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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の訳がうまくいきません・・・・。)


  • Hill farming in the Andes region involved potato cultivation and other tuberous crops. Canihua, a domesticated grain plant, was also grown in the highest lands. Various landraces of potatoes and ulluco were found in the Paucartambo valley. Fallowing was a common practice, with up to 7 years of fallow period. Livestock grazing and manure addition were part of the farming system. Some farmers fenced their fields for protection.
  • In the Andes, hill farming focused on growing potatoes and other tuberous crops. Canihua, an anciently domesticated grain plant, was cultivated in high elevations. The Paucartambo valley had numerous potato landraces and a few of ulluco. Fallowing was practiced for several years, allowing livestock grazing and manure application. Some farmers protected their fields with fences.
  • Potato cultivation was a prominent feature of hill farming in the Andes, alongside tuberous crops like ulluco and oca. The highest lands also grew canihua, a domesticated grain plant. The Paucartambo valley had a significant number of potato landraces and some ulluco varieties. Fallowing was a common practice, with livestock grazing during the fallow period. Some farmers fenced their fields for added protection.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7250)

> Hill farming contained most of what remained of the sectoral fallow system. 高地農業のほとんどは作物別に休閑期を置きながらの耕作である。 > All crops were tuberous. In other parts of the Andes an anciently domesticated grain plant, canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule) was also grown in the highest land, as high as 4500 m in southern Peru and Bolivia (Sauel 1933:33-35). 高地での作物はすべて塊茎(地下茎が球状になったもの)である。アンデスの他の地域、ペルー南部やボリビアの4,500mもの高度の地では、人の手によって栽培されるようになった穀物、カニワ(canihua = Chenopodium pallidicaule アカザ系の植物)が栽培されている。 > The potato was overwhelmingly dominant, with ulluco, oca (oxalis tuberose), and mashua (Tropaelum tuberosum) in lesser quantity. ジャガイモの栽培が圧倒的に多いが、それに次いで多いのが、ウルクス(Ullucus tuberosus)やオーカ(oxalis tuberose)などである。 > In the Paucartambo valley alone there were 79 potato landraces and 5 of ulluco. パウカルタンボ渓谷だけで79種のジャガイモの在来種と5種類のウルクスが栽培されている。 > High altitude potato landraces are frost resistant and bitter and are processed by freezing and drying. 高地で栽培されているジャガイモの在来種は霜に強く、苦みを持ち、冷凍や乾燥という処理を施される。 > Other landraces have a much wider altitudinal range. 他の在来種は広い範囲の高地で栽培されている。 > Hill farming land was normal prepared by hoeing the soil into high beds, breaking the sod with the Andean foot plow, the chakitaklla, and pulverizing the clods by hand. 高地の耕作地は、チャリタルカ(アンデスの足鋤)で土を鋤き、土塊は手で砕き、それを鍬で掘り起して苗床を作る。 > Fallowing was normal practice, enduring up to 7 years. 土地の休耕は普通に見られることで、最大7年に及ぶ。 > Small livestock grazed during the fallow period, the manure being added by folding the livestock on intended field sites at night. 休耕期間中は小家禽を飼い、夜は耕作地に囲ってその糞を肥料にする。 > Whereas the sectoral fallow formerly separated crops from livestock, and farmers still grouped their field together to facilitate protection in the 1980s; some fenced their field, an added labor. かつては作物別休耕の耕地には家禽を入れなかったし、1980年代でも保護のためにそれぞれの農民蛾耕地を一定の箇所に集中させたが、中には自分の農地をフェンスで囲う者もあったが、それは別労働である。 * 全く知識のない分野の英文を読むのは大変でした。ネットと辞書だけが頼りの直訳なので、正確さは保証の限りではありません。
