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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:戸籍謄本(縦書き)の翻訳の確認をお願いします。)



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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。同月拾八日東京市長から送付入籍:The Notification of Marriage was sent by the mayor of Tokyo on the 18th of the said month.  いいと思います。 2。平成九年九月九日国籍アメリカ合衆国スミス・トム(西暦千九百五拾年五月五日生まれ)の養子となる縁組届出(代諾者親権者母):The Notification of Adoption, in order to be adopted by Tom Smith (born on May 5, 1950) whose nationality was the United States of America, was submitted on September 9, 1999 (Legal guardian/custody is the mother.)  The Notification of Adoption. Legal guardian and mother reported on 9 September 1999 that her child was adopted by Tom Smith, a U.S. citizen born on 5 May 1950. とも。 3。平成十年十月十日妻花子と協議離婚届出;The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the wife, Hanako, on October 10, 1998.  The notification of Uncontested Divorce. On 10 October 1998 papers divorcing Hanako, the wife, was filed.とも。原訳ですと花子と一緒に離婚書類を提出と読めるのではないかと思います。そうなら別にいいんですが。 4。平成拾年拾月拾日夫一郎と協議離婚届出東京市東京1丁目1番に新戸籍編成につき除籍(※田中一郎という男性と結婚していて、離婚となった妻という想定):The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the husband, Ichiro, on October 10, 1998.The person was removed from the family register of Mr. Ichiro Tanaka in order to create a new family register at 1-1 Tokyo, Tokyo-Shi.  届出た者が田中一郎ならsubmitted by ...がいいと思います。ピリオドの後の The person は前に出て来る名前、田中一郎と解釈されるので、The name of Hanako, the wife, was removed...とすれば誤解が防げると思います。 5。平成拾年拾月拾日親権者を母と定める旨父母届出(※彼らの息子二郎について書かれた文章と想定): The Notification of Custody, which gave the mother the custody of Jiro, was submitted by the father and the mother on October 10, 1998.  いいと思います。



書き込みありがとうございます。 そうなんです、by とwith で私も悩みまして。 平成十年十月十日妻花子と協議離婚届出 → これは夫の欄に記載 平成拾年拾月拾日夫一郎と協議離婚届出 → これは妻の欄に記載 されていました。 私は最初、「妻/夫と "一緒に" 協議離婚(の書類を)届出」と解釈して翻訳したのですが、 この場合の「と」は「妻/夫 "との" 協議離婚(が成立したので)届出」と解釈して翻訳したほうがいいのかな、と思うようになりました。 これはいかが思われますか?(一応別質問としてUpして他の方の意見も仰ぎたいと思います)。 他のご助言は大変助かりました。早速参考にさせて頂きます。 それにしても・・・自分はネイティブのくせに、日本語は難しいです。


  • 戸籍謄本の文章の解釈&翻訳について。

    戸籍謄本の文章の解釈&翻訳について。 現在戸籍謄本を翻訳しているのですが、 以下の文章の解釈に悩んでいます。 私はこれらの文章を以下のように訳しました。 平成十年十月十日妻花子と協議離婚届出(これは夫の欄に記載) The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the wife, Hanako, on October 10, 1998. 平成拾年拾月拾日夫一郎と協議離婚届出(これは妻の欄に記載) The Notification of Uncontested Divorce was submitted with the husband, Ichiro, on October 10, 1998.  私は最初、「妻/夫 "と一緒に" 協議離婚(の書類を)届出(をした)」と解釈して翻訳したのですが、 この場合の「と」は「妻/夫 "との" 協議離婚(が成立したので)届出(をした)」と解釈して翻訳したほうがいいのかな、と思うようになりました。 実際、これらの2つの文章は、この戸籍謄本ではどのような意味なのでしょうか。 副詞の「と」の使い方が非常にあいまいで、理解がしづらいです。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳

    ビザ申請での、婚姻受理証明書(英文)の書き方を教えて下さい。 フォームはアメリカ領事館のHPにありました。 よろしくお願いします。 Certificate of Acceptance of Notification of Marriage Indication of Nationality or Legal Domicile Husband: ______________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________________ Indication of Nationality or Legal Domicile Wife: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________________ The notification of marriage of the above-named parties was submitted with the signatures of the witnesses __________________ and __________________, whereupon this office, after due examination, duly accepted the notification on _______________. Therefore, the marriage is hereby legally established. The above certified on Date: __________________ Number: _______________ Seal: __________________ By the person authorized to handle family registration matters for the Japanese Government. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I certify that the foregoing is a true and correct translation. Translator’s Signature: ____________________________________ Translator’s Name: _______________________________________ Today’s Date: ___________________________________________ Husband:夫の名前を記入 とか簡単でいいのでお願いします。 The notification of marriage of the above-named parties was submitted with the signatures of the witnesses __________________ and __________________, whereupon this office, after due examination, duly accepted the notification on _______________. ここがわかりません。

  • 連れ後の戸籍謄本の記載について

    最近、夫がバツイチだと知りました。 私もバツイチなので良いのですが、子供がいたのかを確認したいのでと戸籍謄本を取ってきてもらいました。 夫は前妻には2人の連れ子がいて、婚姻2~3年後に1人ずつ養子縁組したらしいです。 戸籍謄本には下記のような書き方で子供の記載がありました。 (子) 長男 ○○  出生日 平成4年○月○日 届出日 平成4年○月○日 (子) 次男 ○○ 出生日 平成7年○月○日 届出日 平成7年○月○日 夫は前妻と平成元年に結婚していてこの戸籍謄本を見る限りでは 夫の実子として記載されてるように思えます。 夫曰く、今は戸籍謄本上は養子としてではなく子として記載される。(役所の人に聞いてきた) 出生日と届出日は養子縁組が成立した年月日と・・・。 原戸籍を取って証明してくれると言われましたがいかがでしょうか?

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Eighth Battle of the Isonzo was fought from October 10–12, 1916 between Italy and Austria-Hungary.The Eighth Battle of the Isonzo, fought briefly from 10–12 October 1916, was essentially a continuation of attempts made during the Seventh Battle of the Isonzo (14–17 September 1916) to extend the bridgehead established at Gorizia during the Sixth Battle of the Isonzo in August 1916. Italian Chief of Staff Luigi Cadorna was determined to continue Italian attacks to the left of the town, a policy that continued during the following (ninth) battle - with an equal lack of success.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 6 October the Serbs attack again near the villages of Dobroveni and Skochivir but were again counter-attacked and pushed back. The Bulgarians took the village of Brod. The Serbs who had great superiority in artillery attacked constantly. On 14 and 15 October 1916 the fights continued without interruption. The Serbian pressure was immense and the Bulgarians continued to hold their positions. During the night of 15 October was one of the culmination moments of the battle when the Serbs made 8 successive attacks which were all repulsed. The Serbs then recovered for three days and on 18 October they crossed the left bank of the River Crna at Brod and fortified it. The Bulgarian army counter-attacked but was repulsed. On 23 October the artillery fire of the Entente grew even more.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    After a modest British advance, German counter-attacks recovered most of the ground lost opposite Passchendaele. There were 13,000 Allied casualties, including 2,735 New Zealanders, 845 of whom had been killed or lay wounded and stranded in the mud of no-man's-land. In lives lost in a day, this was the worst day in New Zealand history. At a conference on 13 October, Haig and the army commanders agreed that attacks would stop until the weather improved and roads could be extended, to carry more artillery and ammunition forward for better fire support. Action of 22 October 1917 On 22 October the 18th (Eastern) Division of XVIII Corps attacked the east end of Polecappelle as XIV Corps to the north attacked with the 34th Division between the Watervlietbeek and Broenbeek streams and the 35th Division northwards into Houthulst Forest. The attack was supported by a regiment of the French 1st Division on the left flank of the 35th Division and was intended to obstruct a possible German counter-attack on the left flank of the Canadian Corps as it attacked Passchendaele and the ridge. The artillery of the Second and Fifth armies conducted a bombardment to simulate a general attack as a deception. Poelcappelle was captured but the attack at the junction between the 34th and 35th divisions was repulsed. German counter-attacks pushed back the 35th Division in the centre but the French attack captured all its objectives. Attacking on ground cut up by bombardments and soaked by rain, the British had struggled to advance in places and lost the ability to move quickly to outflank pillboxes. The 35th Division infantry reached the fringes of Houthulst Forest but were pushed back in places after being outflanked. German counter-attacks made after 22 October were at an equal disadvantage and were costly failures. The German 4th Army was prevented from transferring troops away from the Fifth Army and from concentrating its artillery-fire on the Canadians as they prepared for the Second Battle of Passchendaele (26 October – 10 November 1917).

