• ベストアンサー


添削お願いします!中学生です。自分なりに書いてみたのですが、文法とかぐちゃぐちゃで。お願いします。テーマはunforgettable memory です。 When I was a sixth gread an elementary school ,I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school. But I didn’t tell a my friends this. And I didn7t tell “ going to junior high school different classmate. I was telling the lie for classmate one year.  I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school , and I began to study . Study time increase and play with friends decrease. that time I think “it is shameful if I fail an examination” so. I didn’t tell this my classmate. The examination was taken I can’t told. And it passed the examination. the winter vacation of the year passed my friend began to prepare of the junior high school. “Did you buy a uniform?” "You and I go to the same junior high school? "”junior high school life pleasure” The answer was always "YES”I con not go to the same school. I can not wear same uniform. ”where did you buy uniform” my friend asked to me. But I can’t answer that. And I said “I cannot remember . I forgot it.” It was impossible to tell the truth unawares. Even now, I remember these days was very hard.  The day of a graduation ceremony I told to my friends going to different junior high school. and my friend said to me“I am lonely. I can not go same school. But good luck.” If I stand on the same position as her, I will be said many severe things. because I am not told truth a year. It cannot said it is the right thing I did .but I found friend who push my back.


  • ベストアンサー
  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

When I was a sixth grade student, I decided to take an entrance exam for a junior high school. But I did not tell anyone about my decision that I would like to go to a different school from the one most my friends go to. When I made the decision, I began to study. As the time for study increased, my time with friends decreased. I thought “it is shameful if I fail the exam” and then I kept my efforts in secret. I passed the exam but could not tell the story to my friends. After the winder-break of the year was over, my friends began to prepare for a junior high school. My friend said “Did you buy a school uniform?”, “We go to the same school, right?”, “The new school life must be fun!” My answer was always “Yes!” although I will not go to the same school and will not wear the same school uniform. The friends also asked me where I bought the uniform. I was not able to tell them the truth but just said “I don’t remember….” That was a very-very tough time for me. On the day of the graduation ceremony, I told my friends that I would go to a different school. The friends were surprised but said that “we feel sad because we cannot go to the same school with you, but good luck!” I might have reacted in a different way with a bad mouth if I would be put in the same situation that my friends tricked me for a year. I knew I did not do a right thing but found that my friends pushed me up to the next step. 少し悲しくも懐かしい思い出ですね。 意訳したところもありますが、質問者さんの原文・趣旨から大きく逸脱してないと思いますので、参考にしてみてください。 日本語文でもそうだと思いますが、主語が人から物にクルクル変わったり、過去と現在が混在したり、単数・複数が混在すると大変読みにくい文章になります。 例えば原文にある「The examination was taken I can’t told. And it passed the examination. 」は自分でももう一度読み直してみると、誰が、何が、誰を、何をがはっきりしない文章になっているのがわかると思います。 それ以外は全体的に良く書けています。ますます英語力を磨いて、これからの日本を盛り立てていってください。  Good Luck!

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