• ベストアンサー


4月15日付けのTIME誌オンラインの記事 “India's Celebrity Wedding Nearly Derailed by Scandal”を読んでいたのですが(ヒンズー教徒:インド人とイスラム教徒:パキスタン人のスポーツセレブによる結婚についての記事)、以下の一文の意味がわかりませんでした。 Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani managed only a handshake with his Indian counterpart in Washington this week, but his wedding gift to the happy couple is reportedly on the way, as are those of several other prominent politicians. as are those of ~のあたりがいまいち意味が解らないのですが、お分かりになるかた教えて頂けたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「パキスタンのユーセフ・ラザ・ギラニ首相は、今週ワシントンにおいて、インドの首相と握手をするだけにとどまった。しかし彼の結婚プレゼントは他の政治家たちからのプレゼント同様、現在輸送途上にあるという事である。」 でしょうか。



回答ありがとうございます! 一点まだわからないことがあるのですが、 「他の政治家たちからのプレゼント同様」ならば、 as are those from several other prominent politicians. にはならないですか? 言い換えると、「他の著名な政治家たちと同様」という 意味にはならないでしょうか?

その他の回答 (2)


as are those of several other prominent politicians = as those of several other prominent politicians are ↓ as gifts of several other prominent politicians are areは目的語を取っていないので自動詞として使っている。 自動詞の意味として http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry?id=B0128200 1. To exist in actuality; have life or reality: I think, therefore I am. ↓ as gifts of several other prominent politicians exist as gifts from several other prominent politicians exist の文体の違いは此処の好みで文法的には間違いではない。



回答ありがとうございます! ofでも文法的には問題ないのですね。 日本語でも「Aさんからのプレゼント」の ことを「Aさんのプレゼント」って言ったりします もんね。それと同じようなものですかね。。 ありがとうございました!


そうか、on the wayだから途中なんですね・・・・ as are those of several other prominent politicians. "those"は、wedding gifts (to the happy couple) を指すものかと。 "several other prominent politicians" からのwedding gifts.



回答ありがとうございました! SPS700さんにもお返事した通り gift of って 言い方が普通なのかが疑問だったんですけど、 gift of でも from でも、良いみたいですね。 ありがとうございました。


  • 英文和訳

    And should we defeat every enemy, and should we double our wealth and conquer the stars, and still be unequal to this issue, then we will have failed as a people and as a nation. For, with a country as with a person, "what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem.This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose. The great phrases of that purpose still sound in every American heart, North and South: "All men are created equal." "Government by consent of the governed." "Give me liberty or give me death." And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories. In their name Americans have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives. Those words are promised to every citizen that he shall share in the dignity of man. This dignity cannot be found in a man's possessions. It cannot be found in his power or in his position. It really rests on his right to be treated as a man equal in opportunity to all others. It says that he shall share in freedom. He shall choose his leaders, educate his children, provide for his family according to his ability and his merits as a human being. To apply any other test, to deny a man his hopes because of his color or race or his religion or the place of his birth is not only to do injustice, it is to deny Americans and to dishonor the dead who gave their lives for American freedom. どなたかお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Any rights inhering in an individual, therefore, must be “stolen” from society as a whole. Classical economists led by Adam Smith, a prominent figure of the Enlightenment, in contrast, developed the notion of the marginal contribution of each individual to the production process as the basis of his or her incomes. Implicitly, Smith’s followers argued that Marx’s view was inconsistent with human nature and therefore could not explain economic development. Marx did recognize that acquisitive human nature was not compatible with a collectivized state.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします・・・

