send everything else right away and the Emergency stock separately with no additional postage charge, or I can send your order complete in one box with the delay. Please tell me what you prefer. Thank you! わかるところは、「オーダーありがとうございます!」と最後の「どちらか好きなほうを教えてください。ありがとう。」くらいです。 わかるところだけで解釈すると、何か連絡しないといけないと思うので、文章の意味がわからないので困っています。 お手数をおかけしますが宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    the cd is stopped at the border line in italy...with no reason!!! because everything has been made by law...so the responsable of our distribution is trying to understand this problem...but i think that our label will send you the cd directly by mail...because you can't wait an year!!! we are sorry about it...really... if you want ear the new song we can send you by mail...send me your mail address..to make you forgive us for every problem you have had you will be the first that listen this new song!!! I hope you're happy about it... and the next week i'll make you send all the cd's songs by mail or in another way on line!!! hoping that someday the cd will arrive...sorry, italy is special for this things!!!

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします

    Hello, I really don’t know why you have not been responding to my messages; please I want to let you know once more that everything has been sorted out all you need to do is confirm these information to enable me authenticate it with what we had on your file. Then within 72hours we will make your transfer 1) Your full name 2) Your full address 3) Your Country 4) The transfer mode you need As soon as you supply me with those information’s we will process your data and send your payment slip. Yours sincerely, Veronica Garcia なるべくわかり易くお願いします

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

       I'd like so much to fall in love with you    when we'll meet... I feel like a teenager...  上記の英語訳ですが、  I'd like so much to fall in love with you  ⇒ ここで、ピリオドがついていないので、  when we'll meet... I feel like a teenager...  「私はあなたと会ったときにとても恋をしたい、  私は10代の時のように感じる。」  こんな感じの訳でしょうか?  ピリオドがあるとないとでは、おそらく訳が違ってきますよね??  改行されてWhen なのは意味があるのか、ないのか・・・  これは、インターネットで知り合ったペンパルの男性に、  私が好意の気持ちを伝えたところ、このような返事が来ました。  これまで約2ヶ月毎日メールのやり取りをしており、  来年の7月に会う予定でいます。    とてもやさしい男性なので、このような表現は、遠まきに私を避けているのかな・・・とも考えられ・・・    おかわりの方、どうぞ教えてください。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “I had so much fun. I actually still get to play with those guys every once in awhile, I have a deep deep love. The only reason why I’m not doing it now is my kids, they would cry every time I would go on the road with STP. When I leave on tour with Linkin Park, they’re like, ‘Okay, we’ll see you when you get back.’ They understand what I’m doing, but when I would leave with STP they would cry. I started realizing, I think they thought I was choosing to do that over being at home with them, because I would be done with Linkin Park and coming home. It was just too hard on my family, so I basically was like, you know what, I’ve got to stop being selfish here. When I’m not doing Linkin Park, I’ve got to be home with my babies.”

  • 英文の意味が分かりません…翻訳してください。

    it has only been 6 days since you paid me for this order below.....why so quick to freeze pay pal money for everything?? it takes time to finish all these dvds and when i get done you had put in new order for 2 more dvds, so i start on those as to mail all at once....then the weekend was here.....i have had very little time to make this last order..........i request you unfreeze the money for the order you have already received so i can mail you the remainder of this order...i will pay extra and use the EXPRESS so you get within 7 days.....but please be fair about this

  • 英語の代名詞について

    次のセンテンスに関して、 He knew he did not have much longer to live. He told a friend one day: "When I look back over the ranks of those with whom I have lived and loved, it is like looking over a field of battle. All fallen." *the ranks of those with whom I have lived and loved について、 1.I have lived with the ranks of those から、the ranks of those with whom I have lived が生じたのだということ、は分かりますが、。 2.and loved がよく分かりません。 I have loved with the ranks of those ・・・・・ではないと思うのですが・・・・。 have loved the ranks of those だと思うのですが(love は他動詞)・・・・。どうでしょう? だとすると、この場合、目的語になりますので、関係代名詞は省略されている、と考えるのか? あるいはwith whom の whom を借用している? と見るのかです。