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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語について)




(1) several (2) more (1)a number of ~ならいいですが、number of ~はおかしい。 every は必ず名詞を従えますので、every of ~は使えません。 (all や each なら正しい) お祝いに連れ出した、と言っているのに few of ~「ほとんど~ない」はおかしい。 several は可算の複数、「数人」 (2) rice は不可算。 those, many, few はすべて可算かつ複数。 不可算だと知らず、可算だと仮に思っても、 やはり those, many, few の後は複数形になるはず。 結局、rice は不可算だということになりますが。 more は many, much の共通の比較級なので、不可算でも使えます。 こういう問題はその単語が可算か不可算かを知っておくことも必要ですが、 問題の形でどちらか自然にわかるようになっているものも多いです。


  • 和訳をお願いします!

    Alligator, Not Crocodile! John was visiting Japan for the first time. Everything about fascinated him: the people, the culture and especially the language. A friend took him to dine at a restaurant.'How do you say 'Thank you' in Japanese?' John asked. 'Thank you' is 'ARI-GA-TO,' his friend answered. 'To help you remember just think of 'Alligator .' It sounds like 'ARIGATO.' John practiced saying it and seemed quite comfortable with the new word. At the end of the meal, John wanted to express his appreciation to the waiter, but could not remember how to say it. To remind him, his friend used his arms to imitate the reptile opening and closing its jaws. 'Ah!' John remembered...He turned to the waiter and said loudly, 'CROCODILE! CROCODILE!' ジョークの部分も教えて貰えると嬉しいです!

  • 英語の長文和訳。

    英語が得意な人が居ましたら、 和訳をお願いします。 I'm glad that I can talk to you about my life here in Texas. I can't believe that about Three months have already passed since I came. Every day has been so exciting for me. I have always been interested in America. I began to study English when I was ten years old. Since then I have wanted to be able to speak English well. Soon after exciting high school in Japan. I hoped to go to America. So I studied very hard. At last my dream came true and I arrived in Texas. I have made so many friends through living and studying here in America. Last week one of my friends, Kate, invited me to dinner. Her parents went to Japan last lear. She showed me some pictures they took to remember their trip. At dinner, Kate's mother asked me about Japanese cooking. She said, "I hear that tofu is very healthy, but I don't know many ways to cook it. Maki, could you tell me a few different ways to cook it?" putting tofu in miso soup was the only way I could think of. later, Kate's father asked me about haiku. He said,"I hear that haiku was born in Japan. Would you tell me about Japanese haiku?" I couldn't tell him about haiku because I don't remember anything I learned about it. After dinner, we talked about our towns. Kate asked me the population of mine, but I couldn't answer that question,either. I was surprised to be asked questions like those. Before coming here, I read a lot of books about America, not Japan. My friends here want to know about Japan as much as I want to know about America. I never thought of that before. I now understand that it is important to learn about one's own country and to be able to talk about it. 以上です。 誤字や脱字があったらすみません。 和訳、宜しくお願いします。

  • for the time ever

    I am a 68-year-old widow with two grown children, both married, both living nearby. I dearly love babies and baby-sit as much as possible. My son and wife had my first grandson over the summer. My son called me the morning after to invite me to see him, so I did for a few minutes. Then, a few weeks later and a few weeks after that, my son invited me to their home to see the baby again. So I went. When I didn't see the baby for several weeks, I texted my daughter-in-law to ask whether I could see the baby but got no response. I knew she would be going back to work soon, so I asked again. No response. The next thing I knew, my son told me to leave them alone -- that they wanted their privacy. I cried and cried but don't know what happened. He told me to not text or call. This happened around Thanksgiving, when, for the time ever, we didn't spend the holiday together. for the time everとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の問題です。

    解答と合わせて、訳と文法的な解説などをつけていただけると助かります。 ランダムにさまざまな問題が混ざっているので、できるだけ何か説明がほしいです。 お願いします。 【A】 1 May I borrow that magazine when you () reading it?   アfinished イhave finished ウwill finish エwill have finished 2 It´s a pity that John and Mary broke up. They () married today.   アhave got イwill have got ウhad got エwere to have got 3 The chair is broken. You´d better () someone to fix it.   アmake イget ウcause エlet 4 How can he qualify for the job () he is only thirteen years old?   アthat イwhen ウwhere エwhy 5 A tax is to a country () gasoline is to a car.   アwhat イwhen ウwhich エwhy 6 He went out () so much as saying goodbye to me.   アdoing イeven ウnothing エwithout 7 Such a poor country cannot provide good medical services, much () a good       education.   アfew イmore ウless エlittle 8 Dick () arrived here already. I´m afraid he has lost his way.   アcannot have イshould have ウmust have エmight have 9 A computer is essencially an efficient means of processing ().   アinformation イan information ウinformations エany informations 10 It´s a () your wife couldn´t come. I really wanted to meet her.   アharm イshame ウsorrow エtrouble 11 She reads all the fashion magazines to keep () with the times.   アover イup ウalong エoff 【B】 1 そのパーティでとても愉快に過ごしました。   I enjoyed () very much at the party. 2 バスでも列車でも、どちらでも私はかまいません。   It makes no () to me whether we go by bus or train. 3 昨夜彼と口論したが、今朝仲直りした。   I had words with him last night, but we () up this morning. 4 中に入ってお待ちになったらどうですか。   Why () come in and wait here? 【C】 1 My sister was filled with joy.   =My sister was beside () with joy. 2 He adviced her to stop talking, but she didn´t.   =She didn´t stop talking in () of his advice. 3 He was ninety when he died.   =He died at the () of ninety. 4 This car is already out of date.   =This car is no longer () to date. 【D】 1 Nuclear weapons may (bring about) the destruction of mankind. 2 They all (look on) him as their leader. 3 Do you agree with what he (came up with)? 4 Her request for a pay raise was (turned down) again. 5 It took her a long time to (get over) the shock from his impolite remark. (アovercome イcause ウreject エregard オpropose カutilize) 【E】誤りの選択です。 1 He forget (bringing) his homework (to school), so his teacher (got) angry (at) him. 2 Every boy and (every) girl (was) glad to see (the) new teacher (to come) in. 3 They kept (a fire) (burn) all night (to protect) themselves from (the cold). 4 They said they (have got) (married) (three years) (before). 5 (It) is interesting to (compare) the manners and customs of Japan (with) (that) of   the United States. 【F】 1 (should,of,great,be,taken,care) the aged. 2 I could hardly believe that (be,everything,it,the,to,used,was still,way). 3 She was (to,person,I,expected,see,the,last,had). 4 Philosophy (difficult,subject,as,so,a,is,not) you imagine it is. 以上です。

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳を、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"