• ベストアンサー

policy valley ?


  • ベストアンサー
  • speglo
  • ベストアンサー率47% (167/353)

it was a quarter that we saw question marks abound たくさんの疑問の満ちた四半期でした。  they would visit some policy folly (失策・愚策)on the rest of us that would really crater(凹ませる) the economy, we seem to have skirted (なんとか避ける)that fortunately



知らないことばは特に聞き取れないと再認識いたしました。 誠にありがとうございました。


  • nail down?

    以下の動画 2:20ごろ ...forget civil unrest,could carry(?) implementing austerity,forget whether that actually nail(?) down or not. と聞こえます。 全体として、弱気の理由の説明、前後の意味もよくわかりませんし(?)のところ何と言っているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 http://www.bloomberg.com/video/87030766/

  • 下の文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    下の文章を翻訳していただけませんか? 流れは大体つかめるのですが、日本語の文章にまとめきれなくて困っています。 Fortunately for Sato, he had just such a policy. That allowed sand a gift -a copper beer mug- to 130 people in all, including colleagues in his company, business associates and his private golfing friends. Now, two months after the dreamlike episode, he says: ‘’ It was a really happy event. But I find the custom a little strange. I’ve heard that some people even try to hide the fact that they scored an ace for fear of the consequences. That’s a great shame considering that a hole in one is like a miracle that golfers should be very proud of.’’

  • 英語の問題について

    次の英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。 Meers Industrial Group informed you some time ago about a potential outsourcing policy. This has caused some anxiety among personnel about changes ??? quarter. (A)some(B)next(C)that(D)last I want to confirm that we will indeed launch that policy within a matter of days,to ensure that we move toward being ??? within our industry. (A)competition(B)competes(C)more competitive(D)most competitors

  • moment pop type

    以下の動画  1:13 ごろ this is really moment pop(?) type of thing, my stand point...と聞こえますが意味がわかりません。 popは聞き間違いでしょうか? 4:40すぎ In addition,you have, to a certain extent, not fall tree(?), you know ,year(?) comented investors... と聞こえますが(?)のことがわからず、意味も通じません。 何と言っているのでしょうか? また、 8:28 ごろ CDS行使のトリガーについての話で、 we don't have an axia(?) we are not in Greece one thing or another と聞こえますが axiaのところは何と言っているのでしょうか? 最後に 10:21ごろ if you have a walking,the monroe(?) trade of the Sunday afternoon... と聞こえますが monroe(?) trade とは何のことでしょうか? たくさんで恐縮ながら よろしくお願いします。 http://www.bloomberg.com/video/87491644/

  • 120語自由英作文添削をお願いいたします。

    昨日これの賛成意見を書いたのですが(http://okwave.jp/qa/q6882559.html)、反対意見も書いてみました。 添削をお願いいたします。 志望は早稲田政経です。 一橋2003後期 English should be made an official language in japan. I don't agree with this opinion. For one thing, Japanese language, which is called 'Hiragana' or 'Kanji' or 'Katakana' is one of the most important tools to understand Japanese culture. Throughout Japanese history, almost all the Japanese people have used it and almost all the books in Japan are written by it. If we stopped using it, we couldn't read these old books, which may include priceless Japanese history or policy. We don't live ourselves but we are influenced by and connect with ancestors. That is why, that we can't read old books and that we can't understand Japanese policy means that we can't really understand ourselves. To conclude, we have to keep using Japanese language to remain Japanese identity. 日本語は日本の文化を理解するための最も大事な道具のひとつである。 我々は自分たちだけでなく、過去と繋がって日本の精神を受け継いで生きている。 そのため、日本語が読めなくなることで、過去の文献が読めなくなり、日本の歴史や日本の精神を理解できなくなることは自分たち自信を正しく理解出来ないことにもつながる。

  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 By the way, have you already registered for next semester? The class which I want to take is popular one. 2 Lets switch the subject, we should discuss about more serious talk such as Japanese economy. 1 I have decided not to drop out university because I did not want to run away from difficulty in my life, I believe that everything will be all right in the future. 2 Japanese government introduced education from pressure; as a result, young people became lazier those days. That is the worst policy ever in japan. 1 To begin with, I would like to explain Japanese economy now. after that, I will tell you what Japanese economy will be in the near future.

  • このtheyが疑問です

    A: How's your company doing? B: Not so good, actually. The whole industry has been hit hard by the recession. A: I'm sorry to hear that. B: But we still managed to turn a profit last quarter, so we're pretty lucky. A: You're doing better than us, then. We've really been struggling. If things don't turn around soon, they’re going to have close down some stores.(じゃあ、あなたの会社は私の会社よりはいいわね。うちは相当大変よ。もし経営が好転しないといくつか店舗を閉鎖しないといけなくなるの。) 上のダイアローグの最後の文ですが、Aはダイアローグで"私の会社"や"うち"をweやusと表現しておりますが、最後の文ではtheyと表現しております。最後の文までは"我が社"をweと表現できたのですが、店を閉鎖すると言う決定は会社の経営陣の考えることなので、自分を含まないtheyと表現したのでしょうか?あるいはtheyはthingsを受ける代名詞なのでしょうか?

  • 英作文のチェックお願いします

    Individualism and collectivism use a different way of explaining themselves. I agree with your idea that Individualistic cultures tend to focus on the "I", whereas collectivistic cultures tend to focus on "we". I also glad to know that Coming to the school was the best choice you made so far in your life. You came from collectivistic place, but you are studying in the United States that is individualistic country. Fortunately, you can get to see both individualism and collectivism. He also came from collectivistic county, but he also sees individualistic country in the USA. he really happy to see the both aspect of which.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    His skill is unbelievable. There were several moments throughout their set when he would come to the front of the stage and bang away guitar solos – smooth, gyrating, electric, psych numbers. It was reminiscent of another era. The ‘60s, maybe. Most of the show felt like a window in time to what our parents had watched. But it’s his mind that really makes him. Intelligent, well versed on a variety of topics and with the ability to communicate powerfully on very delicate subjects, he has a command and a bluntness that is refreshing. Drummer Fernando, who himself looks like Bob Dylan—tallish, wiry, remote, with curly brown hair that sticks up everywhere—his arrival marked a transition for TLI. “The band was really re-born,” Edgey says. “That’s when we really tightened up as musicians.” Sweet, and more quiet than the other two, “he won’t say anything,” Delila warned before the interview had started.

  • この文脈の中の”it takes”の意味を教えてください。

    以下の文、 The Obama administration says American schools should produce students who are "college and career ready." What is the best way to do that? One group that has some ideas is the National Center on Education and the Economy. Marc Tucker is president of this nonprofit organization. MARC TUCKER: "The president has called for focusing in on what it really takes to be successful in work and in college, and he has called on America's educational institutions, primary and secondary educational institutions, to do whatever it takes to get our kids college ready. That is precisely what we are doing." で、後半のMARC TUCKERの言葉の中で "it really takes" "it takes" とあるのですが、itは何を指すのかと、takaはここではどういう意味なのかわかりません。itが仮主語だとすると、takeはどう訳すのですか。 よろしくお願いします。