• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語3)



  • ベストアンサー
  • kk0578
  • ベストアンサー率46% (51/109)

1:二人が将来の夢について話しています.対話を完成しなさい. (ア)A:My (dream) is to be a cartoonist. B:How nice! I (want) to be a flight attendant in the future. (イ)A:I (hope) that I'll be a journalist in the future. B:I'd (like) to study psychology at college. 2:( )内の語句を正しい順序に並び替えて,英文を完成しなさい. (1)(begins/in April/the new school year) in Japan. ⇒The school year begins in April in Japan. (2)After I eat lunch, (often/sleepy/become/I). ⇒After I eat lunch, I often become sleepy. (3)(after dinner/the dishes/my father/does) every evening. ⇒My father does the dishes after dinner every morning. (4)(us/bought/Yoshio/tickets)for the concert. ⇒Yoshio bought yu tickets for the concert. (5)(comfortable/Betty/the new bed/found).She was pleased. ⇒Betty found the new bed comfortable. She was pleased. (6)John (his baby/after/Mary/named/his grandmother). ⇒John named his baby Mary after his grandmother. 3:次の日本語を英語にしなさい. (1)私の友達の美咲さんは,私の家の近所に住んでいます. My friend Misaki lives near my house. (2)彼女はとても親切で明るい人です. She is very kind and cheerful. (3)よく私たちに冗談を言っては楽しい気分にさせてくれます. She often makes a joke and makes us happy. (4)彼女の夢は,プロのピアニストになることです. Her dream is to be a professional pianist. (5)彼女は高校を卒業後,外国の大学で音楽を専攻することを希望しています. She hopes to major in music in foreign college after graduating from high school. 最後の五問は自信がありません。 なおかつ、解答とは違う表現があるかもしれないので、先生に確認してください。


  • 英語の空欄補充問題です

    John's mother wanted to go shopping,so she asked him() his little brother while she was out. 1 if he looked after 2 he would look after 3 looking after 4 to look after I like his new house,but I hadn't expected it ()so small 1 be 2 of being 3 to be 4 to being どうしても分かりません 回答お願いします!

  • 英語

    1:I am sorry to have kept you () so long. (1)wait (2)to wait (3)waiting (4)waited 2:Don't you think advertisements sometimes () people to buy things they don't need? (1)let (2)make (3)have (4)cause 3:John's mother wanted to go shopping,so she asked him () his little brother while she was out.(1)if he looked after (2)he would look after (3)looking (4)to look after 4:I like his new house, but I hadn't expected it() so small. (1)be (2)of being (3)to be (4)to being 5:She was seen () into the teacher with her boyfriend. (1)go (2)going (3)gone (4)went 6:We often hear it () that ours is an essentially tragic age. (1)said (2)say (3)saying (4)to say 解答と訳をお願いします

  • [英語] ()に当てはまるものを教えて下さい><

    1. The computer technician () the new software by the time his boss comes back from his business trip. (1) had installed (2) installed (3) will be installed (4) will have installed 2. Please ask for Mr. Matsuda at the reception desk when you () tomorrow morning at our head office. (1) arrive (2) will arrive (3) are to arrived (4) will have arrived 3. () it be true that he passed the examination? (1) May (2) Won't (3) Needn't (4) Can 4 I am sorry that our special sale ended yesterday. You () here one week earlier. (1) come (2) came (3) should have come (4) should come 5. "I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late." "Well, he () his train, or maybe he overslept." (1) might have missed (2) might miss (3) should have missed (4) should miss 6. I took a taxi to the meeting; () I would have been late. (1) anyway (2) likewise (3) nevertheless (4) otherwise 7. She has been busy () for her trip to the U.S. (1) at preparing (2) from preparing (3) preparing (4) to prepare 8. Although he was punctual, the professor was quite used () late. (1) to have his students (2) to his students being (3) to his students come (4) to his students very 9. We often hear it () that a child can understand what a grown-up says. (1) to say (2) saying (3) say (4) said 10. "You won't be able to get to the station in time for the next train." "I realize that now. I'll have to get my ticket ()." (1) change (2) changed (3) changing (4) to change 11. The purpose of a print advertisement is simple; to get the reader () some action. (1) take (2) taken (3) to be taken (4) to take 12. Would you believe it? I () three times in the last three months! (1) was stolen my bicycle (2) have been stolen my bicycle  (3) have had my bicycle stolen (4) had someone stolen my bicycle 13. I () a terrible dream last night. (1) took (2) held (3) had (4) saw 14. A microscope is a scientific instrument that is used (). (1) by helping things to see (2) by helping see things (3) to help things to see (4) to help see things 15. I didn't have enough money for the ticket so I () some from my friend. (1) borrowed (2) lent (3) rented (4) gave 16. I don't think that red dress () her. (1) agrees (2) meets (3) suits (4) matches

