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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この英文の意味をお願いします)



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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

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  • わからない英文があります

    下記の会話文にある、"if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like Summer and we just didn't happen"の意味を教えてください。 動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRm9Nsn-dwQ&feature=related 3分18秒から。 Seth: It's a good thing I never thrown anything away, the questions are different but you get the idea Ryan: Yeah, that I'm gonna fail Seth: Hey, no you're not gonna fail ok, you have to get in. I will not spend another year at that school alone, ok please, thankyou. study. (pauses) Especially though, if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like mmm Summer and I we jus, we just didn't happen (Ryan looks at him) Seth: Sorry, you study (pause) here's the thing though Ryan (Ryan looks frustrated) we connected, right we connected and it was awesome, especially the part where she kissed me, I do believe I might've ma Ryan: Seth! I have two hours until I take this test, so unless you plan on attending Newport union high wi Seth: Right, got it less talking more study

  • 英文 和訳お願いします!

    送られてきたメッセージを一部抜粋したものなのですが、意味がいまいち掴めません。 言いたいことは何となくは理解できるのですが・・・。 どなたか正確な訳をお願いいたします。 I just wanna tell you that I don't recived a your letter yet so if I don't still write you is for this reason^^''

  • 英文:本の名前パッと言えます?みたいな意味ですか?

    https://www.voicetube.com/videos/65649 According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh -- I don't read books. Yeah, that's it. A book? "The Lion King." The movie? Yeah, the book. You read the book "The Lion King."? Yeah. Let me just think. Uh -- Hey, hold on, man. Hold on, let me think, hold on. Can we cut this out and do it again? Can you name a book? A book? Any book? Um -- "The Jungle Book." It's not a book, is it? It's a movie. "The Jungle Book." Sure. Is it? Both. Are you sure? No. Does -- Do magazines count? No, Those wouldn't be books. That's correct. I can name "Moby Dick." That's an artist. He wrote a book called "Horse.", I liked that book. Moby Dick was the author? Yes. The book was "horse"? Yes. That's what I said. What was the last book you read? Um -- Probably Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss, maybe. I haven't read a book for like 12 years. I'm drawing a blank. Geez. I need books. Sorry. I am totally blanking out on books. What do you do for a living? I was a librarian. All you have to do is pick up a book. Cause when you know how to read Adventures come to you. That's right. Thank you, Sha. According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh -- I don't read books. Yeah, that's it. A book? "The Lion King." The movie? Yeah, the book. You read the book "The Lion King."? Yeah. Let me just think. Uh -- Hey, hold on, man. Hold on, let me think, hold on. Can we cut this out and do it again? Can you name a book? A book? Any book? Um -- "The Jungle Book." It's not a book, is it? It's a movie. "The Jungle Book." Sure. Is it? Both. Are you sure? No. Does -- Do magazines count? No, Those wouldn't be books. That's correct. I can name "Moby Dick." That's an artist. He wrote a book called "Horse.", I liked that book. Moby Dick was the author? Yes. The book was "horse"? Yes. That's what I said. What was the last book you read? Um -- Probably Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss, maybe. I haven't read a book for like 12 years. I'm drawing a blank. Geez. I need books. Sorry. I am totally blanking out on books. What do you do for a living? I was a librarian. All you have to do is pick up a book. Cause when you know how to read Adventures come to you. That's right. Thank you, Sha. According to recent study from the Pew Research Center. Almost 1 in 4 American has not read a book in the past year. That actually seems high to me. I bet it's even fewer than that. So to find out, this afternoon, We sent a team out to the street. To ask pedestrians to name a book. Any book. Could be The Bible. Could be "Fifty Shades of Gray." All we wanted to know is "Can you name a book?" And here is how that went. Can you name a book? Oh, yes. Uh -- Uh -- I don't read, but -- But -- What's it called? Can you name a book? Uh --No. Can you name a book? Um -- Uh

  • この英文を訳してください><;;

