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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の訳、助けてください(>_<))




(1)Making things look better so that more people will buy them ここまでが主語です。より多くの人々(more people)がそれら(themつまりthings)を購入する(will buy)くらいまで(so that)、ものを(things)よりよく見せようとする(making things look better) is becoming increasingly absurb. ここが述語。だんだんと(increasingly)ばからしく(absurd)なってきている(is becoming) (2)The manager(その管理者は) began to (~を始めた)tap at (~を軽くたたく)his keyboard(彼のキーボード. Then (そして)he(彼は) removed (取り除いた)hundreds of (何百もの)black dots (黒い小点)showing (~を示している)the location (所在地)of private aircraft(私用の飛行機の). (showing 以下がblack dotsを修飾している) What remained on the screen (ここまでが主語、スクリーンに残ったものは) were (~は~~だった) large symbols representing commercial aircraft. (ここまでが述語、商業用の飛行機を表している大きなシンボル) 簡単にデスが、答えとさせていただきます。ちなみに、(2)の方が状況がいまいちぴんと来ません・・・。



再度、ありがとうございます!!! ほんっとにたすかりました(;_;) くわしい解説まで書いてくださって。。感激です! ありがとうございました~~!!


  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    次の英文と一致するのは、A~Hのどれだと思いますか? 英文の意味も教えてください 1. A small platform or box where someone stands to give a speech. 2. A list of points to be coverd during a presentation. 3. A device for showing data on large screen in front of an audience. 4. A series of visuals, including pictures, graphs or text displayed during a presentation. 5. A very large hall for making preesentations to hundreds of people. 6. A device which throws a beam of light on to a screen so that the presenter can point things out to the audience. 7. Papers with relevant information to give members of the audience during the presentation. 8. People attending a conference. A.podium B.agenda C.slide show D.handouts E.auditorium F.overhead projector G.laser pointer H.delegates

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Anzac Mounted Division returned to take up a position near El Dameita which it held until 16:00, while the 54th (East Anglian) Division remained near Sheikh Abbas engaging the advancing Ottoman units from Beersheba. Ali Muntar, which had been held by two battalions of the Essex Regiment (54th Division), was strongly attacked, and at 09:30 the British infantry were forced to withdraw, having suffered severe losses. They fell back to Green Hill where they were almost surrounded, but managed to withdraw to a line south of Ali Muntar halfway between that hill and Sheluf. After first advising Murray, at 16:30 Dobell issued orders for the withdrawal to the left bank of the Wadi Ghuzzeh of the 53rd (Welsh) and the 54th (East Anglian) Divisions under the command of Dallas. This retirement, which began at 19:00, was completed without interference from the Ottoman Army. An aerial reconnaissance on the morning of 28 March reported that no Ottoman units were within range of the British guns. No large scale attacks were launched by either side, but very active aircraft bombings and artillery duels continued for a time.

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(2)

    お願いします。  At first the pictures stood for the real thing. A picture of the sun meant "the sun." As you can imagine, being able to write about only objects is limiting. How would you write the word "hot"? There is no object named "hot." So the pictures began to stand for ideas related to the object. A picture of the sun might mean light, or day, or―hot. It wasn't long before this was limiting, too. How would you write the word "belief"? What object could you draw that is related to the word belief? But if the objects could also represent a sound, then you could write "belief" as a picture of a bee followed by the picture of a leaf and the reader would be able to figure it out. (This example is an English word. The word for belief in Egyptian would be different, of course.)  It wasn't long before there were hundreds of symbols. Reading them was as complicated as writing them because Egyptian writers, called scribes, sometimes wrote right to left, sometimes left to right, and sometimes top to bottom (but never bottom to top). The only clue to which direction you should be reading the inscription was the way the animals and people faced. You read toward the faces.  There was no punctuation. There were no periods or question marks so that the reader would know where one sentence ended and the next began. Not even a space between words helped to make the meaning clear. And if that doesn't complicate things enough, the fact that vowels were not used does. Imagine not being able to write a vowel, or should we write mgnntbngllwdtwrtvwl, or worse yet, lwvtrwtdwllgnbtnngm?

