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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文法 倒置?)

Are Gauze Masks, Gargling, and Hand Washing as Helpful as the Flu Vaccine?



形容詞(あるいは副詞、無冠詞の名詞)+ as SV(形容詞の場合、主に be 動詞)で 「S は V するけれども(だけれども)」という譲歩の意味になります。 昔から学校文法では有名な事項ですが、文語ということもあって年々重要性は低くなっています。 かたい文章では用いられますので、ここでもたびたび質問になっています。 そして、アメリカではこの "形容詞 as" が "as 形容詞 as" になることがあるようです。 というのも、as にこのような「...だけれども」という意味があるはずがなく、 もともと分詞構文によってこの意味が出ていたものです。 普通に that 以下を書けば though the old standbys of gauze masks, gargling and hand washing may be helpful, they are not the panaceas that some assume のように though を用います。





  • 英問英答(3)ラスト

    So today, to have learned English means to have your own rights as one of the users of the language. And it is just as likely that the future course of English will be influenced by second or foreign language speakers of English as by native speakers. Language learners will be facing these World Englishes, and they will develop a sense of international standards of English ―as well as their national norms of English, which are currently the focus of learning. It may not be many years, however, before an international standard becomes the starting-point for every learner of English, with British, American, and other varieties all seen as optional versions of English. 【questions】 What does “to have learned English” mean? What will learners of English develop when they face World Englishes? 二問ありますがおねがいします!

  • 文法と代名詞の指すものが分からない

    Most children do not like to hear stories about when they were younger. Infancy is not a blessed state to them, but something to be grown out of and escaped from as quickly as possible. To them, their littleness, helplessness, and clumsiness is not cute, but humiliating, and they want to be reminded of it as little as possible. They don't mind, once in a while, if we don’t overdo it, our telling them that they were very nice when they were little, but that is about as much about it as they want to hear. Whatever mistakes they have made, in their growing and learning, are best forgotten. 上の文章の that is about as much about it as they want to hear. が訳せません、 自分なりに考えた訳ですが、 「それ(that=They don't mind our telling them=彼らに対し我々が彼に言うのを嫌がること)はほぼ同程度の子どものころについての(about it)量である、 その同程度とは彼らが聞きたいと思う程度である」 となり、日本語の体をなしておりません。 文法も代名詞が何を指しているかもさっぱり分かりません、 お分かりになれば教えてください。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の翻訳をお願いしたいです。 とても困っています。よろしくお願いします。 Dear.Mr.Tanaka Flu season will soon be here so it's time to get your annual flu shot. I recommend that ALL of my patients who are six months of age and older get the flu vaccine every year. We are now providing the flu shot to our patients. Please call our office [03-123-4567]to book your appointment. It takes about two weeks after the shot to develop protection against the flu so, it's important to get it at the start of flu season. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious complications, hospitalization, or even death. Young children - especially those under age five - are among those at highest risk of serious illness from the flu. Anyone can get the flu, and vaccination is the most effective way to protect you and your family. Why you and your family should get the flu shot: ・influenza affects everyone ・The flu vaccine protects you from getting the flu ・The flu vaccine is safe ・You have a child under 5 years old ・You are pregnant or considering pregnancy ・You - or someone you know - is over 65 or has a chronic (long-term) heath condition ・Getting the flu shot is part of a healthy lifestyle. As your health care practitioner, I strongly recommend for you to get the flu shot to protect you and the people you care for. If you have any questions about the flu shot, please book an appointment so we may discuss them. Please contact us for vaccine availability at our office. If you are unable to come to our office, you can get the flu shot at a public clinic or a local pharmacy. Please note, however, that pharmacists can only administer the flu shot in Ontario to children 5 years of age and older. For more information about the flu or the flu shot, visit the Ministry of Health and Long - Term Care's website at Ontario. ca/flu. Sincerely.

