• ベストアンサー

「Blithe Spirit」という演劇の和訳してるんですがさっぱり分


  • ベストアンサー

もし histoire64 さんが大学生であるなら、ご自分の大学に 『ノエル・カワード戯曲集』(加藤恭平訳)ジャパン・パブリッシャーズ, 1976 が、所蔵されていないか調べてください。 この本の中に「陽気な幽霊」として翻訳されています。 もしなくても、図書館に依頼すれば、郵送料は histoire64 さん負担ですが、他の大学図書館から取り寄せてくれます。 お近くの市立図書館などにもあるかもしれません。 なお、Amazon では古書を購入することができます。4000円です。



ありがとうございます!! 大学の図書館に所蔵はされていたのですが既に予約が五件も…… 素直に買おうと思います


  • 英文の和訳についてです。。。

    I am cat というお話の一部なのですが、、、 この部分の和訳が分かりません。 教えてください。。。 She takes me to the Pet Beauty Clinic once a week for a bath we have togaes that we use to lick ourselves and keep ourselves clean? I do not like the flea powder she puts on me. It smells awful and I think it might cause skin cancer. Eva thinks she knows what kind of fool I like,though she actyally does not know my tastes at all. She feeds me cat food and puts it in a silver dish. But all I want is some day-old fish that stinks,And alittle water. Thats all. Is that asking too much? Once time I managed to get out of the house. Did I have a good time! I ran around with some other cats in the neighboehood. We ate garbage and chased a dog. I even caught a bird. Good fun. But when I returned home,Eva went crazy. She was so angey. She took me to the Pet Beauty Clinic for a bath and shampoo, even tjough I had been there the day before. She even wants to have me buried next to her! I won't be free of her even when I am dead. What a life! 以上です。回答お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

     Even doubts about this connection, which are widespread, point only to another explanation that also refers to a market mechanism: professors may be paid according to the effective demand their product creates and, thus, to the revenue they earn for their employer.

  • 和訳なんですが

    外国人の知り合いからのメールです。 じつはこの間、来週遊ぼうという話でしたが私は仕事がとっても忙しくなってしまい当日に断ってしまいました。そのときはなにも返事は返ってきませんでした。3日後の彼からのメッセージですがうまくやくせません。何かあまりいいメッセージでないのはわかります・・・会うはずだったけど私が忙しくてあえなかった。ここまでわかります。 I can onlyからが特に分りません。教えて下さいお願いします。 I was writing to say bye! I am going out to sea again Wednesday, and I will be going to 1@@@. I wish I could have taken you out again this weekend but with you busy schedule; I was unable to even receive a simple email form you. I am ok with that. I can only wait to have another time to see you so I will here from you when ever you decide to email me.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    As a casual look into a karaoke bar or a similar place for dancing and drinking reveals,Japanese people, given the right place and the right time, talk casually in the way that may seem to a foreigner quite impolite or even rude.

  • 次の英文のasは何ですか?よろしくお願いします。

    Victoria went on to put her foot in it a couple of months later, both by publicly demanding that David be given a pay rise-£25,000 a week is not enough, she explained-and by saying that one day, he would almost certainly play for another team abroad. ↓ But that was as nothing compared to a recent interview she gave to Jerry Springer. asはなくてもいいように思いますが、as nothing と nothingはどう違いますか?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    when seeing your pictures, made me even miss you more. How have you been doing lately? Do you go clubbing a lot? Last weekend I went to Germany to club, it was fun, but I drunk too much alcohol. The next day I have been clubbing again with friends in Holland. Did you knew that there is a big Japanese community living in Dusseldorf. They even got a Japanese town, I like to go to Dusseldorf, because there is the only place nearby where you can eat ramen noodles. When eating ramen reminds me of the time that we were eating ramen together when I have met you for the first time. Hope we can do that soon again...

  • 和訳を見ていただけますか?

    ペンパルからのメール内容ですが、後半(Also,even ifから)の訳がよくわかりません。 A friend of mine is having an affair. She says, she likes to have a "friend" to hang out with, without having to "sacrifice" her spare time for relationship stuff. I can understand what she's aiming for, but I don't know if that's something I could do. Also, even if you're not dating, you still need time after work to get to know someone. So, in that regard, the situation is the same as with a real boyfriend 私の友達が浮気しちゃってて、彼女は好きな時に一緒にでかけられる”友人” がいるわけ。彼女が何を目的にそういうことしてるのかはまぁ理解できるんだけど 私が同じことできるかと言われればわからない。 もしあなた(ここのyouが私のことなのか単なる形式的な主語なのか…?)がデート してなくても、誰か相手を探すために時間を割く必要があるでしょ。だからその点 に関してはほんとの彼氏がいるのと同じよね。 なんだか意味が通じてるようで通じてない気がするのですが…間違いがあれば 指摘よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    the tide change after 2025の部分をどう訳したらいいか分かりません。前後の文章も載せておきます。 Even Tokyo, which enjoys an influx of young people from across the country, expect to see the tide change after 2025, according to a forecast. The capital’s population is tipped to fall to 11.73 million in 2060, down 13 percent from 2015

  • 和訳お願いします

    The place where we and up was a new experiences for me, they have some interesting tv channels there;) looks like Tokyo has a lot to discover. I could not sleep so I went home. I hope you enjoy it too:) お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    何回もすみません。 和訳お願いします。 To my surprise, my extremely limited Japanese did not prevent me from making friends with people who didn't speak English. I even learned, to some degree, sado and ikebana. These classes were conducted entirely in Japanese. I also watched a lot of TV. Without understanding a word, I was thoroughly engrossed in the soap operas, samurai dramas, sumo wrestling matches, anime, and even the commercials.