
  • ジョージ・メレディス作「エゴイスト」の翻訳版をお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、以下の小説冒頭の部分の日本語を教えてください。
  • 「エゴイスト」は、社会生活における反射を投げかけるために行われるコメディであり、それは文明化された男性や女性の描かれる居間の中で人間の本性に対処します。その描写の正確さを納得させるために、激しい衝突や外部世界のあらゆる埃や汚れはありません。
  • ハッシュタグ:エゴイスト #ジョージメレディス #小説翻訳 #コメディ #社会生活 #人間の本性
  • ベストアンサー


翻訳版をお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら 以下の小説冒頭の部分の日本語を教えてください。 A Chapter of which the Last Page only is of any Importance Comedy is a game played to throw reflections upon social life, and it deals with human nature in the drawing-room of civilized men and women, where we have no dust of the struggling outer world, no mire, no violent crashes, to make the correctness of the representation convincing. よろしくお願いいたします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • LN-TF
  • ベストアンサー率53% (320/596)

直截の回答ではありません。回答が中々つかづにいるようなので少しく気の毒になりましたので、回答のヒントを差し上げます。 先ず、訳書ですが、三種類出ていますが、岩波文庫本以外は戦前それも大正15年や昭和13年の本なので入手は困難だらうと思ひます。 一応列挙しておきます。 朱牟田夏雄訳「エゴイスト」(上・下)岩波文庫.昭和53年 http://opac.ndl.go.jp/Process?MODE_10100001=ON&SEARCH_WINDOW_INFO=01&THN=16&INDEX_POSITION=5&DB_HEAD=01&SORT_ORDER=01&SHRS=RUSR&QUERY_FILE=818835123_3498087&TA_LIBRARY_DRP=99&DS=0&CID=000001377728&SS=01&SSI=0&SHN=16&SIP=6&LS=818835123 http://opac.ndl.go.jp/Process?MODE_10100001=ON&SEARCH_WINDOW_INFO=01&THN=16&INDEX_POSITION=7&DB_HEAD=01&SORT_ORDER=01&SHRS=RUSR&QUERY_FILE=818835123_3498087&TA_LIBRARY_DRP=99&DS=0&CID=000001384416&SS=01&SSI=0&SHN=16&SIP=8&LS=818835123 繁野天来訳「エゴイスト」(上・下)冨山房百科文庫.昭和13年 http://opac.ndl.go.jp/Process?MODE_10100001=ON&SEARCH_WINDOW_INFO=01&THN=16&INDEX_POSITION=2&DB_HEAD=01&SORT_ORDER=01&SHRS=RUSR&QUERY_FILE=818835123_3498087&TA_LIBRARY_DRP=99&DS=0&CID=000000788142&SS=01&SSI=0&SHN=16&SIP=3&LS=818835123 平田禿木訳「我意の人」(上・下)「世界名作大観」国民文庫刊行会.大正15年. http://opac.ndl.go.jp/Process?MODE_10100001=ON&SEARCH_WINDOW_INFO=01&THN=16&INDEX_POSITION=4&DB_HEAD=01&SORT_ORDER=01&SHRS=RUSR&QUERY_FILE=818835123_3498087&TA_LIBRARY_DRP=99&DS=0&CID=000000597555&SS=01&SSI=0&SHN=16&SIP=5&LS=818835123 この最後のものは版権が切れているので、国立国会図書館が写真版を公開しています。 http://kindai.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1018076 これの本文1頁目でしょうか。(ファイルでは7頁目でしょうか)振り仮名を無視し、正字を新字に直して引くと、以下の如きです。 最後の一頁をおいて、余は皆作者が無駄言の一章 『喜劇』はもとこれ社交の生に反映の光を投ぐべく演じられる一つの遊技、扱ふところは文明男女が客間に於ける人間性そのもので、生憎とそこには悶きにもがく外界の塵埃もなく、泥濘もなく、激しい喧声とてもないので、これ等を仮りもて、演戯のその的を外れぬを納得させやうがないのである。 (引用。以上) 岩波文庫本は版権の関係があり、訳文を茲に公にする訳には行きません。 御参考にならば幸甚です。



ご丁寧に回答いただきまして誠にありがとうございました。 とても参考になりました。メレディスは文章が難しいです…。 この部分はrepresentationをどう訳すのかで悩みました。 演戯を使用するのですね。本当にありがとうございました。 助かりました。


  • 心理学論文の訳をお願いします

    自分で訳してはみたのですが自信がないのでお願いしますm(_ _)m According to the conventional multi-store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968), humen memory comprises three different types of store: the sensory register, short-term memory, and long-term memory (see the summary of Craik and Lockhart, 1972, Chapter13). Sperling's paper deals with the characteristics of the first of these stores, the sensory register, and examines how it deals with visual stimuli. The sensory register for visual information is often referred to as iconic memory. Model of memory that proporse distinct memory stores, including long-term memory and short-term memory. Short-acting memory store for the sensory record of a stimulus. どうかよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 日本語訳お願いします!!

    It seems impossible to go from the ultraーcivilized tradition of high tea to the wilderness,but that is how Canada lives,an amazing and marvelous melnge of modern sophistication and untouched,untamed frontier.The Yukon Territory was opened up by the goldーseekers of the klondike Gold Rush in the 19th century.Adjoing the Yukon,the Northwest Territories constitute oneーthird of the landmass of Canada,by far the largest political subdivision in the country.It extends to within 500 miles of the North Pole and incldes the islands of the Arctic Archipelago,among them Ellesmere and Baffin lsjands.

