The Future of English: Influenced by Non-Native Speakers

  • Learning English now means having your own rights as a user of the language. The future of English will be shaped by non-native speakers, just as much as native speakers.
  • Language learners will encounter different variations of English and develop an understanding of international standards alongside their national norms.
  • In the near future, an international standard may become the foundation for English learners, with British, American, and other varieties seen as optional versions.
  • ベストアンサー


So today, to have learned English means to have your own rights as one of the users of the language. And it is just as likely that the future course of English will be influenced by second or foreign language speakers of English as by native speakers. Language learners will be facing these World Englishes, and they will develop a sense of international standards of English ―as well as their national norms of English, which are currently the focus of learning. It may not be many years, however, before an international standard becomes the starting-point for every learner of English, with British, American, and other varieties all seen as optional versions of English. 【questions】 What does “to have learned English” mean? What will learners of English develop when they face World Englishes? 二問ありますがおねがいします!

  • kjdsn
  • お礼率0% (0/18)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

What does “to have learned English” mean? ⇒ It means to have your own rights as one of the users of the language. What will learners of English develop when they face World Englishes? ⇒ They will develop a sense of international standards of English.


  • 英問英答(2)

    The term "World Englishes" functions as a collective noun such as animals and vegetables. The category of World Englishes includes Japanese English, American English, Spanish English, and Korean English as its members. The basic point about World Englishes is that English no longer belongs exclusively to native speakers but is a global resource shared by all peoples of the world, and that the English norms are not to be decided locally but globally. This means that all these users of English have their share in the future of English. 【question】 What are included as members of World Englishes? おねがいします!

  • 翻訳お願いします

    According to a recent study, the number of non-native speakers of English is now three times as large as that of native speakers. The new English speakers aren't just studying English as a second language, but they are also changing it and even creating their own version of it.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    長文で堅苦しい内容になってしまいましたが、添削をお願いします(^-^) あと、これは大学入試用です。 TOPIC starting foreign language education at a very early age is a good idea. I'm for this opinion. There are TWO reasons.First of all,clearly,little children aged up to three can absorb a lot of information at a rate grown-ups cannot.Responsive to sound,they are very efficient learners of new language, so they will be able to acquire two languages such as Japanese and English with little difficulty.This will be a good advance, because they will have more time learning other important subjects,say math,science,histry,and so on. Second,learning foreign language does not only mean you are learning how to read and write,but it also means you are studying other culture.It must be great that you know several culture, because it means you can understand things at global point of view without predudice.Acquiring such perspective is indispensable for people of today.

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    It is easy to say that English will be the dominant language of the 21st century. After all, it is the main language of the world's biggest economy, the United States, and the common language of business. A large percent of the information on the Internet is in English, and worldwide, many countries are rushing to learn English, since they regard it as vital for economic success.For example, English is the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN. ln addition, in Malaysia English recently replaced Malay as the language used to teach mathematics and science in schools. The dream of many is that English will develop into a truly global language so that wherever we go, we can understand and be understood. This would ease cultural misunderstandings, encourage tourism, enable trade to work smoothly,reduce the conflict between nations, and lead to a more peaceful world. たくさん投稿しますが、よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    オンライン英会話がテーマの自由英作文です(前半) I wonder how other people study English conversation. There are many schools out there where learners can speak to native English speakers and it is definitely one of the best ways to go learning there. However, as is often the case, they cost us much money, and of course, we couldn't improve our English conversation only by going there. Therefore it might be difficult for ordinary people to go there continuously until they learn enough. 途中のカンマの多い長い文はこれでもいいのでしょうか? よろしくおねがいします。  

  • 自由英作添削お願いします!!11.早稲田政経

    添削お願いします!!                                早稲田政経では文法ミスなどがなければ細かい論理構成までは減点をしません!20点満点でお願いします!!   問題. Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it."English should be the only official language of Japan" I disagree with the idea that English should be the only official language of Japan.First,it is almost impossible to put this idea into practice. Some Japanese people cannot speak even a word in English,so they will not be able to speak English well,no matter how hard they study English.They are not intelliget enough to learn English.Second,even though English is more widely used than any other language in the world,people who do not go abroad or communicate with foreign people do not have to study English.They have only to be able to speak Japanese language. 20点満点でお願いします!!

  • 大学入試の英作文の添削おねがいします

     こんにちは。青山学院大学の過去問をといています。 どうしても記述部分の添削は自分ではできないので 詳しいかた、添削お願いします。  【課題】English should be eliminates from university entrance exams.に対して、賛成か反対か述べ、あなたの答えを支持する理由も述べなさい。(60字以内) I am against to this statement. As English is a kind of "International Language" English will be more and more important, powerful and useful language than now days. So, I am sure, we can't live without English in the future. This is the main reason that I think our English should be tested at school and entrance exam.

  • Unpublished doctoral dissertationと書いている資料を見るにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか?

    Unpublished doctoral dissertationと書いている資料を見るにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか(借りれるのでしょうか)? 例えば… Félix-Brasdefer, C. (2002). Refusals in Spanish and English: A cross-cultural study of politeness strategies among speakers of Mexican Spanish, American English, and American learners of Spanish as a foreign language. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minnesota. 何ですけど、わかる人教えてください。 .

  • 英問英答(1)

    What happens when a large number of people adopt English in their community? They develop "an English" of their own. In fact , there are now many varieties of spoken English developing around the world , in countries such as India and Ghana. 【question】 Where are varieties of spoken English developing? おねがいします!

  • 長文の和訳お願いします!part4

    part3の続きです。 There are signs,however,that this linguistic monopoly will not survive into the 21st century. Experts have suggested that the proportion of Internet material in decade as users are given more choice of language. A recent British government report on the future of the English language argued that English will soon be joined by several orther‘world languages’,and the report's auther warned:“We are moving to a stage in which the world will be saturated with English. Every area will have it as a second language,and the most competitive countries will be those that have another world lagnage as well ' It is a warning that most British people do not yet seem to have given much thought to,despite the linguistic efforts of their Prime Minister.