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Help Needed: Translation Request

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  • ベストアンサー

1883年の夏のことだった。貧しい農夫が、職を求めて大都会へ向かう旅路にいた。 彼の服はボロボロで靴は擦り切れていた。彼は全くもって空腹でお金もなかったが、陽気に口笛を吹いていた。 心やさしいドライバーが数百マイルほど同乗させてくれたので、その農夫はあと50マイルほど歩けばよかった。 数週間食事をしていなかったので、彼はお腹が空いていた。彼は、すぐにやりすごした金物店でねだって手に入れた、古くて乾いたパンのかけらをポケットに入れていたが、それは本当に必要なときまで取っておいた。 そして、今、その時がやってきた。 道路のすぐ横には、ハンバーガー店があった。牛肉、たまねぎ、そしてレタスのおいしそうな香りが、閉じられている窓からその農夫の立っているところまで臭ってきました。 彼は、からかさ型のきのこの上に腰掛けて、自分のサンドイッチを食べ始めました。 彼が食事を終えて立ち上がり、歩き始めた時、ハンバーガー店の店主が駆け寄ってきて、こう怒鳴りました。 「お前、ハンバーガーの代金払ってないじゃないか!」 農夫は憤慨しながら答えました。「どのハンバーガーのことだ?俺はハンバーガーなんか食っちゃいないぞ。」 それに対して、ハンバーガーの店主は、こう言いました。 「確かにハンバーガーは食べちゃいないが、お前が自分のパンを食べている時、うちのハンバーガーの臭いをかいだだろ。だったら食べたも同じだ。さぁ、金を払うか、それとも警察を呼ぼうか?」 農夫は事を荒立てたくなかったので、こうい言いました。 「OK。認めるよ。確かに臭いはかいださ。それはいくらになるんだい。」 「85セントだ」と店主は答えました。 農夫は1ドル札を取り出し、それを騒々しく振りました(バタバタと振った)。 「おい、聞いたか(この音)」農夫は(店主に)問いました「これが1ドル分だ。さぁ、俺の釣りはどこにあるんだよ?」 臭いに対して金払えと言った店主に対して、1ドル札をひらめかせる音で支払いをしたことにして、釣りはないのか?、というところがオチなんだろうね。


その他の回答 (2)


1年では、1883.A貧農が仕事を探すのに大都市に行く途中という夏でした。 彼の衣服はぼろぼろでした、そして、彼の靴が擦り減って、空腹を持っていましたが、どんなお金もありませんでした、しかし、彼が喜んで彼への自己の口笛を吹いていました。 親切なドライバーには、彼が彼の自動車にbroughにnundred数マイルいました、そして、より多くのahotherだけに、行く約50マイルがありました。 数週間食べていなくて、彼は少し空腹でした。 彼がすぐ通り過ぎる金物店にねだったポケットで古くて、乾いたパンを食べました、そして、正しい瞬間に救っていました。 現在の、その瞬間は来ました。 すぐ道路の横に、ハンバーガー店がありました。 牛肉、たまねぎ、およびレタスの美味しいにおいは閉まっている窓を通して貧者が立っていたところに漂いました。 彼は、毒きのこの上に座った状態で座って、サンドイッチを食べ始めました。 食べ終えたとき、彼は、立ち上がって、歩き去り始めました。 ハンバーガー店の所有者は叫んで、「ね、あなたはあなたのhambergerの対価を支払っていない」と外に述べて来ました。 「男性が憤りで「私はどんなhumburger?そうしないかがどんなハンバーガーも食べること」に答えた貧乏人」 店主は返答しました。「いいえが、あなたは食べていた間、それらのにおいをかいで、それはほとんど同じものです」。 全部払ってください。さもないと、私は警察を呼ぶつもりです。 「貧者が少しの問題も欲しくなかったので、彼は言った」というOK、私は1つのにおいをかいだことを認めます。 「それらはいくらですか?」 店主は、「85セント」と返答しました。 貧者は、やかましく1ドルの請求書を取り出して、それを震動させました。 彼は、「あなたはそれを聞きましたか?」と尋ねました。 「それは1ドルの請求書でした。」 「現在、私のお釣がどこにありますか?」 まだちょっと変なところはあるけど、だいぶいいかな?

