• ベストアンサー




Kass(, for example,) has written of the subtle but(, in his view,) important differences between human enhancement through biotecnology and through more traditional means. Kass has written of the subtle but important differences (1)between [human enhancement through biotecnology] and [(human enhancement) through more traditional means]. 「(例えば)カシュはほんのわずかだが(彼の視点で)(1)重要な違いについて述べている. (1)「人類の生命工学による強化(長い目で見た進歩や進化を連想させながらその一端をenhancementと言う言葉で定義している?)とこれ以前の手段による強化の」





  • 下記の問題について教えてください

    下記の問題について教えてください Think for a moment about the difference between measuring intelligence and measuring anything else. We know that some natural traits are distributed according to what the statisticians call a “normal distribution,” better known as a bell curve. Height is the classic example. 問 “classic example” means ___ (a) ancient example (b) traditional example (c) perfect example (d) valuable example 長文の一部を載せました 上記の問題がわかりません 答えは一つです 答えとなぜその答えになるかもできれば教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の文を訳してください!

    英語の文を訳してください! 僕は英語がすごく苦手で訳すことさえできません>< You might think that the only instrument we will ever need in the future is the synthesizer, but it's not so simple. In good music, the personality of the musician is-very important.It is only human beings who can express the emotional content of music through techniques such as changes in tempo and volume.This means that the members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra will not lose their jobs anytime soon. 本文の途中からなのでストーリーがわからないかもしれませんが、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳の添削をお願いします。

    Once “traditional” stock exchanges today only make between 5–20% of their profits through the listing and trading of stocks – which is their original function for facilitating corporate finance. 上記英文の下記の試訳の添削をお願いします。 「かつては,「伝統的」証券取引所は,今日の取引所の上場と証券取引――これが会社金融の容易化のための本来の機能である――を通じた現在の利潤の5-20%の間の利潤しか生まない。」 以上,宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    For example, one of the major differences between the American educational system and systems in a majority of other countries is that education in the United States is intended for everyone-not just for a privileged few. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child,regardless of his or her ability,and also the needs of society itself. This means that tax-supported public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming, or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics,history, and language. Students can choose among a great variety of subjects depending on their interests, future plans, and level of ability. The primary purposes of American education are to develop every child's abilities, however great or small these may be, and to give each child a sense of citizenship.

  • 英語の文章と和訳があります。和訳は適切ですか?

    To this end, the bakufu insisted on regulating senior court and ecclesiastical appointments; the monarch was left with nothing but the style of sovereignty, the ‘’right’’ to appoint the shogun, and his traditional religious functions as chief mediator between heaven and earth according to Confucian notions, or between his divine ancestors and his subjects in the Shinto rituals. Yet although the Kyoto court lived as a sort of prisoner of the Edo bakufu, the Tokugawa authorities took care to make it a gilded captivity. Following the precedent set by Yoritomo and the Hojo regents, they always spoke to and of court in an extremely respectful fashion. Whenever the Kyoto palaces and nobles’ residences fell into a state of disrepair or were damaged by fire or tempest, the Edo government hastened to rebuild them. Most important of all, the imperial and other court families regularly received an adequate, if hardly princely, income from certain shogunal estates set aside for their material support. 和訳 この目的の為、幕府は上級官位と僧侶の任命を制限すると強く主張した。 つまり天皇には将軍を任命する「権利」をもつ君主という形と、儒教の概念で言うところの天と地との間の最高の調停者としてか、もしくは神道儀式において、神なるおのが祖先と自分の臣下たちの間を取り持つ者としての伝統的宗教的役割以外何も残らなかったのだ。京都の朝廷は江戸幕府のある意味捕虜のようにして存続していたが、代々の徳川将軍はそれを見ためピカピカで華やかな捕らわれ人とするよう心がけた。頼朝や北条氏の執権により定められた先例に基づき、常に最大級敬意を払うやり方で朝廷に話したり、朝廷のことを口にしていた。京都御所と公家の屋敷が修理が必要だったり、家事や暴風雨により被害を受けた時はいつでも、江戸幕府は急いで作りなおした。中でも最重要だったのは、それがかなりの額でない限り、天皇と他の皇族が彼らの物質的援助の為に確保された幕府直轄領から定期的に適切な収入を受け取ることだった。

