• ベストアンサー



  • bartleby
  • ベストアンサー率32% (40/122)

>私たちは、バスでグアム島をぐるりと一周、観光しました。 >We made a circuit tour of the Guam by bus. 私なら、より普通に使われるround trip tourとします。それから冠詞に気をつけましょう。"the Guam"ではありません。冠詞が正しく且つ自然に使えるかが一番難しいところですが、ネイティブなら間違えない部分なので、通じる英語か否かは別として、ネイティブの英語を目指すなら冠詞の用法を習得する事が極めて重要です。 We took a round trip tour of Guam by bus. >シュノーケリングして魚と一緒に泳いだ事が、一番楽しかった。 >The best thing I enjoyed was swimming with fish with a snorkel. "enjoy"も勿論使えますが、楽しく、面白い事なら"fun"も使えます。"The most fun I've ever had"は良く使われる語句です。又、綴りですが、snorkellingは英語、snorkelingは米語ですので、注意が必要です。 I had the most fun when I swam with all the fish while snorkelling. >色んな種類の魚がたくさんいた。 >The were a lot of fishes of many kinds. 主観的な事を伝えようとするなら、"I"を使ったほうがベターでしょう。 I saw so many different kinds of fish. >私たちが滞在したホテルから、スーパーまで歩いて行ける距離だった。 >A supermarket was located within a walking distance from the hotel we stayed. 短い距離が文章のポイントなら、 We could easily walk to the nearby supermarket from our hotel (where we were staying). "where we were staying"は本来不要ですね。"our hotel"と説明しているので。 >税関に引っかかりませんように!    >I hope it goes through (the) customs smoothly. 神頼み(?)なら"keep my fingers crossed"=幸運を祈る、成功を願う、事態の好転を願う のお呪いが良く使われます。 I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we won't get caught when we go through customs! ご参考になれば幸いです。 ところで、ナマコ踏んづけてしまいましたか?



回答有難うございます! 彗星のように現れて、大活躍していらっしゃるbartlebyさんですね! 今まで、bartlebyさんの回答を興味深く見せていただいき、勉強させていただいていました。 沢山の質問にも関わらす、丁寧な説明を頂いて本当にありがとうございました。m(_ _)m 参考にさせていただき、もっと学習します! 今後とも宜しくお願いします。


  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 16th ‘10 I was busy today. As soon as I got up morning, I went to do rice-cake making. As a mallet of today was bigger than I had used ones of past, my arm パンパンになった。 And it was fine, I was tired a lot. After rice-cake making, I had to put a TV board together. But I had just bought some parts for that. When I got a call from the shop buying the TV, I was not easy a little. But I had a promise with my friends to go out to drink, I gave up it and did it. We met in grilled meet restaurant. We bought a 50percent off ticket of this restaurant with an internet. It was great and we would be full. As the TV will come to my house yester morning, I had better go to sleep early. It is almost 2 o’clock.

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We came back to our hotel room. A few minutes later I found my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd having left my purse behind in the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver with the contents intact. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.

  • 比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおね

    比較的簡単な英文のおかしいところがあればなおしてください。よろしくおねがいします。 The first day my husband and I were in Tokyo. We went to a department store and did a lot of shopping. After shopping we got on a taxi in front of the department store to return to the hotel where we stayed. After a while we arrived at the hotel. My husband paid the taxi fare to a driver and we got out of the taxi. We reached our room in the hotel. A few minutes later I found that my purse was nowhere in our room. But I immediately rememberd that I had left my purse behind the taxi. What a terrible thing it was! I wondered if I should try to call a taxi company but did'nt know which one we had used. I was very confused and at a loss what I should do. Just then the phone in our room rang. It was a call from the clerk at the front desk. He said the taxi driver had just come at the front desk to deliver my purse to me. I was very happy to hear that. I went to the front desk right away and received my purse from the driver. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, shaking hands with him.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!!