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    The British Second Army had followed up some minor withdrawals and had fought the Action at Outtersteene Ridge on 18 August, after which there was a lull and Allied troops in the area were well rested by late September. Battle The Groupe d'Armées des Flandres (GAF, Flanders Army Group) attacked at 5:30 a.m. on 28 September, after a 3-hour artillery preparation, with 12 Belgian divisions, 10 British divisions of the Second Army and 6 French divisions of the Sixth Army. The British attacked on a 4.5 mi (7.2 km) front up to the Ypres–Zonnebeke road, from where the Belgian army attacked on a line north to Dixmude. The Allied attacks quickly penetrated the German defences and advanced up to 6 mi (9.7 km). The Germans were swiftly driven back. Much of the ground west of Passchendaele, which had been abandoned during the withdrawal of early 1918, was recaptured. Rain began to fall but by the evening the British had taken Kortewilde, Zandvoorde, Kruiseecke and Becelaere; Belgian troops had captured Zonnebeke, Poelcappelle, Schaap Baillie and Houthulst Forest. On the southern flank, minor operations by three British divisions advanced to St. Yves, Messines and the ridge from Wytschaete to Hollebeke. The German front line ran from Dixmude, to Houthult, Becelare, Zandvoorde and Hollebeke. Messines, Terhand and Dadizeele fell on 29 September and by the next day, despite the captured ground becoming another slough of mud, all of the high ground around Ypres had been occupied by the Allies. By 1 October, the left bank of the Lys had been captured up to Comines and the Belgians were beyond a line from Moorslede to Staden and Dixmude. The advance continued until 2 October, when German reinforcements arrived and the offensive outran its supplies. Due to the state of the ground, 15,000 rations were delivered by parachute from 80 Belgian and British aircraft. Aftermath Casualties The British suffered 4,695 casualties, the Belgians 4,500 "net" casualties from among 2,000 killed and 10,000 men ill or wounded. The Allies advanced up to 18 mi (29 km), with an average advance of 6 mi (9.7 km) and captured c. 10,000 prisoners, 300 guns and 600 machine-guns. Subsequent operations The offensive was continued with the Battle of Courtrai (14–19 October). The Battle of Cambrai, 1918 (also known as the Second Battle of Cambrai) was a battle between troops of the British First, Third and Fourth Armies and German Empire forces during the Hundred Days Offensive of the First World War. Cambrai カンブレー

  • 英語を日本語訳してほしいです!!

