• 締切済み


There are 15 questions in this section. For each question, select the word that is unnecessary. 31. I like listening to music on my way to home after school. Please choose... 1. I 2. like 3. listening 4. to 5. music 6. on 7. my 8. way 9. to 10. home 11. after 12. school. 32. Even the cheapest house costs as the equivalent of 10 years' salary. Please choose... 1. Even 2. the 3. cheapest 4. house 5. costs 6. as 7. the 8. equivalent 9. of 10. 10 11. years' 12. salary. 33. She's much more busier now she has some responsibility at work. Please choose... 1. She's 2. much 3. more 4. busier 5. now 6. she 7. has 8. some 9. responsibility 10. at 11. work. 34. Everybody thinks they are much different from everyone else. Please choose... 1. Everybody 2. thinks 3. they 4. are 5. much 6. different 7. from 8. everyone 9. else. 35. When we were at first married, we lived in a tiny little flat. Please choose... 1. When 2. we 3. were 4. at 5. first 6. married, 7. we 8. lived 9. in 10. a 11. tiny 12. little 13. flat. 36. The airport train was delayed and their plane had been taken off when they finally got there. Please choose... 1. The 2. airport 3. train 4. was 5. delayed 6. and 7. their 8. plane 9. had 10. been 11. taken 12. off 13. when 14. they 15. finally 16. got 17. there. 37. I suggest you to telephone later. She's gone to a meeting. Please choose... 1. I 2. suggest 3. you 4. to 5. telephone 6. later. 7. She's 8. gone 9. to 10. a 11. meeting. 38. A weight-loss drug has been discovered newly and should be on sale next year. Please choose... 1. A 2. weight-loss 3. drug 4. has 5. been 6. discovered 7. newly 8. and 9. should 10. be 11. on 12. sale 13. next 14. year. 39. I'm writing for finding more information about the job you advertised. Please choose... 1. I'm 2. writing 3. for 4. finding 5. more 6. information 7. about 8. the 9. job 10. you 11. advertised. 40. Did you remember to get a bread while you were at the shops? Please choose... 1. Did 2. you 3. remember 4. to 5. get 6. a 7. bread 8. while 9. you 10. were 11. at 12. the 13. shops? 41. I spend a lot more money on clothes than I am used to when I was younger. Please choose... 1. I 2. spend 3. a 4. lot 5. more 6. money 7. on 8. clothes 9. than 10. I 11. am 12. used 13. to 14. when 15. I 16. was 17. younger. 42. We've decided to relax ourselves at home in front of the TV tonight. Please choose... 1. We've 2. decided 3. to 4. relax 5. ourselves 6. at 7. home 8. in 9. front 10. of 11. the 12. TV 13. tonight. 43. The president will be working hardly to raise support for his economic policies before the coming election. Please choose... 1. The 2. president 3. will 4. be 5. working 6. hardly 7. to 8. raise 9. support 10. for 11. his 12. economic 13. policies 14. before 15. the 16. coming 17. election. 44. Fires are dangerous because the first time people who experience them it is often the real thing and then it's too late. Please choose... 1. Fires 2. are 3. dangerous 4. because 5. the 6. first 7. time 8. people 9. who 10. experience 11. them 12. it 13. is 14. often 15. the 16. real 17. thing 18. and 19. then 20. it's 21. too 22. late. 45. It was an absolutely exciting game, and the players were totally exhausted afterwards. Please choose... 1. It 2. was 3. an 4. absolutely 5. exciting 6. game, 7. and 8. the 9. players 10. were 11. totally 12. exhausted 13. afterwards.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • B-juggler
  • ベストアンサー率30% (488/1596)

えっと、15問全部移したの? 大変だねぇ~。 だけど答えるわけにも行かない。 あなたの意見がないんですね。いわゆる丸投げなものですから。 自分はこうだと思うんだけど、どうでしょう? という形にしてもらえるかな? クイーンズ使いだから、ちょっとこたえたい気持ちはあるけど、 これは少し・・・。 軽く考え方だけ。 I like listening to music on my way to home after school. 絶対に必要なもの。たくさんあるね、迷うとしても2か3択だと思うけど。 主語はどけられないね、動詞も無理だね、動名詞も無理だ、目的語も無理、 帰り道、どこそこへの、いつの、これ全部どけられないね。 1個ぱっと目が行かない? 動名詞になっているから あとに to はいらない。 あっいけね。 こんな風に、投げるんじゃなくて、ちゃんと自分で見ましょう! m(_ _)m



