• 締切済み


1)(Europe/you/to/to/if/go/were),which country would you visit? →If you were to go to Europe 2)I (you/I took/I/could/the pictures/wish/show) in Kyoto last Sunday. →wish I could show you the pictures I took 3)David (though/had/behaved/happened/nothing/as). →behaved as though nothing had happened 4)Little (cancel/did/know/she/that/we/would) the reservation. →? 5)(you/topic/interesting/is/if/no/not/are) interested. →? 6)I (from/to/happy/far/was) know the fact. →was far from happy to ()の並べかえです。動詞等の活用はありません。 添削と解説よろしくお願いします。


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1)(Europe/you/to/to/if/go/were),which country would you visit? →If you were to go to Europe 正解 2)I (you/I took/I/could/the pictures/wish/show) in Kyoto last Sunday. →wish I could show you the pictures I took 正解 3)David (though/had/behaved/happened/nothing/as). →behaved as though nothing had happened 正解 4)Little (cancel/did/know/she/that/we/would) the reservation. →did we know that she would cancel 5)(you/topic/interesting/is/if/no/not/are) interested. →If no interesting topic, you are not 6)I (from/to/happy/far/was) know the fact. →was far from happy to 正解

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1)(Europe/you/to/to/if/go/were),which country would you visit? →If you were to go to Europe 正解。「もし仮にヨーロッパに行くなら、どの国を訪問しますか?」 2)I (you/I took/I/could/the pictures/wish/show) in Kyoto last Sunday. →wish I could show you the pictures I took 正解。「この前の日曜日に京都で撮った写真をあなたに見せられるとよいのですが。」 3)David (though/had/behaved/happened/nothing/as). →behaved as though nothing had happened 正解。「デイビッドはまるで何もなかったかのようにふるまった。」 4)Little (cancel/did/know/she/that/we/would) the reservation. →? →Little did we know that she would cancel the reservation. 「まさか彼女が予約をキャンセルするとは思わなかった。」 (理屈では、we, sheの入れ替えは可能です。) このlittleは強い意味になるのが普通だとおもいます。倒置になっていることも多いです。 次に辞書の「【副詞】1. b.」参照。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/little 5)(you/topic/interesting/is/if/no/not/are) interested. →?→No topic is interesting if you are not interested. 「あなたが興味を持たなければ、どんな話題も面白くありません。」 6)I (from/to/happy/far/was) know the fact. →was far from happy to 正解。「私はその事実を知ってちっとも嬉しくなかった。」

