• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:アメリカアマゾンのオーダーについて)



  • nick9090
  • ベストアンサー率26% (102/378)

その英文にある通り、クレカの入力情報が間違ってるんじゃないの? ということですね。 もう一度確認してみてください。





  • アメリカアマゾンでの購入について

    アメリカアマゾンで商品を購入したらThank you for contacting us at Amazon.com. We received your fax, however it did not contain the information required to process your order. As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card *billing statement* to 206-266-1838 (from within the US) or 001-206-266-1838 (internationally) for the credit card presented for your order(s). The statement should include the following information: * The name on the account * The billing address on the account * The billing telephone number on the account To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order, and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation. Please note that your Amazon.com account and order will remain on hold pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in shopping at Amazon.com. とメールが届いたのですが何をFAXで送ればいいかわかりません。 分かる方、回答お願いします

  • amazon.comマーケットプレイスでのクレジットカード利用について

    amazon.comのマーケットプレイスで、洋書の購入をしたくおもっています。 マーケットプレイスで、海外発注可能の出品者より、商品をオーダーしたのですが 以下のようなメールを受けとりました。 Greetings from Amazon.com, We're writing to inform you that your order 発注番号 from 出品者名 has been canceled. Your credit card was not charged for this order. If you're still interested in this item, please search for it again on Amazon.com. We've included your order details below for reference. We value you as a customer and hope you will continue shopping on Amazon.com. 2度目のオーダーで、別のクレジットカードを登録しチャレンジしたのですが 同様のメールが届きました。 クレジットカードはどちらも日本にて発行のvisaカードです。 利用したクレジットカードはamazon.comから直接購入の場合はどちらもこれまで利用が できましたし、洋雑誌の購読などにも利用できているものです。 どなたか解決法をご存知の方いらっしゃいましたらご教授お願いいたします!

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    海外通販でクレジットカードを使用しました。 恐らく本人確認のためのメッセージを受け取りましたが、 具体的に何をすればよいのかがわからなかったので、和訳をしてもらえると助かります。 すいませんが、お願いします。 Payment Verification We request one additional security step completed so that you can process your order. This additional security measure is done to help protect your account from possible credit card fraud. You have been issued a small refund that will appear in your online reporting for your credit card issued from TCGplayer to help us verify that you are the account holder for your credit card. 1. This amount will appear on your credit card account within 1 - 5 days, depending on your credit card service. 2. It may be reflected as a purchase amount on your statement that is lower than the actual purchase amount of your total order. The difference between your total order amount and what we charged would then be the amount we refunded. 3. Please confirm this amount and reply back using the Message Center with the exact amount of the refund. 4. Once confirmed we will ship your order! Please note, If you are unable to respond back this order may be refunded in full. Thank You

  • amazon ukからのメール・アカウントが見れない??

    日本で発売されていない商品をAmazon ukにて購入しました。 日本のアマゾン同様に購入後、確認メールが来て一安心していたのですが 本日下記のメールが来て何やら…アカウントにログインすることすらでき なくなりました。 以下のメールはどう言ったことが書かれているのでしょうか?何卒宜しく お願い致します。 Subject:Important notice, response required: Your order cannot bedispatched. Greetings from Amazon.co.uk. Your order (#**********) is currently on hold as we have been unable to verify your billing information. Your Amazon.co.uk account and orders will remain on hold until we have been able to successfully verify the billing information for your recent purchase - you will not be able to access your account until the verification is complete and the hold from your account has been removed. At your earliest convenience, please FAX a recent billing statement for the card used to place your order. To ensure your fax is handled in a timely manner, please label your fax with your order number. Our FAX number is: +44 (0)208 636 9326 **************************************************************** Please note: Your order can be held for a maximum of 4 days, after which time it will be cancelled. To avoid disappointment, please reply to this message with the required information. **************************************************************** There is no need to place another order; we will release the hold on your Amazon account and complete the processing of your orders when our verification process is complete. Thank you for your patience with our security measures, we look forward to hearing from you shortly. Sincerely, Account Specialist Amazon.co.uk ==============

  • 海外サイトで通販しましたがメールが届き意味が分かりません。

    海外サイトで通販しましたがメールが届き意味が分かりません。 すみませんが教えてください。 Thank you for shopping at JIMMYCHOO.COM. Your order is currently being prepared for dispatch. In the meantime, we are performing a routine check to verify your card and address details. While this may result in a slight delay in the delivery of your order, we are sure you appreciate that this procedure is set up to protect you - the customer - from credit card fraud. Once we have verified the details you have provided with your card issuer you will receive an email from us, either to advise that your order has been dispatched or alternatively requesting further information from you.