  • paying his way

    Two years after my mom made that decision, my dad successfully applied to be transferred to a prison closer to us. I would love to say that he did it because he really wanted to reconnect with his daughter, but the truth is that he wanted to be closer to his mother. She was paying his way in prison. paying his wayとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 明日急遽英語のスピーチをすることになりました

    将来の夢を話すのですが、 以下のようにまとめてみました。 文法など誤りがあったり、 言い回しがおかしかったら訂正お願いします。 Hello! Myname is ○○. Today,I will talk about my dream. My dream is to become one of staff members of the United Nations. There is hardly any reason for my dream. But I'm just fond of Mathematics and English. So,when I thought about my dream,that was it. I have two goals to make my dream come true. First,I have to make more and more efforts for studying every subject to be admitted to a private university in Tokyo. Second,after I enter university I would be have to study not only Mathematics and English but also economics. In conclusion,I will work for the United Nations as a officer in the future. In closing,I would like to thank you for listening so attentively. 以上です。お願いします。

  • 英語で自己紹介

    以下の自己紹介の文を言葉づかいや英文法を直していただけませんか ありがとうございます。 I am very happy to introduce myself. My name’s Nakajima. I'm from Tokyo. I live in Seto city and I am a university's student in the second year. I was born in Tokyo province in the central of Japan. There are 5 peoples in my family. Parents, brother, sister and me. My father is a saraly man and my mother is housewife. She always takes good care of my family. When I have a free time, I often listen to the music, watch TV, read newspapers and go shopping. On sunday, I usually go to the cafeteria to chat with my friend in the morning. And I always join the English speaking club to improve my speaking skill in the afternoon. I like learning english very much. I have learnt for years at high school and university . but my english is not enough to communication. Therefore, I try my best to learn it now. And I hope i can speak english well one day. I want to be a doctor in the future. My dream is becoming a good husband, having a good wife and pretty childrens . In short, I am really happy with my life. Of course I am going to make it happier and more meaningful.

  • 至急英語にお願いします。

    It is often said that taxes will change in the 21st century. There may be new taxes on bank savings and financial transactions. Trash is likely to be taxed in the future. When you drive your car into a large city, you might have to pay a tax for that. One thing is certain: There will be new taxes for the rich and poor in countries that have fewer and fewer young people to support society.

  • 高1 英語 不定詞の問題です!

    日本語の意味に合うように( )の語句を並び替えなさい。ただし、それぞれ不足している一語を補うこと。という問題です! 1.赤い帽子の女の人が叫んでいるようだ。 (a red cap, shouting, be, on, with, the woman, seems) 2.彼の理論は結局間違いだと分かった。 (turned, his, theory, out, after, to, wrong) all. 3.私は古本屋で偶然数学の先生にあった。 (I, see, at, math teacher, secondhand, a, my, happend) bookstore 4.彼女は私に何かを言いたいようだった。 (wanted, something, seems, say, she, me, to, to, to) この四問です! よろしくおねがいします!!

  • 英語の訳を助けてください。ケンカ別れした彼からのメールです。

    英語の訳を助けてください。ケンカ別れした彼からのメールです。 ケンカ別れした彼からメールが来ました。 Lets put the past behind us and look forward to the future. この文章の解釈に自信が持てません。彼の未来には、やはり私は含まれないのでしょうか? 全体の大まかな流れも明記しておきます。 Miki, please except my apology. I will be going to parents house tomorrow morning and I want to put any negative things in my life behind me before I go. Lets put the past behind us and look forward to the future. My parents have dial up internet so I won't be able to check my emal often and then I will have no internet or use of my cell phone when I go to Michigan. I just want you to know this.... Please be happy and in good health.... あることでケンカになり、言い訳はしても謝罪をしない彼に私がキレたというのが、今までの経緯です。 どうぞ、英語の不出来な私を助けてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Even after I came back to Japan from Australia. I still wanted to go study abroad again, so I was going to the American university after working for a yen in Japan. I had been fighting with homework everyday, I had sometimes regretted about coming to the USA, but I believed that everything is going to wonderful experience in my life in the future. so I did not lose my hope. From my experience both American life and Australia, I would like to know more about people all over the world. Everyone has different characteristics, and all of them are brilliant. so my dream is to be a businessman who works all over the world. That is why I would like to study an international Business. I am not a talented person, however, I can say one thing from bottom of my heart that I always do my best for achieving my goal. 英語の文法ミスおしえていただけないですか?