     英語の本を訳さないといけないのですが、ここの部分がわからないので、長文でお手数ですが日本語訳にしていただきたいです。よろしくお願い致します。  At the outbreak of the rebellion-commonly known as the Civil War-the spokesman for the Puritan movement was a young poet, who had just returned from his travels in Europe to devote himself to the struggle, John Milton. Like John Donne before him, though in a different cause, he now turned for religious reasons from poetry to prose; but what he now began to write was not calm devotional literature, but fierce religious controversy.In a series of strongly worded pamphlets he attacked the ceremonies and government of the Anglican Church; and he went on to proclaim a new and purer Reformation, of which he would be the prophet. Above all, he appealed to the evangelical ideal of liberty which had, in his opinion, been trampled underfoot by the tyranny not only of the old Catholic Church, but also of the present Church of England. With the victory of the Puritan army under Oliver Cromwell and the eventual execution of King Charles, the services of Milton as controversialist, and subsequently as Latin secretary to Cromwell, were no longer required. He had, in any case, become blind in the process. So he was free to return home and devote his life, or what remained of it, to his original ambition of becoming at once England's epic poet and the prophet of a new Protestant Reformation. In his new mood, however, he rejected his youthful dream of composing a romantic epic on the Arthurian legend in emulation of his poetic master, the Protestant poet of the Elizabethan age, Edmund Spenser. Instead, he turned with Puritan fervour to the Bible as the inspired Word of God, in contrast to the fond imaginings of human tradition. There at the very beginning of the Bible he found the subject ideally suited to his Renaissance and Puritan genius-the tragic fall of Man from his original happiness in Paradise. Such as subject suited an epic of like the gradest dimensions-not only on a national level, as in Homer's Iliad or Virgil's Aeneid or Milton's own early dreams of an Arthuriad, but on the level of all mankind. And for his main source he had at hand no merely human document, but the written Word of God in the Bible.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    Advertisers have many methods to get you to try a product and be loyal to it. Lots of times, what they are selling is a lifestyle, or an image, rather than the product. Here are some ways they get us to spend money on things we may not Want. Ideal Families-always seem perfect. The kids are cool and they have the hottest fashions, haircuts, and toys. Ideal families are all attractive-and they never argue! Ideal families represent the types of people that people watching the ad would like to be. Family fun-an ad that shows a product bringing families together or helping them have fun together. For example, Mom or Dad brings home the "right" food and a boring dinner turns into a family party. Excitement-Food is great fun! One bite of this and you're surging in California or soaring on your skateboard! Star Power-Your favorite sports star or celebrity is telling you that this product is the best! It's very effective. People listen and they usually don't remember that the star is paid to support the product. Bandwagon-Join the in-crowed! Don't be left out! Everyone is buying this-Why aren't you? Put downs-Advertisers criticize the competitor's product to make their own product seem better. Facts and Figures-Advertisers use facts and statistics to make their statements more credible. Unfortunately these "facts" are often not completely true. Repetition-Advertisers hope that if you see a product or hear its name over and over again, you will be more likely to buy it. Sometimes the same commercial will be repeated over and over again during the same television program. Heart Strings-Ads tell you a story that make you feel good. For example, one McDonalds commercial shows a dad and his son shoveling snow together. When they finish, the son buys his dad lunch at McDonalds. Sounds Good-Music and other sound effects add to the excitement of commercials. Those little tunes that you just can't get out of your head make you think of the product. Have you ever noticed that the commercials are louder than the program? Cartoon Characters-Tony the Tiger sells cereal and the Nestles Nesquik Bunny sells chocolate milk. Cartoons like these help kids identify with product. Misleading Words- Advertisers are supported to tell the truth,but sometimes they use words that can mislead viewers. Look for phrases in commercials like part of, the taste of real, natural, new, better tasting, and because we care. There are hundreds of these deceptive phrases. Omission- Advertisers don't give you the entire story about their product. For example, an ad claims that a sugary cereal is part of a healthy breakfast. It doesn't claim that the breakfast is healthy (or even healthier) without this product. Are You Cool Enough?-Advertisers try to convince you that if you don't use their products, you are not cool. Usually advertisers do this by showing people who look uncool trying a product and then suddenly becoming hip.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Communication between the infantry and artillery was established with runners, messenger dogs and pigeons. Wireless transmitters and power buzzers were set up at brigade headquarters and artillery observation posts, one for each artillery group. Engineer and pioneer units began to dig in telephone lines, which took until the afternoon of 21 September. Air operations Observing and reporting on German counter-attack movements was made a duty for all aircraft and patrol areas were given to II and V Brigades and the Ninth Wing to observe. "Hostile Tactical Maps" were issued, showing German assembly points and the likely routes to them and towards the front line. The II Brigade covered the Second Army front east to the Roulers–Menin railway. The area was divided into three sectors, each with a counter-attack patrol of two fighters, maintained for eight hours after "zero-hour", flying below 500 ft (150 m) and using the special maps, to attack any German units they caught on the move and to drive off