    In Washington, politicians are beginning to recognise what some now describe as a "national crisis". A congressional hearing in July heard from experts in the field about what can be done to prevent deaths from child abuse. A national commission is being set up to coordinate a country-wide response. Many believe home visits to new parents by qualified health professionals, preparing them for the difficulties of family life, are key to that strategy. While child abuse blights the lives of victims' families, its devastating impact is felt far beyond relatives and friends. Abused children are 74 times more likely to commit crimes against others and six times more likely to maltreat their own children, according to the Texas Association for the Protection of Children. For this reason, experts believe it is in the US government's as well as society's interest to ensure children are protected from abuse. Each and every citizen, they say, has a responsibility to help break this cycle of violence. A statement from Mr Jobs's family said they were with him when he died peacefully on Wednesday. "In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he cherished his family," they said, requesting privacy and thanking those who had "shared their wishes and prayers" during his final year. Apple said the company had "lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being". Tim Cook, who was made Apple's CEO after Mr Jobs stood down in August, said his predecessor had left behind "a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple". Flags are being flown at half mast outside the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, while fans of the company have left tributes outside Apple shops around the world. "What he's done for us as a culture, it resonates uniquely in every person," said Cory Moll, an Apple employee in San Francisco.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となります。 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 But remember each detail, the shape of his nose, the subtle color tones in his skin and hair, the fleeting expression in his eyes, is drawn from YOUR chart, and that sometimes in trying to describe someone I may have to exaggerate or emphasize a certain feature that is distinctive, in order to define the person from being just any face in the crowd. Words are not as subtle as an image, or a photograph. I capture his likeness for you, the reality of his face, features and colors are likely to be blended together more delicately.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落となっています。 比喩が多いかもしれませんが よろしくお願いいたします。 He has a correctness of manner about him. He has a strong tight aggressive, old fashioned and rather formal handshake. He has hands that are strong wristed, like someone used to manual work. They are not handsome hands but they are rugged. The hands themselves over the pinkness have a ashy appearance, the look of being spread over with a coating of lard. They are quite clean but the circulation is more feeble on the backs of the hands and fingers so these look a shade paler, they are white dappled with pink as if frostbitten, or like the fallen blossoms of a tree. but can go blue with sensitivity the cold or icy days. The backs of his hands are broad and almost square and smooth skinned, the tendons show slightly in the skin above the knuckles, his hands are not thin but not pudgy and padded either. The shape of the tendons and angles and knuckles can be discerned in the flesh, rather than being covered over, but they are not cadaverously thin by any means. Just fine handsome hands. They have tapering fingers that are narrower and more refined than you'd expect for the broadness of the backs of the hand but sturdy and hard all the same, if he jabs you with the fingers it’s a hard sharp poke.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The process was continued, after an apparent hiatus during the civil wars of the last decades of the Republic, under the emperor Augustus. The Augustan period gave the Roman world a new stability and security buttressed by an ideological programme which emphasized concepts such as revival of traditional religious and moral values. In Pompeii, as an hundreds of other communities, prominent local citizens sought to express their gratitude to the new regime, and in some cases to secure their personal advancement, by sponsoring building projects which honoured the emperor or promoted his ideals. A good example was the erection by M.Tullius, a leading magistrate of the last decades of the first century BC, of a temple dedicated to Fortuna Augusta, one of various cults which grew up around the emperor and his tutelary spirits. Tullius had received honours from the emperor, and the building of the temple was a statement of his loyalty.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 身体の内容だと思いますので、 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His feet like his hands are broad and fleshy though not particularly large. Quite small taking into account the size of his body. Like the hands they have a slight square ness about them. They are warm and supported by thick ankles like milk bottles. His feet are not his best feature. I would say they were more serviceable than beautiful. He is prone to harsh skin like sandpaper, and Corns or chilblains on the soles and of the feet. Cold feet pains in the big toe as if bandaged. His shoes are too hard and unkind to him and badly fitting or too cheap and he walks too much and this is the cause of much of his feet’s main problems. One of the toe nails of the left foot may be damaged or missing. The little toes themselves a little bent under.. Toes become spasmodically cramped from time to time.

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    In Fig.13, we compare our results with those of Nishiida (1983) and Wetherill and Cox (1985). Nishida studied the collision probability in the two-dimensional problem for the two cases: e=0 and 4. For the case of e=0, his result (renormalized so as to coincide with our present definition) agrees accurately with ours. But for e=4, his collisional rate is about 1.5 times as large as ours; it seems that the discrepancy comes from the fact that he did not try to compute a sufficient number of orbits for e=4, thus introducing a relatively large statistical error. The results of Wetherill and Cox are summarized in terms of v/v_e where v is the relative velocity at infinity and v_e the escape velocity from the protoplanet, while our results are in terms of e and i. Therefore we cannot compare our results exactly with theirs. If we adopt Eq. (2) as the relative velocity, we have (of course, i=0 in this case) (e^2+i^2)^(1/2)≒34(ρ/3gcm^-3)^(1/6)(a_0*/1AU)^(1/2)(v/v_e). (34) According to Eq. (34), their results are rediscribed in Fig.13. From this figure it follows that their results almost coincide with ours within a statistical uncertainty of their evaluation. 7. The collisional rate for the three-dimensional case Now, we take up a general case where i≠0. In this case, we selected 67 sets of (e,i), covering regions of 0.01≦i≦4 and 0≦e≦4 in the e-i diagram, and calculated a number of orbits with various b, τ,and ω for each set of (e,i). We evaluated R(e,i) for r_p=0.001 and 0.005 (for r_p=0.0002 we have not obtained a sufficient number of collision orbits), and found again its weak dependence on r_p (except for singular points, e.g., (e,i)=(0,3.0)) for such values of r_p. Hence almost all results of calculations will be presented for r_p=0.005 (i.e., at the Earth orbit) here. Fig.13. Comparison of the two-dimensional enhancement factor R(e,0) with those of Nishida (1983) and those of Wetherill and Cox (1985).Their results are renormalized so as to coincide with our definition of R(e,0). 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳を教えてください

    [He did not try to impress me, as office-holders so often do on first meetings, with the strength of his handshake], or with the importance of his office, or with the sound of his voice. という文の[ ]の部分なんですけど、解答には「高い地位にある人たちがはじめて人にあった時にしばしばするように、握手の強さで相手に印象を残そうとするようなことは彼にはなかった。」とあります。僕は最初 「office-holdersはしばしば相手に自分を印象付ける為に強く握手をする」ととらえて「高い地位にある人とは違って、彼は~」と訳したんですが、実際はoffice-holdersは強く握手しないんですか?訳の日本語からは判断がつかないんですが、このような文章の場合、"as"以下はどちらの立場になるんですか?回答お願いします。

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    effectively のコンマの後ろas almost~in Britain.をお願いします。コンマの前はできればで構いません。 The complexities of the English language are such that even native speakers cannot always communicate effectively , as almost every American learns on his first day in Britain.