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英語でズラズラ書かれたメールが来たのですが正直解読出来ないので出来る方はお願いします 以前、YOUTUBEからメールがきてその解読をしてもらったのですが勧誘メールだったようだったので 今回もそんなのはめんどくさいのでどうかお願いします ただ普通のメールだったら申し訳ないですけど・・・orz My name is Jabor Thani, a merchant in Qatar. I have recently been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer, which has defiled all medical treatment. Expert diagnosis has shown that I have few months to live. The intention of this email is to employ the expertise of a business entrepreneur, who can identify a viable investment and guarantee reasonable returns on my wealth. This is to secure a future for my 4 years old son who lost his mother during birth. I cannot rely on his closest relatives any more, as they did not show responsible behaviour two years ago when I entrusted half of my wealth to them to invest on his behalf. They thought I wouldn’t survive the operation and then used the money for their personal needs. To prevent any more mishaps, my attorney will act as a check, monitoring every aspect of the investment. Funds should be split in half and distributed to charity organisation and the other half, as investment for my son. If this interests you, please reach me on the email address: jaborthani@aim.com to discuss terms and compensation. Kind regard Jabor Thani ******************************************************************************** The information in this email message is confidential and exclusive intended for the addressed. The information in this message is confidential and is possible legally protected. The information sent is exclusive intended with this e-mail message for the addressed. Use of this information through others then the addressed is bans. Publication, vermenigvuldiging,spread and/or verse twich of this information at harmed not has been allowed. Not in for the right and complete transfer of the content of a sent e-mail, neither for timely reception of that. This footnote gives also at that this e-mail gescand is through a current virus scanner on the presence of computer virussdn. With kind greeting ******************************************************************************
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- ベストアンサー率57% (143/247)
かなり長く後半は法的に守られるといったことなので前半の内容を要約します。・私はカタールの商人で食道ガンにかかっており余命数ヶ月である。 ・メールの目的は私の資産運用で適切な収益を保証できる起業家の専門知識の活用である。 ・四歳の息子がおり、その将来の生活資金が必要。 ・二年前に自己資産の半分を親戚に預けたが使いこまれた。 ・この不運を繰り返さないよう弁護士を入れ半分は慈善事業に半分を資産運用に回す。 ・この話に興味があれば連絡してほしい。 多分資産運用詐欺メールだと思いますよ。
解答有難う御座います! やはりそんな感じですか このメールは無視しておきますw