• 締切済み




'bamboo'が彼らが利用できる最高の材料に間違いない。 な感じですよね。 直訳すれば、 'bamboo'が彼らが利用できる最高の材料だということに疑問はない。です



助かりました ありがとうございました!!


  • lead の現在進行形

    上の文を下のように訂正されました。 No one can deny that it leads to more car accidents to use the cell-phone when driving.                     ↓ No one can deny that cell-phone use when driving is leading to more car accidents. leadが進行形にした方がより良いのは何故ですか?  ご解説をお願いします。

  • 文法事項

    It is the sort of an offer that no one but him would refuse.を直そうと思うのですが、It is the sort of offer that only him.がいいのでしょうか、It is the sort of offer that no one but him.がいいのでしょうか。

  • 英訳で

    大学入試用基本問題を解いてます。  「このコンピューターの人気の高さは使いやすさにある」の英訳で (1)The reason why this computer is (so) popular is (that) it is easy to use it. (2)The reason of the popularity of this computer is (that)it is easy to use it. (3)This computer is popular because it is easy to use. 3種類作ったんですが、(3)ほど日本語から離れると×になりますか? (1)(2)は合ってますか?接続詞thatがないと~is it is~と違和感があったのでつけたんですが、 なくてもいいのでしょうか  

  • 宮本武蔵の五輪書の中の一説について

    米国人の友人に尋ねられて困っています。 “Do nothing that is of no use” にあたる、正しい原文を日本語でわかる方がおられたら 教えてください。 日本語の訳ではなく、知りたいのはもともとの原文です。 もし、わかる方がおられたら宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • 英文を日本語に

    英文を日本語に訳してください。よくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 Pedophiles are very familiar with the power of language. They would have us believe that child pornography is a free-speech issue. They know that if they succeed in placing "child prostitution" anywhere on the continuum of voluntary sexual activity, they will have established a beachhead from which to launch future assaults. We must understand that such language is no accident—it is the deliberate product of cultural lobbyists. There is a carefully orchestrated campaign to warp public perception, a perception that affects everything from newspaper coverage to legislation and even jury verdicts. If they can get us to accept that children consent to sex for money, it will be easier to sell the idea that they can consent to sex for "love." But an adult male who sexually abuses little boys is no more "homosexual" than one who victimizes little girls is "heterosexual." They are both predatory pedophiles. There is no such thing as a child prostitute; there are only prostituted children.

  • 和訳

    there is probably no superstition that has as many people observing it as the one that 13 is unlucky. ごめんなさい(;_;) 変な日本語になります。教えてください。

  • No problem.とNo wonder.とNo doubt.の省略について

    No wonder.は (It is ) no wonder that he refused your offer.と形式主語のIt is が省略されていますし、No doubt.は (There is ) no doubt that he will be chosen chairman.とThereis や I have が省略されています。No problem.はどのように省略されているのでしょうか。We have no problem. とかIt is no problem. と言いいますが、形式主語 It を用いて、It is no problem to go there.とか、It is no problem that you go there.と言えるのでしょうか。


    覆水盆にかへらず、は IT IS NO USE CRYING OVER SPILT MILK. となりますが、ことわざ以外では IT IS OF NO USE TO ME.などのように、NO USEの前にOFをつけて形容詞化したと考えます。 この違いは何ですか?OFはあってもなくてもよくて、 IT IS NO USE TO ME. でも○なのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 文のつなぎかた

    以下の日本語を英語にしたいのですが ◇例えば、物質は原子から成っているとか地球が太陽の周りを回っているということを想像することは難しい。 ◆For example, it is difficult to imagine that materials are comprised of atoms, and that the earth is orbiting the sun. でいいでしょうか?

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    すみません。下記の英文を教えてくれませんか?多分ライセンスの事なのですがいまいちわかりません。お願いします。 I wish you the best and wishing for better 2015 as our efforts are now combined. I’m not just speaking of the character that I had sent or the company that owns the character rights, we’re looking for many different Anime characters that we can use but when we tell them we want to use for mass manufacturing they usually ask for lot of money. We want to find a company that handles many licensing or copyrights to many Anime characters so we can just purchase the image (one flat rate, no royalty or commission base if possible). Once we find the company, we can go through their Anime characters that they want to sell for AAA print use but we don’t have to tell them it is for a huge quantity as they will think we will make millions which is not true. Do you know what I mean?