おっしゃるとおりです。 以降、気をつけます。 何とかupper intermediateのクラスに入ることが出来ました。 回答ありがとうございました。


  • イギリスの英語学校の試験です。答えを教えてください

    There are 15 questions in this section. Complete each sentence with one appropriate word for each sentence. Contractions, e.g. didn't, count as one word. Capitalisation is also important. 46. __________ is a good idea to learn one or two expressions before you travel to another country. 47. The theatre was closed last night __________ to a fire alert. 48. If she'd been more careful, she __________ have had the accident. 49. Do you like my new kitchen? We __________ it put in last week. 50. That __________ be John at the door. He doesn't finish work until 5:30. 51. Nobody e-mailed me, __________ they? I'm expecting an important message. 52. I'll meet you at 6:00 __________ I have to stay late at the office. If I do, I'll call you. 53. Have you finished that report yet? No, I've __________ just started. 54. __________ the transport strike, I got to work on time. 55. In six months' time I'll have __________ with this company for twenty years. 56. __________ we need in this country is more money for education. 57. You __________ pay for your ticket in advance. You can buy it on the day. 58. It's amazing. __________ much money I earn, I never have any left at the end of the month. 59. My job is really __________ me down. It's incredibly stressful. 60. Have you got any aspirins? I think I've got a headache coming__________

  • 英語のインタビューの内容を教えてください

    妊婦さんが旦那さんと一緒に初めてお腹の中の赤ちゃんの様子を見たときの印象です。But以下の訳を御指導いただけないでしょうか。特に「we were a part of it」のニュアンスがわかりません。「  」内はその前の文なので参考にしてください。 「I mean, you're looking at something that's black, white and various shades of grey, and it's not the easiest thing to make out. And I'm not even sure that, you know, we were looking, I was probably looking at an eye when I was supposed to be looking at a nose, things like that.」 But just the feeling that we weren't just happening to be there. You know, that we were actually, she made us feel like we were a part of it and that we had some sort of say, and that we had brains. I mean, it was nice to feel like you were a part of the process.

  • イギリス英語学校入学試験、どれが正しい答えですか

    There are 30 questions in this section. For each question, select the word or phrase that is missing: 1. Christina lives in Rome. ____________ Italian. She's She has It's It has 2. ____________ 12 people in this class. There's They are We are There are 3. What ____________ you do? I'm a doctor. are is do does 4. My sister lives in Germany, but she ____________ with me at the moment. stays is staying stayed stay 5. Who are ____________ people over there? this that these those 6. Is New York ____________ London? bigger that as big than bigger than the bigger than 7. Which is ____________ city in the world? the beautiful the beautifullest the more beautiful the most beautiful 8. My daughter spends hours ____________ on the phone. to talk by talking talking for talking 9. I like museums because I'm ____________ history. interesting in interesting of interested of interested in 10. Would you ____________ me with this suitcase. It's very heavy. mind help mind to help mind helping mind giving help 11. "You look tired." "Yes, ____________ the house all day." I've cleaned I did clean I'm cleaning I've been cleaning 12. A: "________ you like to go to the cinema with me?" B: "Yes, what's on?" Can Would Do Will 13. I started this book six months _______ and I haven't finished it yet. ago since past before 14. A: "How _______ time are you going to spend in London?" B: "About a month." long many often much 15. I nearly missed my train, but it _________ left because the driver was late too! wasn't didn't couldn't hadn't 16. A: "Where _____ BMW cars made?" B: "In Germany." were do are have 17. A: "Can you __________ me why you were late?" B: "I missed the train." explain say tell advise 18. When you're driving you __________ always carry your driving licence with you. ought shall have should 19. I'd love to buy that car, but unfortunately it's __________ expensive for me to afford. far too more than much more very much 20. A: "Is the weather forecast good?" B: "No. It __________ definitely snow this afternoon." might could would will 21. A: "I'll be with you in a second." B: "No hurry - __________ your time." waste take spend use 22. A: "We haven't had __________ customers for hours." B: "What, none?" enough much some any 23. There is no _______ in worrying about the future. reason point need good 24. Have you got __________ for a £10 note? I need some for the ticket machine. money change coins cash 25. A: "Can I get you a cup of coffee?" B: "I'd __________ tea, if you have it." prefer more sooner instead 26. Your car will be repaired _____ Friday. In fact you can collect it on Friday evening. in by to at 27. You won't be able to open this file __________ you have the right software. if unless because except 28. He is always late to work, __________ really annoys me. what that who which 29. I__________ ill, but I'd rather not __________ the doctor. It takes so long. felt, go feel, visited feel, visit felt, went 30. Every complaint has to be __________ to find out who is responsible. made out checked in seen through looked into