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    He retained his post in Émile Loubet's ministry (February–November 1892), and on its defeat he became president of the council, retaining the direction of foreign affairs. The government resigned in March 1893 over the refusal of the chamber to accept the Senate's amendments to the budget. On the election of Félix Faure as president of the Republic in January 1895, Ribot again became premier and minister of finance. On 10 June he was able to make the first official announcement of a definite alliance with Russia. On 30 October the government was defeated on the question of the Chemin de fer du Sud, and resigned office. The real reason of its fall was the mismanagement of the Madagascar expedition, the cost of which in men and money exceeded all expectations, and the alarming social conditions at home, as indicated by the strike at Carmaux. After the fall of Jules Méline's ministry in 1898 M. Ribot tried in vain to form a cabinet of "conciliation."

  • 英訳をお願い致します。

    Appeal by wife from a judgment of the Superior Court, DeKalb County, Judge Curtis, transferring custody of minor children from wife who was awarded custody in divorce decree to husband. The Supreme Court, Ingram, J., held that inference that wife and third-party witness were guilty of illicit conduct could be drawn from their refusal to testify as to their relationship and conduct, that evidence was insufficient to authorize change in custody, and that issue of whether court erred in denying supersedeas was moot. デキャルブ郡、高等裁判所のカーティス裁判官の判断により、妻が離婚時に得た親権を夫に移すように言われたことに対し妻は上訴した。 最高裁判所のイングラム裁判官は、妻と第三者は非道徳的行為の罪。。。。。。。 ちょっとっよくわからなくありました。 third-party witness は第三の証言者ではなく「第三者」という訳でいいでしょうか? どうぞ、教えて下さい。

  • 子供の戸籍について

    離婚をして私(母親)が子供の親権をもっています。現在子供の戸籍は元だんなの戸籍から移籍していませんが、私が結婚時の苗字で戸籍を作ったため子供と私の苗字は同じです。このほど、家庭裁判所に申請して子供を私の戸籍に入籍させようと考えています。そうすると子供の戸籍に「平成○年○月○日親権者を母(父)と定める旨父母届出」という文章が付け加えられることをしりました。この文章を戸籍に記載されないようにするには、 子供を私の戸籍に入籍させてから転籍(他県への)をすると、離婚の「×」が消えるように、子供の戸籍のこの文章もなくなるのでしょうか? (ちなみに、近い将来他県への引越しがあるのでその際に転籍も考えているので)ご存知の方よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The German began preparing for the attack during April, placing about 7,400 gas cylinders along a 3-kilometre (1.9 mi) front from Cité St. Elie to Loos, where no man's land had been only 120–300 yards (110–270 m) apart since the Battle of Loos (25 September – 14 October 1915). German artillery began a systematic bombardment of British observation posts, supply points and communication trenches, supplemented by trench mortar and rifle grenade fire. Shelling diminished from 24–25 April and on 26 April, the positions of the British 16th Division were bombarded and the 12th Division front was raided. The next day was fine and warm, with a wind blowing towards the British lines.The 4th Bavarian Division was to follow up a gas attack on 27 April with patrols against the British positions.