  • アメリカのamazon.comに商品を注文したのですが、

    アメリカのamazon.comに商品を注文したのですが、 予定日を過ぎても届かないので、出来るものならキャンセルをしたいのですが、 英語がわからないので、困っています。 助けていただけると有り難いです。 Contact Seller と言うところから Subject: --- Select a Subject ---で Cancel Orderを選び、 Cancelのボタンを押せば、キャンセルの完了となるのでしょうか? Cancel Orderの欄の下には、 Type your message in the box below. We will forward it to the seller. Please do not include HTML or links (URLs) in your message. If you need to refer to an item on the Amazon.com web site, include the product name and/or the ASIN/ISBN. IMPORTANT NOTICE: When you submit this form, Amazon.com will replace your email address with one provided by Amazon.com in order to protect your identity, and forward the message on your behalf. Amazon.com will retain copies of all e-mails sent and received using this service, including the message you submit below. By using this service, you consent to this action. と記載しており、Comments:という欄があるのですが、 英語で何か書けるわけでもなく・・・。 記載無しでも、差し支えなさそうですか? 大変お恥ずかしい質問ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • Amazon.comからAccount on Hold: Response Requiredとメールが

    Amazon.comで買い物をしたのですが、以下の内容でメールが来て以来、アカウントにログインできなくなりました。 おそらくクレジットカードの認証ができないという旨だと思うのですが(心当たりもあるので)、対応策が解読できません。どのような対処をしろと書いてあるのでしょうか? 注文を確認してすぐにでもカードの更新をさせていただきたいのですが、ログインもできないので困っています。よろしくお願いします。 Greetings from Amazon.com. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process your pending order(s), including order 002-0360798-7746642. To avoid cancellation of your order(s), we request that you fax us a copy of the billing statement associated with the debit or credit card provided as payment. Our fax number is 001-206-266-1838 when faxing from outside the US, or 206-266-1838 from within the US. This statement should include the following information: * Name as it appears on your credit or debit card * Address on file with the card issuer * The customer service phone number for your financial institution. On your fax, please provide the email address used when placing your order and the order number you received in your email confirmation. Do note that the statement must be sent via fax as we are unable to interpret attachments via email. Please also note that you will be unable to access your Amazon.com account as it has been placed on hold pending receipt of your fax. Please do not place a new order or open a new account as this may result in additional delays. If you are unable to send the fax, please ask the issuer of your debit or credit card to contact us so we may verify your account details. The card issuer can reach us via the above fax number. The fax should include the name, phone number and fax number of a specific representative with whom we can correspond if necessary. Please don't hesitate to email us should you have any questions, and thank you for your interest in shopping at Amazon.com. Sincerely, Account Specialist Amazon.com

  • どなたか日本語への翻訳をお願い致します。

    先日、外国のショップで買い物をしたのですが、なかなか発送して頂けなく、「発送はいつになりますか?」と質問したところ以下の回答がありました。翻訳機に掛けたのですが、限界でして、、、どなたか長文で申し訳ありませんが、宜しくお願い致します。 Please look at the copy of your order confirmation e-mail you received from The House and verify the information you submitted. We value your business and hope that you can resolve the issue by taking the following steps: 1.Verify that the billing address on your credit card statement matches the billing address you supplied us on your order. 2.Verify that the credit card number, expiration date, and security code were all entered correctly. 3.Call our Customer Service Department at 1-866-243-6932 as soon as possible and ask for the Order Validations Department so we can get your order on its way! YOUR ORDER HAS NOT YET BEEN CANCELLED. WE WILL CONTINUE TO HOLD YOUR ORDER FOR 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS MESSAGE. AFTER THAT TIME YOUR ORDER WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CANCELLED IF WE DO NOT HEAR FROM YOU.

  • 海外のネットショッピングについて教えてください。

    こんばんは。 先日、海外のネットショッピングで服を購入しようと思ったのですが、生憎自分のクレジットカードが使えなかったため友人に頼んでカードを切ってもらいました。その際、送付先の名前や住所は友人のではなく自分のものを記入したのですが、後ほど以下のようなメールが届きました。 -------- We are sorry to report that we are having problems processing your order with the information that you provided for your credit card. Please verify your credit card information, shipping and billing addresses, and identification. Please email or fax us a copy of your identification and credit card. We MUST see your credit card and identification to verify your order. Once we receive this information from you, we will ship you out your package the same day. -------- 私のしがない英語力で訳すと、名義を確認したいからカード情報を送ってくれと言っていると思うのですが、合っていますか? ならば、メールでカード情報を送るのは危険だと思うので、どうすれば良いか困っています。 また、友人のカードはもう決済されているそうです。 メールの細かい訳なども合わせて、回答の方どなたかお願いします。

  • 海外通販で何かを連絡しなくてはならないのですが。

    初めて利用したサイトでこのようなメールが来て困っています。必要な情報は入力しており、何かを連絡しないといけないようなのですが・・・We have received your first order at xxxxx.com. To begin supplying you, as part of your first order we are obligated to ensure you are authorised to use the credit card submitted. We have a fast and simple process to make this possible. We will process a random amount against the card, once you are able to confirm the amount we have charged to the card, we are happy to process the order. The amount debited will be deducted from the value of your order. You should be able to see this amount charged to your card with-in 24 hours using internet banking, otherwise simply call your bank. Reply to this email with the amount we have charged to your card. We apologise for any inconvenience however this has been put in place to protect both our customers and our business from credit card fraud. You have 7 days to verify this amount before your order is cancelled. However, if you are having trouble finding the amount just email us and we will put a note on your order not to cancel. どなかか分かる方いらっしゃいませんか?宜しくお願いします。