• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急です!英文の並べ替え)



  • ベストアンサー

3)私が到着した時は、部屋は多くの客で混んでいた。 When I arrived, (quite, crowded, found, the, I, room, with, a, few, guests). →I found the room crowded with quite a few guests find A(名詞) B(形容詞)の 「AがBの状態であることに気づく(発見する)」 (be) crowded with ~ 「~で混み合っている」 quite a few の「かなりたくさん」 どれもよく見る表現なので、要チェックです☆ 5)一分待つか待たないうちに、彼がやってきた。 We (had, a minute, waited, when, hardly, he came). →We hardly had waited a minute, when he came. Hardly ~(文A)、when ~(文B)で 「Aするやいなや、Bだった」という表現です。 文Aは、倒置で Hardly had we waited ・・・ になってることもあり、こっちもよく出題されますよ☆ 他の問題は全て正解だと思います!! ご参考まで。


  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Today three years have passed since you departed for heaven. A great hero who saved me, I miss you...

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    My summer vacation was fantastic! I went back to my parents’ home for this vacation and spent most of time with my friends and my boyfriend. I almost always sat up late into the night or all night talking with my friends, drinking and going for a drive. This was the idlest vacation I have ever had!! But I really enjoyed it. 私の夏休みはすばらしかった。私はこの休みに実家に帰り、だいたいは友達と恋人と一緒に過ごしました。私はだいたい夜遅くか朝まで友達と話をしたり、飲んだり、ドライブにいきました。今までで一番怠けた休みでした。しかし、私はそれを本当に楽しみました。 *不自然な表現があったら、教えていただきたいです。 *This was the idlest vacation I have ever had.は、「私は夏休みをとっても自由気ままに過ごした」ということを言いたいのですが、うまく表現できません。 お願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    英文添削をお願いします。 29th September ‘10 Today, I worked in a relax mood, because my boss took a day off today. After working, I went out to drink with my friend of junior high school days. He is my best friend, so I could enjoy from the bottom of my heart. Especially when I lost my confidence now, this drink made me smooth over my hut feelings. I remembered that someone said , ‘If you drink, you should drink old alcohol. If you read a book, you should read old book. If you talk, you should talk with old friend.’ I thought I had a good day today.

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします

    1)This is the (much) best book I've ever read. 2)Successful candidates will be appointed initially on (a three-years) contract. 3)(This my old camera) was a present from my father. 4)We have (another ten miles) to walk before sunset. 5)"You seem to have had that car for years." "Yes,I should sell it (while) it still runs." 6)Of their five children,one is in Tokyo and (the others) are in Fukuoka. 7)I think you need to be careful of Mr.Honda. He (is a clever liar). 8)I saw Jim talking with two women. I didn't know (either) of them. 間違えて質問を削除してしまったのでもう一度投稿します。 英文が多くてすみません。 ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 至急!英文の添削をお願いします

    1)We are going to leave for Australia (for two weeks). 2)I (usually take my habit) never to eat between meals. 3)(Every time) I talk to her, I feel so happy. 4)(It is) almost ten years since I met you in New York. 5)This book contains (much of) new information. 6)He has to stay at home (by) next Friday. 7)I don't know (to some extent) I can trust them. 8)Hardly (had) I arrived at the station (before) the train started. 9)"(How often) did you visit the place?"-"(Every) five years." 10)(How much) wine is left in the bottle? ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • stand upon ceremony

    I’d be frustrated too if I had friends who never once thought to offer to help clean up after a meal I’d prepared, but I’m astonished that not once have either you or your husband said, Hey, can you give me a hand with these dishes? to friends you see every week and consider a part of your family. You don’t have to stand upon ceremony with friends you’ve been close with for years. https://slate.com/life/2017/12/dear-prudence-my-roommates-sister-is-pregnant-jobless-and-sleeping-on-the-couchindefinitely.html (サイトの下の方にあります) stand upon ceremony with friendsとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 私の書いた英文があっているかどうか教えてください。(1)

    この英文があっているかどうか教えてください。 (1)今日は、私の誕生です。私は、22歳になりました。夜、家族で私の誕生日を祝います。 (2)今、あなたの国は、冬休みですか?あなたは、冬休みに何をする予定ですか? (1)It is my birth today. I became 22 years old. I am congratulated on my birthday with night and a family.  (2)Now, is your country a winter vacation? Are you going to make what a winter vacation?

  • こちらの英文の意味は

    アメリカの方とのメールのやり取りでの1文です。これはどのようなニュアンスなんでしょうか? 私が彼に対して、「あなたは女性に人気があるでしょ?」と聞いた時の彼の答えです。 "I can assure you I am not very popular with women.I have had quite a few serious relationships in the past but it has been a very long time since I have had a connection with someone." よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の並べかえ問題の添削をお願いします!

    1)(Europe/you/to/to/if/go/were),which country would you visit? →If you were to go to Europe 2)I (you/I took/I/could/the pictures/wish/show) in Kyoto last Sunday. →wish I could show you the pictures I took 3)David (though/had/behaved/happened/nothing/as). →behaved as though nothing had happened 4)Little (cancel/did/know/she/that/we/would) the reservation. →? 5)(you/topic/interesting/is/if/no/not/are) interested. →? 6)I (from/to/happy/far/was) know the fact. →was far from happy to ()の並べかえです。動詞等の活用はありません。 添削と解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文があっているか教えてください

    I took a video of when you were singing with my iPhone. あなたが歌っていた時、 携帯電話で撮影しました。 よろしくお願いいたします。