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The Fertility Journey of Traditional and Modern Women


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼女は排卵(初潮)があるとすぐに妊娠しました、そして、その時から更年期まで、彼女は妊娠していたか、赤ちゃんに授乳していました。 典型的で伝統的な女性は、この期間中、25回、妊娠していました。 妊娠の約20例が正常に出産期を迎えました、しかし、生きている赤ちゃんの出生に至ったのはわずか15例でした。 生きて生まれた15人の赤ちゃんのうち、10人が幼児期を通して生き残りました。 対照的に、典型的な現代の女性は、1人か2人しか子供を育てません、標準的な受胎コントロール方法としては避妊を用いますが、、避妊に失敗すると、妊娠中絶を用いました。



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  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    In a study done in Israel, more than a thousand women from a range of cultures were interviewed. In the traditional culture of the region, fertility was uncontrolled (“fertility” is used here in its technical sense of “birth rate”); and in the modern, European culture of the region, fertility was controlled. In the traditional group, the typical woman never menstruated. お願いします。

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    The menopause The word menopause is derived from the Greek menos, mouth, and paueis, to cause to cease. It refers to an abrupt period of time in which physiological changes in women result in natural termination of menstruation and the menstrual cycle. During the menopause, women sometimes experience “hot flashes”, and many women report that period is unpleasant. It signals the end of fertility, but it is not viewed by middle-aged women as a heavy crisis; only 4 percent checked “the menopause” in a question on the worst thing about middle age, and most women who are postmenopausal feel positively about it (Troll, 1975). お願いします。

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    Nevertheless, middle age is not free of crises. Physiological and psychological crises occur, and must be met in a satisfactory way if stagnation is to be avoided. We begin with a physiological crisis that confronts middle-aged woman, the menopause. お願いします。

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    The crisis appears at about the same time as the crisis of the empty nest- the departure of the last child from the home-which affects particularly the wife. She may be unable to turn to her husband for help in dealing with the empty-nest crisis, because he is preoccupied with his own crisis of adjusting to the limits on his career and the implied limits on his abilities. Especially if the wife has learned only the traditional view of woman’s role in society-wife and mother-the departure of the last child will be a crisis. For such a woman one of the main purposes in life has ended, bringing about a sudden “retirement” that was unwanted and largely unanticipated. お願いします。

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    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。

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    Loss of a spouse through death is relatively uncommon before middle age, but becomes increasingly more common after old age begins. An old person without a mate is much more likely to be a woman than to be a man. This fact has several important implications for old people, but before commenting on these implications, we might mention some of the causes of the sex difference. お願いします。

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    Both groups were positive about the loss of fertility associated with the menopause. In fact, independently of their history of fertility, they were equally positive about this aspect of the menopause, although for different reasons. For the women with a history of controlled fertility, the positive attitude reflected no further need for the bothers of contraception (or abortion), while for the traditional women, it ended the long succession of pregnancies (Datan, Antonovsky, & Maoz, 1978). お願いします。

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    Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the empty nest, however, is that it is a sign that youth has gone. This sign, together with the evidence confronted in the mirror and the menopause, which occurs at about the same time as the empty nest, make the loss of youth impossible to deny. Given the worship of youthfulness in our society, especially youthfulness in woman, the effect is a real crisis. Of little comfort to the present generation, the declining birth rate and increasing longevity have combined to increase the average age of Americans to 29 years. If the trends continue, our ideal may also mature. お願いします。

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    Adulthood Developmental psychologists have disagreed about the age range that should define the stage of young adulthood. The word adult is derived from the past participle of the Latin verb adolescere, to grow up. Thus, by derivation an adolescent is one who is growing up, an adult is a “grown-up”. The problem of definition is that the adult is supposed to be grown up not only with respect to physical characteristics, but also with respect to psychological characteristics. He or she is supposed to be mature physically and psychologically. Physical maturity is difficult to measure, and psychological maturity is difficult even to define, especially because some psychological processes continue to improve until very old age. Because of the difficulty of measuring physical and psychological maturity, many developmentalist have by-passed the problem, and adopted a definition based only on age level. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいますか?

    At that age, he is likely to be employed, but if he loses his job new employment is harder to find than when he was younger. Furthermore, even if he stays employed, the extra financial burdens and high economic inflation may force a reduction in the standard of living. Recently the problem is being avoided by the wife’s reentering the labor force, but unless she has specialized training, a well-paying job will be hard to find. お願いします。