  • 添削をお願いします

    簡単なparagraphを書いてみたので文法などの添削をお願いします。また、内容的にも変なところがありましたら指摘をおねがいします。 Through this class, I have learned a lot of things to write a good paragraph or essay. One of the most interested thing is differences of sentences that translated by using translator and sentences that native spearkers use. In the beginning of class, I often used tranlator, because I was trying to use sentences structure from my first language- Japanese. But those sentences that I translated from my 1st language by using translator almost doen’t make sense for native spearker or include wrong words that native speakers don’t use. So, in the beginnung of the class, I was often commented by professor “I can’t undestand what this sentence says.” or “ This word is not used in this situation.” Since then, I tried to write a paragraph or essay without using translator, but it was very difficult at first. Also it took so much time to write a paragraph or essay, it were woes for me. In short, there are differences between english and translation of translator. There are differences between english and not only japanese but also another language. The most important thing is to understand the differences in addition to learning english.

  • 自治医大英語入試問題です。

    自治医大英語入試問題です。 (あ)の部分の質問です。 質問1 more low-context mainstream は、「文脈がなければないほど」という副詞節でしょうか。 支離滅裂な話は、何本もの直線に似ている、ということでしょうか。 質問2 この下線部の前の文章に比べて、この文がin general ならば、アメリカ人の考えは、何本もの 直線になることが多いということでしょうか。 質問3 アメリカ人は何本もの直線を結びつけずに、核心にたどり着くということでしょうか。論理を展開せずに、羅列して核心を説明するということでしょうか。 Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions. These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of persuasion, negotiation and conflict resolution. 1)The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal. Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. When Americans get confused and frustrated listening to Japanese, they often complain that the Japanese "just aren't logical," and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasoning and thought patterns.   2)From an early age, Americans are taught to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to a framework that reflects Western logical structures. The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or “straight-line" logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication. The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and “getting straight to the point." (あ)In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are *1analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicitly connected clearly and directly. But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way. 参考http://edn.jp/makeprogress/Lesson07tra.pdf

  • 認識増強薬のコメント訳について

    (1)Physicians who view medicine more broadly as helping patients live better or achieve their goals would be open to considering such a request. という文章の訳をどのようにすればいいか悩んでいます。 患者の生活をよりよくしようと手助けをするもしくは彼らの目標を達成しようとして広範囲に医学の概念を持っている医者はこれらの要求を広く検討するであろう。 でいいのでしょうか。 (2)For this reason, the responsibilites that physicians bear for the consequences of their decisions are particularly sensitive, being effectively decisions for all of us. の コンマ以降の訳がどう訳すのかそして文章のどの位置に持ってくるのかがわかりません。 「次のような理由のために、これらの判断の判断の結果を有する(権利を持つ)医師の責任は我々全ての効果的な決定のために特に敏感である。」と訳してみたのですがいまいちです。 (3)In contrast to physicians, these professionals have direct conflicts of interest that must be addressed in whatever guidlines they recommend: 「医師とは対照的に、この分野の専門家は彼らが認めたどんなガイドラインであろうと取り組まなければならないという利害関係の直接的な矛盾を生じている。」 と訳してみましたが自信がありません。 (4)such as how and when enhancements undermine the validity of a test result and the conditions under which enhancement should be disclosed by a test-taker. 「これらの試験結果の妥当性が増強剤がどのようにむしばむものなのかそして増強剤が受験者に開示されるべき条件下とはどのような時なのか」 と訳しましたがこれも自信がありません。 (5)Ideally it would also involve discussions of different ways of enhancing cognition, including through adequate sleep, exercise and education, and an examination of the social values and pressures that make cognitive enhancement so attractive and even, seemingly, necessary. 「理想的にこれは適切な睡眠、運動や教育、そして社会的価値の試験や外見上のことだったとしても認識増強薬が必要だととても興味をそそる考えの形成に対する圧力を含む様々な認識増強の異なる方法の討論に関連もすることだろう。」と訳しました。 that 以降がどのように訳せばいいのか自信がありません。 最後に (6) And regulatory agencies should allow pharmaceutical companies to market cognitive-enhancing drugs to healthy adults provided they have supplied the necessary regulatory data for safety and efficacy. 「そして規制団体は健康な成人に安全性と効能のための必要な規制データを供給することを提供するために認識増強薬の市場へ製薬会社の参入をさせるべきである。」 と訳しましたがhealthy adults 以降の文章がちんぷんかんぷんです。 お騒がせしましたがいつも以上に今回のこの文章は医学用語よりも文法を問われる訳が多く、本当に四苦八苦しました。 とりあえずわからないものは上記のものとなります。いつもご指導くださっている皆様。お手数ですがどれか一つでも構わないのでご教授いただければ幸いです。 お願い申し上げます。

