• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • tadys
  • ベストアンサー率40% (856/2135)

窓ガラスはuncountableなので複数形にならないのです。 窓ガラスを1枚、2枚と数えるときは two panes of glass とします。 同じglassでもコップの意味のグラスはcountableなので複数形になります。 私が考える、窓ガラスとグラス(コップ)の違いの理由は次のようなものです。 ステンドグラスが影響しているのでないかと考えています。 ステンドグラスは小さなガラスを組み合わせて作ります。 その為、その一部を取り出したものもステンドグラスになります。 また、二つのステンドグラスをくっつけると全体で一つのステンドグラスになります。 つまり、最小単位というものが有りません。 (昔は大きなガラスが作れなかったので、大きな窓ガラスはガラスを組み合わせて作っていた) 一方、コップのグラス(コップ)は二つに分けるともはやグラスと言えなくなります。 グラスを沢山集めても全体がグラスになるわけではなく、依然として1個づつ数える事が出来ます。


  • 英文で訳せないところがあります。

    日本語に訳してください。 ・Such crimes are commited without the obvious use of force, and it is difficult to show that the offender is responsible for the damage caused by the crime. ・The harm caused by these activities is just as real as the harm caused by other types of crimes.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In August 1916 the German armies on the Somme had been subjected to great strain; the IX Reserve Corps had been "shattered" in the defence of Pozières. Ten fresh divisions had been brought into the Somme front and an extra division had been put into the line opposite the British. Movement behind the German front was made difficult by constant Anglo-French harassing-fire by artillery, which added to equipment shortages by delaying deliveries by rail and interrupting road maintenance. Destruction, capture, damage, wear and defective ammunition had caused 1,068 of 1,208 field guns and 371 of 820 heavy guns to be out of action by the end of August.

  • 過去完了について

    Hurricane Katrina ploughed onto the US mainland, the eye of the storm narrowly missing the city of New Orleans. The hurricane weakened as it made its way inland and by evening , had been downgraded to a tropical storm. New Orleans suffered serious damage, though not as severe as earlier feared. (BBCより) それまで過去形で書かれていた文章がand の後 by evening , had been downgraded と過去完了になっています。 これはいったいどういうことなのでしょうか。 どうしてここに過去完了が突然現れるのでしょうか。 He had already gone to bed when I phoned him. の過去完了とどう違うのでしょう。 「by evening」があるからでしょうか。 「(勢力が衰えて)夕方までには熱帯性低気圧に格下げされてしまった」と完了を表しているのでしょうか。 「by evening」がなければ そのまま過去形で and was downgraded to a tropical storm. でもいいでしょうか。 もう一つ、カンマのことですが by evening の後ろにカンマがあるのはなぜですか。 詳しい方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英語を日本語に訳してください

    (1) It’s important to save energy. (2) The game takes a lot of skill. (3) The men fought with courage. (4) I had a chance to go to Mexico. (5) We are all working toward a common goal. (6) They are building new houses for the local people. (7) The factory produces cars. (8) We need to develop our economy. (9) I need to study more to improve my English. (10) A crowd had gathered outside the church. (11) Vegetable prices are rising daily. (12) Raise your hands lobe climbing tree. (13) Most kind love climbing trees. (14) The number of cars has been increasing. (15) I think I have dropped my keys somewhere. (16) We must reduce the number of accidents. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert Deleo sounded off on former frontman Scott Weiland in a new interview with FasterLouder saying the following: “It wasn't an overnight thing, it was building for many, many years and I just think that we tried to do everything we could,” DeLeo reasons. “We had a lot of great years with Scott, and I feel thankful we complemented each other's lives immensely through the years. But friends don't treat friends like that. I think Dean and Eric and myself just got tired of being treated that way. I got really tired of being treated that way.” He also went on to praise new STP frontman Chester Bennington: “It's been great. It's been a huge breath of fresh air, a lot more sanity, a lot more reasoning, and patience,” DeLeo explained when asked about working with Bennington. “Having a ‘stable' singer, it's new. It's a very new feeling, and I don't quite think Dean and Eric and I are used to it yet, it's kind of surprising. Things are running very smoothly, it's interesting because what I notice is I actually have a lot more energy onstage, because my day doesn't involve wondering what's going to happen that day.”