  • numon
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/2)

1883.A貧農が大都市への探すためには途中のものであった1年では、work.His衣服がぼろぼろであり、空腹を持ちましたが、彼の靴が擦り減って、彼にはどんなお金もないという夏でしたが、心のドライバーが彼を彼の自動車でnundred数マイルbroughさせたhimself.A種類まで陽気に口笛を吹いていました、そして、彼には、行く約50マイルがより多くのahotherだけにありました。 数週間食べていなくて、彼がその瞬間に彼がすぐ、向かって、右のmoment.Nowのためにそれを貯蓄していた金物店にねだったポケットの古くて、乾いたパンが来たなら、彼は少しのhungry.Heでした。 すぐ道路の横に、牛肉のハンバーガーのstore.Theの美味しいにおいがあって、たまねぎとレタスは閉まっている窓を通して貧者がstanding.Heが毒きのこの上に座った状態で座ったということであり、彼のサンドイッチを食べ始めたところに漂いました。 食べ終えたとき、彼は、立ち上がって、歩き始めました。ハンバーガー店のaway.The所有者は、なくなりながら、来ました、と「ね、あなたはあなたのhambergerの対価を支払っていない」叫んでいる 貧者が憤りで「私がそうしないすべてのhumburger?はどんなハンバーガーも食べること」に答えました。店主は、「いいえが、あなたは食べていた間、それらのにおいをかいで、ほとんど同じthing.Payが上がっているか、または私は警察を呼ぶつもりです。」と返答しました。 OK、私は私がたくさん1.Howをにおいにしたことを認めます。」 「85セント」それらであり、返答されて、store owner.Theの貧しい男性は、1ドルの請求書を取り出して、やかましくそれを震動させました。それはdollar bill.Nowでした。貧者が問題が少しの欲しくなかったので、彼が言った、「彼が、「あなたはそれを聞きましたか?」と尋ねた、「どこが私の変化であるか、」 サイトで翻訳しましたが、なんかおかしいですね^^; しっかりとした翻訳をしてくれる人が現れるのを祈ってます。



  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳を、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。助けてください。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳を、お願いします。 It was summer of the year 1883.A poor peasant was on his way to a big city to look for work.His clothes were ragged and his shoes worn out,he had an empty stomach and no money,but he was whistling cheerfully to himself.A kind hearted driver had brough him several nundred miles in his automobile and he had only ahother fifty miles or so to go. Having not eaten for several weeks,he was a little hungry.He had an old,dry piece of bread in his pocket which he had scrounged from a hardware store he would soon pass,and he was saving it for the right moment.Now that moment had come. Just beside the road,there was a hamburger store.The delicious smell of beef,onions and lettuce wafted through the closed window to where the poor man was standing.He sat sat down on a toadstool and began to eat his sandwich. When he had finished eating,he stood up and began to walk away.The owner of the hamburger store came running out,shouting "Hey!You haven't paid for your hamberger."The poor man answered with indignation "What humburger?I don't eat any hamburgers."The store owner replied "No but you smelled them while you were eating,that's nearly the same thing.Pay up or I'll call the cops." The poor man didn't want any trouble,so he said"OK,I admit I did smell one.How much are they?""85 cents,"replied the store owner.The poor man took out a dollar bill and shook it loudly."Did you hear that?"he asked."That was a dollar bill.Now where's my change?"

