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分詞構文について 分詞の位置は正しいでしょうか? (1) I lay on the grass looking at the clouds. =Looking at the clouds, I lay on the grass. (2) Sitting there alone, she seemed to be waiting for someone. =She seemed to be waiting for someone sitting there alone.
- みんなの回答 (2)
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I lay on the grass looking at the clouds. lookingの先行詞はI Looking at the clouds, I lay on the grass. 同様に、先行詞はI 上記文は同じ意味と考えてもよい。 Sitting there alone, she seemed to be waiting for someone. sittingの先行詞はshe She seemed to be waiting for someone sitting there alone. この場合は先行詞がsomeone に為るはずです。 よって上記2文の意味は異なる。 googleで検索をしたwaiting for someone comming http://www.google.co.jp/search?as_q=&hl=ja&rlz=1I7GGLJ_ja&num=10&btnG=Google+%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2&as_epq=waiting+for+someone+coming&as_oq=&as_eq=&lr=&cr=&as_ft=i&as_filetype=&as_qdr=all&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&as_rights=&safe=images からの例題です。 She seemed like waiting for someone coming, and a young girl in her twenties arrived. They seemed to (have kept to) be waiting for someone coming over. Waiting for someone coming out of the theater comingの先行詞はsheでもtheyでもなくsomeoneになりますよね。
その他の回答 (1)
- bakansky
- ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)