• 締切済み


1)A:Do you mind if I sit here? B:( ) 1 Yes,of course I mind. 2 Yes,please. You look very tired. 3 No,of course not. I'll move my bag. 4 No,I don't. I'm sitting here myself. →1? 2)A:Janet won't be coming to school today. She's got a bad cold. B:( ) I hope she gets better soon. 1 How come she did that? 2 I wonder why you say that. 3 I'm sorry to hear that. 4 What's wrong with that? →1? 3)A:I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? B:( ) A:Lucky you. Where did you go? 1 I wanted to go to Los Angeles last month. 2 I've been away on vacation. 3 I've been sick,so I stayed home. 4 Nowhere special. How about you? →2? 4)A:Can you meet me at six? B:( ) A:All right,let's say 6:30. B:Fine. 1 That's a little early. 2 Six is fine. 3 Six is too late. 4 Earlier is better. →1? 会話文、()内の選択肢、自分で考えてみた答え、の順に書きました。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくおねがいします。


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1)A:Do you mind if I sit here? もし私がここに座ると嫌ですか? B:(3) 1 Yes,of course I mind. はい、もちろん嫌です。 2 Yes,please. You look very tired. はい、いやですどうぞ。疲れて見えます。 3 No,of course not. I'll move my bag. いいえ、もちろん嫌ではないです。かばんをどけます。 4 No,I don't. I'm sitting here myself. いいえ、嫌ではないです。私はここに自分で座っています。 →1? 2)A:Janet won't be coming to school today. She's got a bad cold. ジャネットは今日学校に来ないでしょう。ひどい風邪をひきました。 B:(3) I hope she gets better soon. (3)早く彼女が良くなるといいですね。 1 How come she did that? どうして彼女はそうしたのですか? 2 I wonder why you say that. あなたはなぜそれを言うのかしら。 3 I'm sorry to hear that. それを聞いて残念です。 4 What's wrong with that? それのどこがいけないのですか? →1? 3)A:I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? 久しぶりですね。どこにいたのですか? B:(2) A:Lucky you. Where did you go? いいなあ。どこに行ったの。 1 I wanted to go to Los Angeles last month. 先月ロサンゼルスに行きたかった。 2 I've been away on vacation. 休暇を取っていたんです。 3 I've been sick,so I stayed home. 病気でした、それで家にいました。 4 Nowhere special. How about you? 特別どこにも。あなたは? →2? 4)A:Can you meet me at six? 6時に私と会うことができますか? B:(1) A:All right,let's say 6:30. わかりました、6:30にしましょう。 B:Fine. 結構です。 1 That's a little early. 少し早いですね。 2 Six is fine. 6時で結構です。 3 Six is too late. 6時は遅すぎます。 4 Earlier is better. 早ければ早いほどいいです。 →1?

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1)A:Do you mind if I sit here? B:(3) 1 Yes,of course I mind. 2 Yes,please. You look very tired. 3 No,of course not. I'll move my bag. 4 No,I don't. I'm sitting here myself. ここに座ったら困りますか? と、訊いていますので、 何をおっしゃいますか。どうぞどうぞ。鞄どけますから。 2)A:Janet won't be coming to school today. She's got a bad cold. B:(3) I hope she gets better soon. 1 How come she did that? 2 I wonder why you say that. 3 I'm sorry to hear that. 4 What's wrong with that? 風邪ひいたんだって。かわいそうにね。 3)A:I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been? B:( ) A:Lucky you. Where did you go? 1 I wanted to go to Los Angeles last month. 2 I've been away on vacation. 3 I've been sick,so I stayed home. 4 Nowhere special. How about you? →2? 正解 4)A:Can you meet me at six? B:(4) A:All right,let's say 6:30. B:Fine. 1 That's a little early. 2 Six is fine. 3 Six is too late. 4 Earlier is better. もっと早い方がいいんだけど。