  • 英語の長文の和訳をお願いします。

    途中、並び替えや空欄があります。(A)にはsaying,linguistic,way,somethingが、(B)にはwhich,what,how,whereのどれかが入ります。お願い致します。 Human beings learn to communicate with each other through nonlinguistic means as well as linguistic ones. All of us are familiar with the saying, “It wasn´t what he said ; It was the way that he said it”when, by using the word (A), we mean something about the particular voice quality that was in evidence, or the sat of a shoulder, or the obvious tension in certain muscles. A message may even be contradicted by the accompanying tone and gestures, so that each of “I´m ready,”“You´re beautiful,”and“I don´t know where he is”can mean the opposite of any literal interpretation.  Often we experience difficulty in pinpointing exactly (B) in the communication causes the change of meaning, and any statement we make as to the sources of the discrepancy between the literal meaning of the words and the total message communicated is likely to be expressed in extremely impressionistic terms. It is likely to refer to something like a sparkle in a person´s eye, or a “threatening”gesture, or an “insulting”manner.  We are likely to make similar impressionistic statements about communication between members of different cultures. Sometimes we remark that Frenchmen “talk with their hands,”Japanese “smile”on inappropriate occasions, and American Indians are “stone-faced.”As a result, (tend,people,we,stereotype,to,who) come from other linguistic and cultural backgrounds on the basis of impressions about their language, gestures, customary movements, and uses of space. 以上です。

  • 英語得意な人!英文添削おねがいします

    合衆国は伝統的に仕事熱心な社会で、人の価値は仕事で測られた。 The society laid emphasis on yhe work traditionally and the worth of the person was judged by the work in the US. 熱心に働くことは責任感、誠実さ、信頼感がある印だった。 Working hard was a sign of having responsibility, honesty and trust. 両親は娘に「善良で勤勉な男」を探すように言った。 Parents told their daughter to look for 'good and diligent man'. 彼らは、働きたがらない夫の金銭的危険性と社会的な結末について警告した。 They warned about the financial risk and the social end that would caused by a husband who hate to work. いわゆるプロテスタントの労働観によれば、勤勉は物質的な成功と精神的向上につながっていた。 According to the view of labor by so-called Protestant, diligence led to material success and mental improvement. 20世紀の最後の10年間に、アメリカ人の一部はこの伝統的な仕事の定義に疑問を抱き始めた。 In the last 10 years in 20th century, some Americans began to conceive a doubt about this traditional definition to the work. 周りを見渡すと、勤勉がこれら「善良な人間」の多くを死なせていることがわかったのだ。 Looking around, it was found that diligence is killing those many 'good people'. 金銭的な成功が、個人の身体と精神の健康を破壊していく例を見たのである。 I saw the example of monetary success ruined personal health of the body and spirit. 私の祖父とおじも、たぶん生涯の過労から退職年齢前に亡くなった多くのアメリカ人の数の内に入る。 My grandpa and uncle are the part of the many Americans who died before retirement age, probably by the fatigue in a life. 今はより多くの女性が、特に専門職の分野で働いていて、やはり破壊的なストレス症状を経験している。 More women is working specially at the field of professional job and experience severe stress. 率直に言えば、お金も成功も、それを楽しめなければ獲得する意味がないのである。 Frankly speaking, both money and success have no meaning without having enjoyment to them. 今日多くのアメリカ人が仕事に対する態度を変えつつある。 Many Americans are changing their attitude to the work. 成功は、仕事の要求と個人的な生活の必要とをうまく結びつけることを意味する。 Success means a good tie between a demand for a work and necessity of a personal life. その意味では、私の父がほかの州での高収入の仕事を断ったときは模範的であった。 In that mean, it was a good example that my father declined large-income job in other state. もし引越しをしていたら、姉と私は在籍していたすばらしい私立学校を卒業することができなかっただろう。 If my family had moved, my sister and I would not be able to graduate from our superb private school. 父は、自分の出世のために私たちの教育を犠牲にすることは誤りだということがわかっていたのである。 My father knew it unjust that our education was ruined due to his growth in his work. 私はこの決断について、父にずっと感謝している。 I have been grateful to my father about this determination.