    英語が非常に苦手なものです(泣)明日英語のスピーチがあるのですが、時間がないので助けてほしいです!よろしくお願いします!! 英文:I love a trip. I tell that I went to Fukushima for snowboarding with a friend the other day. I got on a night coach from night of January 17 and went to the Daira, Adachi plateau of Fukushima. When it arrived at the inn, it was about 4:00 of the morning. The feeling was excited, but I fell asleep once and I got up for 8 carrier 30 minutes of the morning and went to the slope by bus. When I arrived at the slope, one area was very clean by snow. I changed into a wear at once and went to be slippery. I did not have experience of the snowboarding so far, and this time was the first challenge. I had there was a good child to a friend, and the child teach it from the beginning. I fell down first and. However, I got possible to glide alone while I slipped a lot. When I got possible to glide, I was very glad. It was fearful to step on the lift, but got possible to get on a lift first. I want to thank a friend.  I entered the hot spring at night. I have a feeling that a tired body softened by the effect of the hot spring. It was very comfortable. The supper ate sukiyaki. Vegetables and meat were very delicious.  I gathered in one room together and played a game while eating a cake and talked afterwards. It was the future and talked about a thing of the love, an interesting thing in various ways. It was good to be able to do a deep talk. I made a tour of Fukushima on the second day. I walked the neighborhood and took a photograph with a digital camera. There were footbathing and a lake and a Shinto shrine in the neighborhood of the inn. Powdery snow fell, and the circumference was surrounded in the silver world and was very beautiful when I took a walk through a lake on the way. And I returned to the house on the night coach again. I became the very good memory. I want to do a lot of trips from now on. I go to the land and want to watch various things in spite of being a feeling with skin. Thank you. 日本語:私は旅行が大好きです。こないだ友達と福島にスノボーに行った時の話をします。 私は1月17日の夜から夜行バスに乗り、福島の安達太良高原に行きました。宿に着いたときは朝の4時頃でした。気持はわくわくしていましたが、一旦眠りにつき、朝の8持30分に起床してバスでゲレンデに向かいました。 ゲレンデに着いたとき、辺りは一面雪でとてもきれいでした。早速ウエアに着替え、滑りに行きました。私は今までにスノボーの経験がなくて、今回が初挑戦でした。友達に上手な子がいてその子に一から教えてもらいました。最初は転んでばかりでした。しかし、たくさん滑っているうちに一人で滑れるようになりました。滑れるようになった時はとても嬉しかったです。最初はリフトに乗ることも怖かったのですが、リフトにも乗れるようになりました。私は友達に感謝したいです。  夜は温泉に入りました。疲れた体が温泉の効果によって和らいだ気がします。とても気持ち良かったです。夕飯はすきやきを食べました。野菜やお肉がとてもおいしかったです。  その後はみんなでひとつの部屋に集まり、お菓子を食べながらゲームをしたり、語ったりしました。将来のこと、恋愛のこと、面白かったことなど色々な話しをしました。深い話ができてよかったです。 二日目は福島めぐりをしました。近辺を歩いてデジカメで写真を撮りました。宿の近くには足湯や湖や神社がありました。途中、湖を散策していると、粉雪が降ってきて周りが銀世界に包まれてとても綺麗でした。 そしてまた夜行バスに乗り、家に帰りました。 とてもいい想い出になりました。私はこれからもたくさん旅をしていきたいです。その土地へ行って肌で感じながら色々なものをみていきたいです。 ありがとうございました。

  • 英文の添削

    英文の添削をお願いします。もっと自然な英語になれれば嬉しいのですが・・ When I was high school student, I fell in love with a guy at first sight where we both belonged to cram school. After being in a one-side love for half a year, I could have a relationship with him. Then, We lost ourself in love and we spend most of the time together at the expense of our study. As a result, I failed the first stage examination for national university, then I studied hard to death. At last, I passed the second stage examination. 「高校時代に塾で一目惚れした人に半年間の片思いを経て付き合って、お互い夢中になって受験勉強の時間を犠牲にして恋愛をしていた。その結果一次試験に落ちて、焦って死ぬほど勉強して二次試験で引っかかったんだよ」という内容を伝えようとしています。