  • 英文の翻訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 1つの段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His father was a man who was Tall, and moderately fat with large eyes and black hair and a long banana or crescent moon shaped face. A proud looking man. He had trouble with one of his knees and his leg was a bit weak or crooked. He had a hospitable and generous nature. He tried to mould the minds of his children into the right direction in life. Married late in life to a woman of superior position and his past was not so good. He could be melancholic and liked to study or read in the silence of his own chamber with a lamp, which his children were not welcome to disrupt. He was stricter and sharp with the children when they were small. but, gentler when they were older and behaved better. He could be merry, eat drink and have fun and include the children. He felt happy amongst his family and children. He was intuitive and had a spiritual side.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳を宜しくお願いします。 He has the ability to rise from the ashes of the past and makes use of the hard times in the strength of his character. He is loyal and faithfulness. H is capable of great devotion, whether it is to love, or to some enduring interest, cause, faith or lifework. He has the subconscious desire to build up in his life the things he feels were missing in his childhood. Thus if he had a poor childhood and a grim home, he will build wealth and luxury into his house. If he was lonely, he will seek to populate his life with acquaintances and call them friends. This, underlying desire to have what he never had in childhood and this will dictate many of his unconscious motives though he cannot see it. He is intuitive, with a need to express his feelings to someone special. If he allows his intuition to guide him he can do well. Works best under stress, or demand, when he doesn’t have time to think or plan, as his impulsive and quick intuitive decisions are better than his carefully thought out ones. t H His weakness is he allows unrealistic dreams to blunt his perception of the reality he faces.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    父親の特徴が書いてあります。 日本語訳をしていただければ助かります! 宜しくお願いします。 His father was a healthy lusty person, with a lot of physical vitality. Big in stature and with a lot of muscular strength and energy. A man with a long face and hollow eyes, brown hair. There was a stiffness in his demeanor and body and a formality in his manner.. Well liked by women and apt to go wrong in life. A man of meager fortunes who was greedy and lazy with a moral decay when it came to money. A conceited hypocrite, with an authoritative manner. who tried to set his children a good example by the way he lived his life, and enforced his good manners and standards on them, which would have been ok, had he lived up to these in his own life. But he always open to receiving benefits from others, but giving non of his own. Wanting distinction in life. In his past there may have been a murder close to him. Or some kind of blood bath through which he passed. He had an untidy but comfortable room with open books. Liked mental pursuits and learning. May have dabbled in writing, been interested in astronomy, or astrology and history literature and antiquities. His children may have only seen the best side of him, or the hardest. He made them behave, but he could be generous and encouraging to them too. He had a good memory, and was superstitious. Neither the worst nor the best of fathers

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 Long,long ago there lived a king in Greece. He had two little children, a boy and a girl. They were good children and loved each other very much. One day they were playing in the girden. There on the grass was a fine large sheep. This sheep had a fleece of gold, and his horns were gold too. The children wanted to pat thi sheep, but they could not catch him. When they went near, he ran away on the clouds. Every day they played in the garden and every day the sheep came, too. He slowly became tame and let the children pat his golden fleece. The boy helped his sister noto the sheep's back. Then he got on and held onto the horns. The sheep went up.up into the sky, and ran a long way on the clouds. The girl became dizzy and fell down into the sea. The boy felt very bad to lose his sister, but kept on riding. Then he came to the land of Colchis. He killed the sheep and gave fleece to the king. The king was pleased to have it and nailed it to an oak tree. By the tree was a dragon. The dragon never went to sleep. He could not let anyone but the king come close to the tree. The boy then realized, not only had he host his sister, but also he had lots the golden fleece.

Roland TD-27 ドラムキットが無い
  • 小さな子供が触った後からドラムキットのリストが出てこなくなった。診断方法やデータの復旧方法を教えてください。
  • Roland TD-27ドラムキットのトラブルで、ドラムキットのリストが表示されなくなった。工場リセットも試したが改善しない。
  • Roland TD-27ドラムキットのリストが表示されないトラブルが発生しています。データの復旧方法や診断方法を教えてください。