    アメリカの友人からのメールです。 日本とアメリカの大学についての話なのですが 4月からCollege が始まる と送ったらこのようにかえってきました 私も相手も18歳です。 College already? Is that like America's high schools? Because I know you've got to apply to high school over there right?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。商品の再入荷の件と、送料の事で質問をしていたら返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。ちなみにいつも購入するところです。 We do indeed have the AAA in 3 colours: black, plum and purple. I don't think that there are many pieces left of the black colour. If you want any I can put away for you what I have here. The purses BBB are not available and frankly I am not sure when will they be coming back. When they do come back I will let you know. Also, I really do not know what other pieces did you speak to Becki about, so I would need you to let me know all the styles that you are interested in. I can see that you are registered on our website but I don't think you have used it as your account was not active. I have activated it for you now. You can log in with your email 'CCCC..' and password would have been sent to you right after your registration. If you have troubles logging in please let me know and I will give you a new password. I am also awaiting a quote from DDD. However, they tell me that they cannot give me an accurate quote without the correct dimensions of boxes or the correct weight. Therefore, I can only give you a rough estimate at the moment and find out properly once you have placed an order and once all the boxes have been packed.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。再入荷と送料の事で質問をしていたんですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか お願いします。 We do indeed have the AAA in 3 colours: black, plum and purple. I don't think that there are many pieces left of the black colour. If you want any I can put away for you what I have here. The purses BBB are not available and frankly I am not sure when will they be coming back. When they do come back I will let you know. Also, I really do not know what other pieces did you speak to Becki about, so I would need you to let me know all the styles that you are interested in. I can see that you are registered on our website but I don't think you have used it as your account was not active. I have activated it for you now. You can log in with your email 'CCCC..' and password would have been sent to you right after your registration. If you have troubles logging in please let me know and I will give you a new password. I am also awaiting a quote from DDD. However, they tell me that they cannot give me an accurate quote without the correct dimensions of boxes or the correct weight. Therefore, I can only give you a rough estimate at the moment and find out properly once you have placed an order and once all the boxes have been packed.

  • この歌詞の意味

    どんな状況なんだろう。気になって寝られません(´・ω・`) Little Misty Say you Miss me Say you're sorry Be on My side Don't waste Your pride Say you're sorry I know something that you don't Know I will tell you if you want me To And when someone walks in here You will tell them what you know Little Misty Say you Miss me Say you're sorry Be on My side Don't waste Your pride Say you're sorry I know something you don't want To know I should shut up but I can't Please don't beg me not to say I need you to understand

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    The problem is that I get extremely uncomfortable around adult guys. So uncomfortable that I get anxious and nervous and want to run in the other direction. I don't understand it though, I have never been physically abused, never been assaulted in any way, and I hate that I am pretty sure I come off as rude on occasion to adult guys I meet. Either friends' dads, teachers, etc. I don't think it has anything to do with my mom's ex, but that's around when it started. that's aroundとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値引きをお願いしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 sorry we can only do 10% off right now. We had said 15% off if you buy over 10 AAA but for this I can do 12% that’s already much higher than what we offer, our AAA are made of leather and we really can’t discount them too much, you can use code BBB , and the minimum order is NNN and it expires this week. Please let me know if you need anything else, thanks.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。ほしい商品について在庫の質問をしていました。すみませんが意味を教えて頂けませんか?お願い致します。 Hi I have these AAA at our office in the US, if you are interested I can give you 5% off these AAA below, these are one time prices since they were shipped to my office in the US and I don’t want to ship them back so I am offering them at a huge discount please let me know if you are interested. I also have a lot of other popular styles with only 2-5 in each style such as the Mansur AAA style, 1111 luggage and phantom styles, and many 2222 quilted AAA styles including boy please let me know if you are interested. Please see below, I can order the AAA for you however the below are the MOQ for the AAA, if you are interested and you can order the MOQ I can give you 5% off retail prices. This is a special price since you would have to order a bit more but please let me know if you are interested, the blank ones we can no longer order for you.