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    On 8 July, German counter-barrage on the lines of the 36th Brigade west of Ovillers, caused many casualties but at 8:30 a.m., the British attacked behind a creeping barrage and quickly took the first three German trenches. Many prisoners were taken in the German dug-outs, where they had been surprised by the speed of the British advance. The three German battalions lost 1,400 casualties and withdrew to the second German trench behind outposts; Infantry Regiment 186, II Battalion, Guard Fusiliers and Recruit Battalion 180, had many casualties and withdrew into the middle of the village.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In late December 1916, reports from witnesses led to British and French air reconnaissance further to the south and in mid-January 1917 British intelligence concluded that a new line was being built from Arras to Laon. By February, the line was known to be near completion and by 25 February, the local withdrawals on the Fifth Army front and prisoner interrogations, led the Anglo-French to anticipate a gradual German withdrawal to the new line. When British patrols probing German outposts found them unoccupied, the Allies began a cautious advance, slowed by German destruction of the transport infrastructure and the troubled transport situation behind their own lines, caused by mounting difficulties on the Nord railways and the effect of overloading and the thaw on roads. The Germans had the advantage of falling back over good roads to prepared defences, protected by rear-guards. The German armies made an efficient withdrawal, although the destruction accompanying Operation Alberich caused a considerable amount of indiscipline.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The process was continued, after an apparent hiatus during the civil wars of the last decades of the Republic, under the emperor Augustus. The Augustan period gave the Roman world a new stability and security buttressed by an ideological programme which emphasized concepts such as revival of traditional religious and moral values. In Pompeii, as an hundreds of other communities, prominent local citizens sought to express their gratitude to the new regime, and in some cases to secure their personal advancement, by sponsoring building projects which honoured the emperor or promoted his ideals. A good example was the erection by M.Tullius, a leading magistrate of the last decades of the first century BC, of a temple dedicated to Fortuna Augusta, one of various cults which grew up around the emperor and his tutelary spirits. Tullius had received honours from the emperor, and the building of the temple was a statement of his loyalty.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Despite the shortfalls, by the summer of 1917, the Westheer artillery park had increased from 5,300 to 6,700 field guns and from 3,700 to 4,300 heavy guns, many being newer models of superior performance. Machine-gun output enabled each division to have 54 heavy and 108 light machine-guns and for the number of Maschinengewehr-Scharfschützen-Abteilungen (MGA, machine-gun sharpshooter detachments) to be increased. The greater output was insufficient to equip the new divisions, and existing divisions, which still had two artillery brigades with two regiments each, lost a regiment and the brigade headquarters, leaving three regiments. Against the new scales of equipment, British divisions in early 1917 had 64 heavy and 192 light machine-guns and the French 88 heavy and 432 light machine-guns.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Chemin des Dames ridge had been quarried for stone for centuries, leaving a warren of caves and tunnels which were used as shelters by German troops to escape the French bombardment. The offensive met massed German machine-gun and artillery fire, which inflicted many casualties and repulsed the French infantry at many points. The French still achieved some substantial tactical successes and took c. 29,000 prisoners in their attacks on the Chemin des Dames and in Champagne but failed to achieve their strategic objective of a decisive defeat over the Germans. The failure had a traumatic effect on the morale of the French army and many divisions mutinied. Nivelle was superseded by General Philippe Pétain, who adopted a strategy of "healing and defence"; on 19 May Pétain issued Directive No 1 for limited offensives, intended to resume the wearing-out of the German Army while conserving French infantry. The new French strategy was not one of passive defence. In June and July the Fourth, Sixth and Tenth Armies managed to conduct several limited attacks and the First Army was sent to Flanders to participate in the Third Battle of Ypres.