  • 訳をお願いします。

    Compliment is to say something nice. Complement is to add to, enhance, improve, complete or bring close to perfection. So, I can compliment your staff and their service, but if you have no current openings, you have a full complement of staff. And your new app may complement your website. For which I may decide to compliment you. 下記のセンテンスの訳がどうしてもわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 So, I can compliment your staff and their service, but if you have no current openings, you have a full complement of staff. And your new app may complement your website.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Among the many findings of a city traffic study released on Monday was that 80 percent of all crashes in a five-year period in which pedestrians were seriously injured or killed involved men who were driving. The imbalance is far too great to be explained away by the predominance of men among bus, livery, taxi and delivery drivers, said Seth Solomonow, a spokesman for the city’s Transportation Department. The statistic would seem to put to rest, for good, the Mars versus Venus question of who is better behind the wheel, and to confirm what auto insurance companies — and at least half the city (women, that is) — knew all along.

  • 訳・文法が分かりません

    It follows that it is not entirely, nor even mainly, an affair of book learning, for that is only the education of one part of our nature ― that part of the mind which deals with concepts and abstractions. In the child, who is not yet mature enough to think by these short-cut methods, it should be largely an education of the senses ― the senses of sight, touch and hearing: in one word, the education of the sensibility. まず、補足ですが、follows that itのitはeducationを指しています。 文法的な質問が2つあります。 ・for that is…のthatはbook learningで間違いないのか? ・whichの先行詞は何なのか? 少し長いですが、宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳。

    次に挙げるものの巧い日本語訳の例をお願いします。 1.In ageneral sense. 2.For example, a wave of the hand can communicate either "hellow"or"goodbye",and you have to know the context to know which is meant. 3.Some aspects of nonverbal communication vary from culture to culture and must be learned, just as language must be learned. 4.physical closeness 5.Intentionality 6.A behavior may be 7.intentional and tinterpreted as being intentional 8.Anna may realoze that that is all he is doing, so she realizes that there is no intention to communicate. いっぱいでごめんなさい…。もし、スペルの間違いがあったら、ごめんなさい。よろしくお願いします。

  • asの用法と訳(阪大 85年)

    We value too highly its material achievements, and no longer keep in mind as vividly as is necessary the importance of the spiritual element in life. の英文において、最後の2つのasは同等比較で、後ろのasは関係代名詞と考えればよいのでしょうか?また、keepの目的語はthe importance of the spiritual element in life. までと考えればよいでしょうか? 訳した場合as vividly as以下がしっくりきません。ご教示ください。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Canadian Corps participated in several of these actions including the Battle of Arleux and the Third Battle of the Scarpe in late April and early May 1917. After the end of World War I, Byng was raised to the peerage as Baron Byng of Vimy, of Thorpe-le-Soken in the County of Essex, on 7 October 1919. The next month, he retired from the military and moved to Thorpe Hall. The Battle of Vimy Ridge has considerable significance for Canada. Although the battle is not generally considered the greatest achievement of the Canadian Corps in strategic importance or results obtained, it was the first instance in which all four Canadian divisions, made up of troops drawn from all parts of the country, fought as a cohesive formation. The image of national unity and achievement is what, according to one of many recent patriotic narratives, initially gave the battle importance for Canada, According to Pierce, "The historical reality of the battle has been reworked and reinterpreted in a conscious attempt to give purpose and meaning to an event that came to symbolize Canada's coming of age as a nation." The idea that Canada's national identity and nationhood were born out of the battle is an opinion that in the late twentieth century became widely held in military and general histories of Canada.

  • 英語の訳がわからなくて困ってます。

    訳がわからなくて問題が解けません。英語の全部の訳を教えてください。 訳がぜんぜんわからなくてちょっとつまずいてます。 Professor Strauss, a psychologist, is being interviewed on WLTT radio. She is talking about the effect that watching violent TV shows has on children. Interviewer: Professor Strauss, you've recently done a study of how watching violent TV shows affects the way children behave. What did your study involve? Professor Strauss: We studied fifty children at a city pre-school. They were all four years old. We divided the children into two groups and gave the groups different cartoons to watch for one hour a day. They did this for five days a week, over a period of three weeks. One group watched violent cartoons―cartoons showing characters fighting and being hurt or killed―while the other group watched non-violent cartoons. We then observed the way the children behaved when they were playing. Interviewer: And what did you find? Professor Strauss: The results were very interesting. We found that the children who had watched the violent cartoons were more likely to fight and argue with their playmates; they were more likely to disobey adults and they also became more impatient than the children who had watched non-violent cartoons. Interviewer: So, the violence in the TV shows did have an effect on the children's behavior? Professor Strauss: It seemed to, yes. お願いします。

  • 英語を訳してください。

    英語を訳してください。 the population is already struggling to survive an economic crisis and an inflation of 1,000 per cent, brought about by the policies of their tyrannical leader この文での1,000 per centとはどういう意味で使われてるのかがわかりません。 100%ではだめなんでしょうか? AIDSの話で、この段落はジンバブエについてです。 2行目のtheirはジンバブエの人々のことです。 ※tyrannical 専制的な 訳すときにコンマ以下の文章を the population is already struggling to survive an economic crisis and an inflation of 1,000 per cent のどこに入れたらいいのでしょうか?