German low-flying aircraft. On return they were to telephone a report direct to the Second Army Report Centre at Locre, similar arrangements being made for the Fifth Army. Ninth Wing aircraft were to patrol at low altitude east of Zarren–Oostnieukerke–Menin, beginning two hours after the start of the attack, to harass German reinforcements. Corps squadrons were to maintain counter-attack patrols on their Corps fronts, calling for immediate artillery fire and warning British infantry by smoke signal. Not all of these measures were possible on the day due to the weather, because it had rained on 19 September and was misty next morning but air operations commenced as soon as the mist cleared at 8.00 a.m. German aircraft attempting to intervene during the battle suffered from the presence of anti-aircraft guns near the front line and a Lewis gunner of a pioneer battalion in the 19th Division, shot down a German aircraft in flames at 1:30 p.m.; the feat was repeated next day and several German formations were broken up by ground fire.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    The 3rd Bavarian, 1st Bavarian and 5th Bavarian Reserve divisions held the southern area and the 15th and 16th divisions were to be withdrawn. French attacks on 18 June, were smaller and optimism rose that the offensive was ending. OHL ordered that the defences were to be thinned quickly, to provide a new strategic reserve. The 6th Army headquarters and Lochow protested that the troop reductions were premature and on 24 June, Lochow predicted more attacks, emphasised the need for a flow of fresh divisions and that the number of casualties required consideration of a retirement to the new defence line behind Vimy Ridge. Until the end of June, the Germans tried to restore their front positions but failed to regain the Lorette Spur and the French artillery maintained a bombardment from Angres to Souchez. The 12th Division was brought forward to reinforce the area and French attacks on 25 July and 27 June were repulsed by counter-attacks. In the old 16th Division area south of Souchez, the 11th Division gradually recaptured the area lost on 16 June. Fighting at the Labyrnthe continued until 24 June, when the 3rd Bavarian Division restored the old front line. The exhausted 52nd Reserve Infantry Brigade was relieved on 25 June and on 28 June Armee-Gruppe Lochow was dissolved and replaced by the VI Corps headquarters (General von Pritzelwitz). The Arras front remained the most important area on the German Western Front and Falkenhayn planned to send divisions from the Eastern Front to protect against another Franco-British offensive. Rupprecht claimed that the 6th Army could hold its ground without reinforcement and the redeployments were cancelled. During July skirmishing took place around Souchez but the French offensive was not resumed. In August, the Western Army was reorganised, more units moved into reserve and a programme of trench digging was begun along all of the Western Front. On 11 March, Major Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen was appointed Chef des Feldflugwesens (Chief of Field Air Forces) and began to increase the size of Die Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreiches (Imperial German Flying Corps), with the formation of five new air units in Germany to provide replacements and expedite the introduction of the new Fokker E.I aircraft.New links between air units and the army were created, by the appointment of a staff officer for aviation to each army and in April, armed C-class aircraft began to reach front-line units. Reconnaissance aircraft detected increased movement behind the French Tenth Army front and more C-class aircraft were sent to the 6th Army, from the armies in quiet areas of the Western Front.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Aircraft were reserved for systematic counter-attack reconnaissance, to avoid the failures of previous battles, where too few aircraft had been burdened with too many duties, in bad weather. The three-week pause originated from lieutenant-generals T. Morland and W. Birdwood, the X and I Anzac corps commanders, at a conference of 27 August. The attacking corps made their plans within the framework of the Second Army plan, using General Principles on Which the Artillery Plan Will be Drawn of 29 August, which described the multi-layered creeping barrage and the use of Fuze 106, to avoid adding more craters to the ground. The Second Army and both corps did visibility tests to decide when zero hour should be set; the use of wireless and gun-carrying tanks, were discussed with Plumer on 15 September. X Corps issued its first Instruction on 1 September, giving times and boundaries to its divisions. A pattern for British attacks was established and Second Army orders and artillery instructions became routine, with an Attack Map showing stages of attack and timetable for the corps involved; corps moves and the time of attack were briefly noted. Nine divisions were to attack on a 10,000 yd (9,100 m) front; the Second Army had three times and the Fifth Army twice the ammunition than for Pilckem Ridge. In late August, destructive fire by super-heavy artillery began and counter-battery fire commenced in early September, in poor visibility. The RFC plan incorporated standardised methods used by battery commanders and artillery observation crews, as informal liaison methods had been found to be insufficient with the increase in the amount of artillery and aircraft in the BEF since 1915. Wireless codes were harmonised and better training introduced for air–ground liaison. Attacks were to be made on German billets, railways, aerodromes and infantry counter-attacks. The Royal Flying Corps (RFC) contributed 26 squadrons, including the two night-bombing squadrons and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) Handley-Pages from Coudekerque, beginning the night before the attack.

  • 「君死にたまふことなかれ」の英語訳ってありますか?(てゆうか、英語訳していいんですか?)

    与謝野晶子さんの「君死にたまふことなかれ」の、 英語訳があったら読んでみたいと思ってます。 検索しても載っているページがみつかりません。 私としては、できれば中国語訳の参考にしたいのですが… そもそも日本人の悲劇を書いた作品が、 アメリカなどで翻訳されていいものなんでしょうか? 韓国では日本人を被害者扱いしているという理由で、 「火垂の墓」が放送中止になったくらいですから、 中国だって反日だから、「君死にたまふ~」を 中国語に訳されたら、中国人は怒ってしまいますかね? どうなんでしょうか?