  • 英文添削おねがいします。

    自分が今の仕事を選んだ理由を英文で書きました。 添削よろしくお願いします。 I was working as a guide helper when I was a university student. I chose the work related with the person with autisms because of that. I was mental disabilities person's guide helper. However, there were person with autisms in that, too. I had gone out to various places with them on the weekend. But there were a lot of people who have taken a turn in the park during a day. And some people went to the same place every time. When I went out with the person, who lives in group home, She said "I don’t know why I am here, and I want to go home.” And she cried. At that time, I was working as a part-time job. Therefore, I did not neatly know their detailed situations. But I doubted that "Is their life good as today?" in many times. Of course, there were a lot of happiness and goodness, too. However, doubted things very strongly impression in me. So I thought that I want to help the individuals diagnosed with autism to be able to spend the full life happier than now. Therefore, I have chosen the current job that was able to be more deeply related with the person with autism.

  • 英文添削

    添削をお願いします。 冠詞に注意していただければ嬉しいです。 1 私は海を見るのが大好きである。二、三時間見ていても飽きることがない。→I love gazing at sea. I am not bored for a little hours. 2 お待たせしてすみませんでした。道が混んでいてバスが20分も遅れたものですから。→I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. The road was crowded,so the bus delayed for 20 minutes. 3 多くの日本人は、日本のテレビコマーシャルの方が、アメリカで見られるものよりもずっと面白いと考えている。→Many Japanese think the TV commercial in Japan is much more interesting than that in America. 4 先日、私は子供が桜の木に登っているのを見かけた。彼らはきれいな花のついた枝を折り取ろうとしていた。このようなことは残念ながら珍しいことではない。→The other day,I saw children climbing a blossom tree. They would break off a branch with a beautiful flower. Unfortunately, happenings like this are not rare. 5 私は、あなたに遅れないようについて行くだけのスピードでは走れません。→I can't run at the speed to keep up with you.

  • 添削お願いします。合ってるか教えて下さい。

    blogに乗せるので正しい表現、文法を教えて下さい。 内容の大まかな筋は憶測で結構です☆ また、どうしてそうなるのか詳しく解説して頂けるとありがたいです。。 I went to Chineese restruant with my co-worker and my boss who is my boyfriend. The name of Chineese restruant, Veni-Tora is lacated at Ginza was excellent to eat jiao-zi (gyo-za). We ate a lot of food such as shrimp chili ( ebi-chili), ma-bo-tofu, Chinese vegitable and so on.. Then, we went to a bar which located 42 floor of a Shio-tome centre building in Tokyo. You must be facisnated with the beautiful night view of there. And we had a great time talking with some delicious wine, especially I love to drink a Kir Royale. The Kir Royale is a sparkling cocktail only containing two ingredents they are Sparkling wine and Champagne mixed with Casis. When I was just start to go out with my boyfried, he told me the wine "Kir Royale" that really moved me. I want to go the bar with only my boyfried next time:)

  • 添削お願いします

    添削お願いします I went to Yokohama with my friend and we ate alot of Chinese food. It was very great.

  • 「英文添削していただけますか?」

    「英文添削していただけますか?」 下記の日本文を英文に訳しましたが、おかしな表現がないかアドバイスいただけたら 助かります。ちょっと長くてすみません。。。とくに過去完了などの時制がわかりません。  「父の日に御父さんにネクタイをあげて、ケーキといくつか料理を家族につくってあげたの。  昨日は一日中料理してた・・ 私は父が仕事でいつもいそがしかったから、子供のころ父と  遊んだことがないの。かれは相変わらず今もいそがしいけど。  とにかく、あなたがお父さんと楽しい時間が過ごせていたらいいな。(向こうは父の日の夜なので)  ところで、9月に友人の結婚式でグアムにいくの。 ハワイでなくて残念。。。  (メールの相手がハワイなので)」 「 I gave a tie to my father on father's day and I made a cake and some dishes for my family last night. I cooked all day yesterday.. I had never play with my father when I was child that he was always busy with his work. He is busy now as well though... Anyway, I hope you had a great time with your father today. Btw, I'm going to Guam in Sep for my friend's wedding. That's too bad its not Hawaii... 」