• ベストアンサー


Are your problems getting the best of you? Are you feeling depressed and under stress? という文で、Are you getting the best of you? の意味がわかりません。特にget the best of youがわかりません。これはイディオムですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

「get the best of」 ~に勝つ、~を負かす、~を出し抜く、~をしのぐ、~を乗り越える、(苦痛などが人を)参らせる 普通の日本語にすれば、、、、、 〈貴方は)問題を抱えているせいで参っているの?



そうなるんですか!! わかりました。 ご回答どうもありがとうございました。


  • どのような意味でしょうか

    The best thing you can do for your friendship, your family and your sanity is to get ahead of the resentment and be honest with him. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/dearannie/s-2087943 get ahead of the resentmentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ハチのたとえ文章

    Although you rarely get a large hornet under your hat, you are forever getting a series of small bees in your bonnet. 前半は、帽子の中の大きなスズメバチに攻撃されるはまずないこと、 後半は、スズメバチに刺されるような危機感はないけれど、小さなハチが絶えずぶんぶんとうるさい。 →「あなたの心を占めることは滅多にありませんが、絶えず心のどこかに引っかかっています」とかなり意訳してみましたがいかがでしょう? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語にしてください!

    Wow, we just got your letter How Exiting that you are getting married. Congratulations to both you and your fiancé. We would love to come but have to see if we can get holidays. And we pay for flights and accomodation ourselves. We are so happy for you. Xxx love Richard and Leona What is the nearest airport, and where are you getting married.. We are so happy for you xxx よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の意味を教えてください。

    次のB. "It's a daunting task to get your shit together"はどう訳したらいいでしょうか? A: The way we think you get peace is by resolving all your external problems, but there's unlimited external problems. So the only way to actually get peace is on the inside by giving up this idea of problems, B: It’s a daunting task to get your shit together.

  • 今日の星占い英文です。翻訳をお願いします。

    Someone is getting under your skin in a big way -- so much so that you might need to do something! Try your best to just let it slide this time, but if it starts to get out of hand, you need to step up.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでクリスマスの飾り付けセットを買いました。発送の事で相手から連絡がありました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 it was shipped out yesterday via DHL, since I was so late in getting your order to you, I went ahead and shipped it expedited so you can have it sooner. The tracking is 0000 and you should get it early next week. Also we just restocked a lot of the AAA you were interested in with our site and right now, if you are interested in anything let me know and I can get you better pricing and a cheaper shipping service

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.

  • ”Call 1.800.THE CARD”の意味

    AMEXのコマーシャルで Wherever you're going, are you getting the service and protection you need to get there? Are you a Card Member? Call 1.800 THE.CARD. と言っているのですが、 1.800は無料通話だと思うんですけど、無料通話のTHE CARDという部分がわかりません。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の翻訳をお願いしたいです。 とても困っています。よろしくお願いします。 Dear.Mr.Tanaka Flu season will soon be here so it's time to get your annual flu shot. I recommend that ALL of my patients who are six months of age and older get the flu vaccine every year. We are now providing the flu shot to our patients. Please call our office [03-123-4567]to book your appointment. It takes about two weeks after the shot to develop protection against the flu so, it's important to get it at the start of flu season. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that can lead to serious complications, hospitalization, or even death. Young children - especially those under age five - are among those at highest risk of serious illness from the flu. Anyone can get the flu, and vaccination is the most effective way to protect you and your family. Why you and your family should get the flu shot: ・influenza affects everyone ・The flu vaccine protects you from getting the flu ・The flu vaccine is safe ・You have a child under 5 years old ・You are pregnant or considering pregnancy ・You - or someone you know - is over 65 or has a chronic (long-term) heath condition ・Getting the flu shot is part of a healthy lifestyle. As your health care practitioner, I strongly recommend for you to get the flu shot to protect you and the people you care for. If you have any questions about the flu shot, please book an appointment so we may discuss them. Please contact us for vaccine availability at our office. If you are unable to come to our office, you can get the flu shot at a public clinic or a local pharmacy. Please note, however, that pharmacists can only administer the flu shot in Ontario to children 5 years of age and older. For more information about the flu or the flu shot, visit the Ministry of Health and Long - Term Care's website at Ontario. ca/flu. Sincerely.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    英語でスピーチをする予定があり、原稿を作ったのですが、文法や自然な表現に自信がないので、長文ですが添削をお願いします!^^ Are you happy? Of course there are many happy, enjoyable things. Sports, movies, shopping, and so forth. However, there are also many unhappy, depressive things. Do you surely think you are really happy? Today, the world is facing many serious problems. Discrimination, poverty, war, and so forth. However, we Japanese don’t have such serious problems. We were born in blessed, rich land, Japan. We can eat, buy what we want, and …..live. Then, what are the problems? Big one of the problems Japan facing is a problem of stress. I also suffer from the stress. “One pair of half pants is called pajamas”. “I’m called a Yankee because my hair is gold.” I’ll move on my topic. There are many stress. Human relationships, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, the number of stress is limitless. Because of these stress, many people cannot imagine bright future, only suffer from stress. If we suffer from stress, we cannot concentrate enjoyable things, and enjoy our lives. Stress has influence on not only our mind, but also our body. You can imagine depression as mental disease, difficult breathing, circulatory system and digestive system. To know these effects, perhaps you know how serious stress is. By the way, have you think of any solutions for stress? As I said before, there are many kind of stress, and those causes are also different. But I declare one cause of stress is broadcasting. This linkage is seemed unrealistic. However, media make us imagine there are full of sad accidents, crimes, disease and so on. We live in dark world. Why do we believe that? This is because we watch a number of news, broadcasting sad and dark things. Our brains believe the world we live is dark, not bright unconsciously. Of course there are not only dark ones, but also bright ones, but media focus on dark ones more easily, than bright ones. As I take one example, news about bullying. This news is broadcasted many times, and gathers much attention. That’s why our brains believe the world is full of sadness, hopeless. And we easily feel depression and suffer from stress. Then, how can we save ourselves? How can we release stress? Which way is the best way to solve the problem? Excluding the cause of stress? Or Changing society itself creating stress? Banning broadcasting dark news? All of them are not seemed effective way to solve it. Do we have to endure stress or deceive ourselves? We don’t suffer from stress. I’m OK. I’m OK. I’m happy No way. I refuse to do that. All we have to do is to deceive our brains. We have two simple choices to do. 1st is to look into just bright future. If we do that, our brains recognize only bright future without thinking and we think in a positive way. However, this way is not a perfect way. Some really suffer from stress and cannot look into bright future. Then, I will introduce 2nd way. 2nd is to appreciate 3 things every day and write down them. For example, I live with my aunt and she takes care of me. Now, I write down three things. 1st, “my aunt cooks a meal for me.” Thank to that, I keep my health and eat delicious food. 2nd, “every morning, my aunt sends me to the station.” That’s why I can save my time in the morning and sleep more. 3rd, “on my birthday, my aunt give me 1000 yen.” 1000 yen is not a little money!! To continue this, your brains will believe there are full of many happy, bright, fine things. We live in a happy world. Some of you think why this is beneficial for you? Yes. I’ll explain it. By getting this thought, positive way to look into your future, you suffer from less and less stress, and are released from stress. This is totally enough. And, the effect is not only reducing stress. Please don’t be surprised. By released from stress, your brains work well as 30%. You will not have trouble to studying. You will be able to get degree more easily. Good! If you got this thought, your future would be bright. I hope you will get bright future.