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    When do you turn your cell phone off? Now I am more careful about it, but my phone was always on until I (have) an embarrassing experience last summer. I went on a vacation with my friends.  It was just my (two) time on a plane, and I was so(exciting). We got to our seats and waited for takeoff.  The flight attendants came through the aisles, making sure no one was using their phones or other electronics.  The pilot said we were ready to take off.  The plane was quiet and everyone was settling in when all of a sudden someone's phone rang. It was so (loudly).  I felt upset because I knew cell phone users were supposed to turn their phones off at that moment.  Then I heard the second ring.  It was then that I realized the ringing was coming from my bag. It was my phone! I went into a panic, and it took me a minute to find and stop the ringing. Everyone looked at me, and I felt small. I slept for the rest of the flight. Since then, I have been more (care) with my cell phone. カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。お願いします。

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    A: You bring new aspects to him. and with captain america it's like... B: He doesn't bring nuances. C: It was perfect B: Let me just say that we have had a lot of captain america love today. okey? So i'd glod to get some... A: And then we see Captain america evolving into his leadership role. But we also see you evolving more and more as we see you onscreen... B: Well...Do we?

  • 英語が堪能な方 訳をお願いできますか?

    I: We hung out about six months ago or so. CS: I was like I've been here before and I came in the back way. I: You did exactly the same thing. And the last time you were here, I think you had about a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. CS: Yeah I'm at like 500 and it goes up like 5,000 a day and I'm like wow. I: At the Cody Simpson, talk to me about how this happened. Of course you were found on YouTube by mediators. CS: Yeah I was found I think it was two thousand and was the end of two thousand and nine. Um like October 2009. I had this producer was just like send me messages to Myspace I think it was and he was just like I think you're really talented why don't you come over and record some songs for me. So he flew me and my dad over and we just gotten in a studio and see what happen and.. I: Next thing you know. CS: Yeah it just it just went like that. I: And you teamed up with Flo Rida with..

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was standing on the south side of the tracks by the bakery.I always stop in there on my way home from the supermarket.I like their bread rolls.The barries were coming down, and as usual a few people were running across at the last minute. They shouldn't , but it's understand ble.At that time of the morning there are a lot of trains. You can be stuck there for a long time.Anyway, it's quite a wide crossing, so people my age just wait.We walk so slowly, we'd never get across in time!That's why I was surprised when this old lady pushing a bicycle started to cross. She got about half way when she just seemed to freeze.I don't know why.

  • 簡単な英語ですが、翻訳をお願いします。

    友人が外国人の友人から送られてきたメールらしいです。 私は英語が苦手でして・・・ わかりやすい翻訳をお願いします。 I had a feeling there was something you were not telling me i like you and want to be your boyfriend. i hope you are done with your boyfriend. i wish you would have told me. we can talk more about it when i see you. 翻訳サイトでは、直訳の文章でしか出てきませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の添削をお願いいたします

    どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Good afternoon. こんにちは。 I think you were busy on weekend, but did you sleep at night? 週末は忙しかったと思うけど、夜は眠れましたか。 How was Okinawa? 沖縄はどうだった? I think you must be tired. きっとすごく疲れたでしょう。 I spend time with my sister to had a lunch or shopping. 私は妹と一緒にランチやショッピングをしてすごした。 Sometime I would like to go to your town to see because I have never been there and also want to know where you live. いつかあなたの住んでいるところへ遊びにいきたい、行った事ないし あなたがどんなところに住んでいるのか知りたい。 It will getting colder so please be careful not catch a cold. だんだん寒くなるので風邪などひかないように。

  • この英語を訳していただきたいです

    (1)Victorian, by the sea. Where we are is private, but you can get into town. (2)I like that you can modernize the inside but let the bones remain. I think the Victorians got in right in the generosity of the rooms and the windows. (3)It was very stimulating, really, because he was shooting with a handheld camera over his shoulder, so he would talk to you and then go back in. Everything that Jamie and I went though, Sean was right there behind us, even for the battle at the end of the movie in the crypt. There was a sense that we were all in it together. (4)He wrote the movie, directed it, shot it, and was all over everything from costume to hair to makeup. You feel safe as an actor. And, as an actor, if you can’t feel safe, you can’t make a fool of yourself. (5)I’d been there once before in my foolish, misspent youth and drank a lot of beer. But when you’re working on a film as immersive as this, you kind of have to cancel reality.