• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • apipopopo
  • ベストアンサー率100% (1/1)

1・・・正しい英語ではありませんが、多分「私達(あなたと私)、いつ出かける?」 2・・・「どうだった?とても楽しかったなら良いんだけど!」 という訳です。





  • 日本語にしてください。( ^_^)

    hello again. whoa, i had a pretty exhausting day today. all the classes were just filled with genki kids and i was tired when it was all over. how about you? how is work going? thank god we made it to wednesday! よろしくお願いします( ^_^)

  • 日本語に訳して下さい!

    there are some days when we can't talk, because you are busy maybe. Right? I was wondering if, those days, before you go to bed, you can leave me a message, just to know if you had a good day and feel good XD よろしくお願いします!!

  • IとWeの違い

    友人からメールが来ました。 How is your business going? Are you adjusting to life over there again? I hope you're happy there, but we miss you here. その中でwe miss you here.と書かれていますがなぜIではないのでしょうか? 同じ意味だと思いますが友人ひとりからのメールなのになぜWeなのかがわかりません。 教えていただけませんか、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 大大至急です!(´;ω;`)日本語訳お願いします。

    翻訳機にかけるのはやめてください。 英語がわかるかた、日本語訳おねがいします。 (1)I more than just like you. (2)I'm not saying I like tall girls. I'm saying I don't care about how tall a girl is.  (3)If things are going to work between us when I leave. (4)Right now it seems like you're scared and it makes me think that things are going to work between us when I leave.  (5)No one else but you. I am not unconcerned either. There are going to be times that I won't be able to talk to you everyday. When I go to Montana I will be at work for 5 days at a time and won't be able to go back home and email or message you. Or if I deploy somewhere and I will only be able to message you 1 or 2 times a week maybe. That's the way it's going to be and I need you to be able to handle that. Please know that there will never be a day that I don't think about you or I won't be thinking about you all day. 日本語訳お願いします。

  • すみませんがどなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。

    すみませんがどなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。 宜しくお願いいたします。 ↓ how are you! hope you are fine and in good health!!! o I see english is difficult for you. But no problem I can teach you :) O! you are going to Morocco. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you soon in Yemen. no I don`t but we will speak when you come to Sanaa. yours

  • 和訳お願い致します

    I know we've spent some time together and I like hanging out with you, but since it's mostly been when we're drunk and after being out with other friends, I have thought of it as us being friends and having fun time together. I hope you are okay with that and you don't feel awkward.

  • これを日本語にしてください

    Glad to see you had a safe trip home. Hope you had a great time in Brisbane. Both Duncan & I enjoyed having you stay with us. You were a pleasure to have and a credit to your mother and your school. Hope to hear from you soon. これを日本語に訳してください。

  • 英語が苦手です。英訳をお願いします。

    直訳でだいたいはわかるのですが・・・ もしかしたらちょっとニュアンスが違うのかな?と不安になります。 英語に詳しい方、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 How is your job out there and how is everything going out there with you? I like you smiles and i would like to maintain a quality communication and understanding with you as well. I like Japan and i think that i will spend the rest of my life there in the future. do take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon.

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    I went to the beach yesterday with some friends and I saw a lot of Japanese girls there. It made me think of you and how we met in Guam;-)

  • 日本語に翻訳願います!

    どなたか下記の英文を日本語訳して頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m (1) I think more and more how I long to be with only you, All the things I had dreamed oh doing before settling down now seem empty if I can't share them with you. (2) I fear we are going to fast but I find myself wishing things could go faster so I can hold you in my arms. (3) and to know you as intricately as you know yourself.