Lazzero was called to Pisa to his great and rich inheritance. When he had entered into possession, he took only one mansevant to serve along with the old woman, and he kept on the steward who looked after the land and the crops.
Now all the world at once wanted to find him a wife, forgetting all about his coarseness and his stupidity. But he replied resolutely that he wanted to wait four years longer, and then he would think about it : so after that, not a word more was said, for they knew his nature. He, by way of living a gay life, refused to associate with any man of birth, and fled from conversation faster than devils flee from the cross.
By good luck there lived opposite him a poor man called Gabriello, with a wife named Santa, and two children, one a boy of five and the other a girl of three, and that was all they were, in their little house. But Gabriello was a fisher and a bird-catcher and a perfect maker of cages, and he kept his family as best he could by his fishing and his bird-catching, helped all the same by his wife, who wove linen cloth.
This Gabriello, as God would have it, was so like Lazzero in the face, that it was a marvel; they were both red-haired, their beards were of the same size and thickness, so that they seemed born at the same birth: and not only were they alike in appearance and in build, but they were almost of an age, and as I have said before, their ways were so much alike, that if they'd been dressed the same, it would have been hard to find anybody who would have known them apart, even Gabriello's wife herself would have been deceived. Only the clothes made a difference, because the one was dressed in the roughest stuff, and the other in the finest cloth.
翻訳ありがとうございました! 読んでみてなんだかすごいお父様ですね… 人としてちょっと考えてしまいますが、ある意味欲望に忠実なのかもしれませんね。いやあ、でもちょっとです(笑)