  • 英文で文法的に解らない箇所があります。

    Do not race up a mountain. Start early enough so that you may not have to hurry. Enjoy the views,the trees,and the wild flowers. Walking in the woods and rock climbing are arts to be learned slowly. They demand a harmonious working of eye,foot,and hand,with a good understanding of the character of soils,rocks,and logs,wet or dry,solid or rotten,and good judgment as to one's own and fellow hikers' abilities. 上記の英文で、with a good understanding of the character of soils,rocks,and logs,wet or dry,solid or rotten,and good judgment as to one's own and fellow hikers' abilities. の部分ですが、as to if they are wet or dry,solid or rottenと考えていいのでしょうか?あるいはもっと他にシンプルな考え方がありますか? 次に、good judgment 以下は、前にwithが省略されていてgood understanding と同格なんでしょうか? それともThey demand の目的語になってるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文法についておしえてください 2

    4 Housewives leave television on for the companionship of the sound even though they may be working in some other rooms 主婦は別の部屋で働いているときでさえ音を友達とするためにテレビをつけっぱなしにしている 英文中のmayの用法がよくわかりません なんでmayが必要なのでしょうか? 5 The book is said to ( ) in the 17th century {be published,have been published,been published} 正解は have been published なのですが in the 17th centuryは時をあらわす副詞ではないのでしょうか?そうだとしたら現在完了は使えなかったようにならったような気がしたんですが。 8 We ( ) earlier then {ought to come,ought to have come,should come} 正解は ought to have come なのですが なんでかわかりません 9 He worked hard so that he could maintain his family = He worked hard (so)(as) to maintain his family. (  )内を in orderにしたら間違いですか?  以上たくさんありますがアドバイスお願いします ちなみに7日までいないのでお返事遅くなるかもしれませんがすいいません(汗

  • 譲歩として使われる仮定法現在beの文法解釈

    I accept that he’s old; bé that as it máy, he’s still a good politician. の文法についてです。 この文章は as it may be that , として、 語順を変えても文法上間違いないかどうか判断できないです。 また、may を付けずにas it be that でも、 仮定のニュアンスが弱まるけれども、 文法上おかしくないか判断がつかないです。 解説お願いします。 (i.v be :ジーニアス3GE 5より) この文章は 仮定法現在の譲歩の意味として使われているはBeの例文です。

  • 英作の添削をお願いします

    出来栄えも10てん中で判断してほしいです。 ポスターで募集をかけているボランティアの数を増えないのでどうすれば増やせるか(慶應経済) そしてそれは何故増えないのか 増やすにはどうすればいいか 何故成功できると考えるか を 含めて説明せよ という問題です I think why only a few students responded is a variety of reasens. One reasen is that a lot of good imformation ,such as merits of volunteer are lacking. By this demerit, a lot of high school students to want to work as a volunteer may lose motivation. Another reasen is that the time to carry out a volunteer work is fixed. They can't conduct volunteer everyday because they are busy studying as a high school students . Therefore, I think what they can do to increase the number of volunteers is that they should change a cotents of the poster. if they can describe a vriety of merits of volunteer work and explain the students can be free to have a right to conduct volunteer work in poster , they will be able to increase the number of volunteers.

  • 文法的解説と意味を教えてください

    I’m convinced that it’s healthy as can be for my kids to see their mom making time for herself, recognizing and taking care of her needs, fearlessly and unapologetically following her interests whether they happen to be socially acceptable or not. healthy as can beの文法的解説と意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 倒置??

    英語やり直し組です "The crisis that Pakistan is in has now entered another phase: the election set for January 8," Amir said. "And what really now has to be seen is: will the political parties participate in them - and if they do, they will lend credibility and some measure of respect to what General Musharraf has done." (1)will the political parties participate in themがよくわからないです。 よくわからないのですがこれは倒置?と呼ばれるものでしょうか? もしそうなら何故倒置されるのでしょうか? またその前の:も意味がわかりません。。。。どういうときに使われるのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 英作について

    このトピックについての題材を教えてください。 Imagine you are 80 years old. You are looking at old photos from the past on your computer. There are 3 photos that you decide to print because they represent the 3 most important times in your life. Describe those photos. Explain why they are important. [Remember that some of these photos may represent something that has not yet happened in your life.] 何を書いていいのかさっぱりわかりません。 アイデアを教えていただけると幸いです。