• ベストアンサー


英語の翻訳ソフトで英文を作りました。アメリカ人はこの英文を理解できますか?英語が得意な方おねがいします。 There is a preservation bag. It is possible to use it long. The tariff tax is made cheap. Or, the tariff tax is not collected Size about W12"×D6.5"×H9.3" The delivery method uses EMS of the post office. It takes out insurance and it sends it. Whole area arrival days. →5 Day or Ten days. It will arrive in about ten days even if it is slow. It is possible to send two commodities or more at a time. However, delivery charge money changes. Delivery charge money changes in weight. I send it from Japan. Please remit within three days after it makes a successful bid. When payment cannot be confirmed in three days after it makes a successful bid, it cancels. The discount of the commodity is impossible. The discount of the shipping expense is also impossible. It doesn't answer about these questions.

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

私は英語の中途半端な日本人ですが、 不自然でぶつ切れな文章で、翻訳ソフト利用なんだろうなあという感じがします。 何となく想像で読めてしまう気がしますが、それは日本語の思考と想像で補ってしまうからなのか。。。。 >It doesn't answer about these questions. ここの意味がよく解りませんでした。 メールで聞かれてもその質問には返信しないと言いたいのか、 希望を出されても応じられないと言いたいのか。 主語は、itでなく"I"でないと変です。 自動翻訳はあくまで参考程度であって、手直しが必須です。   ↓


その他の回答 (3)

  • vegan
  • ベストアンサー率47% (124/261)

在米20年です。所々分かる(想像出来る)文章もありますが、 A No. 1 さんがおっしゃられるように、これでは分からない部分が多すぎです。 翻訳ソフトには頼りになりません。(文法が少し間違っているとか、そんなレベルではないです。)厳しい事を言いますが、オークション関係はお金も絡みますから、ご自分で英語でのやり取りが出来ないのなら、英語でのオークションはしない方がいいと思います。(出品だけでなく、 bidders からの問い合わせとかもあるでしょうし。)

  • j38
  • ベストアンサー率22% (9/40)

オークションなんでしょうか? 1).2行目は"for a long time"じゃないかな? 2)."tarrif"に関税の意味があるので"tarrif tax"でいいのだろうか? という疑問。 3)."It takes out insurance and it sends it." "it send it"だと、それがそれを送ることになりますね。 ", and I will send it"かな? 4)."→"は日本語ですね。 "For about 10 days from 5 days." 5)."I send it from Japan". "will" が要りそうな?

  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)



  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 海外に送った荷物が届かないようなのですが、翻訳が上手く出来ないため、解る方お願い致します。 Hello, I just want to let you know that I don't have the item up to now. You may wish to contact your local courier to find out what's going on and the whereabouts of this item. The last time it was scanned was on 28th of February and that's it, its not progressing anymore. The estimated date of delivery is fast approaching. I hope to get it on or before the estimated date of delivery. Thank you よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語に翻訳したいのですが、

    中学で発表することになったのですが、英語が苦手なため意味がわからないところばかりですが、チェックとアドバイスをお願いします。 私は世界の素晴らしい文化や行事に興味があります。 I am interested in the culture and the event with a wonderful world. 例えば食文化。 For instance, gastronomic culture. フランスだと日本料理とは違った、王制時代の宮廷文化を背景にしたフランス料理が有名で、ワインの生産国としても名高く、広く国内に親しまれています。 When it is France, the French cuisine in the background of the court culture in a monarchy age different from Japanese food is famous, and it is famously, and widely familiar with the production country of wine within the country. (意味わからないですよね;;) 私はまだ未成年なので、いつかフランスでワインを飲みたい。 I want to wine in France some time because I am still a minority. それもまた、私の夢です。 It is my dream, too. そして、今日は8月○日ですか○日後の8月10日はイタリアの祝日「聖ロレンツォの日」です。 And, it is ○ day in August today or August 10 after the day of ○ is "Sage Lorenzo's day. " of holiday of Italy. イタリアでは365日、毎日が誰かの聖人の日なのですが、この「聖ロレンツォの日」は、1年で一番流れ星が見られる日なのです。 In Italy though every day for 365 days is someone's saint's days This "Sage Lorenzo's day" is a day when shooting stars are seen most in one year. この日になると、イタリア人は星に願い事をするそうです。 The Italian thinks that it makes the wish a star when becoming this day. この話は、昔本を見て知ったのですが、その本に描かれていた押し絵が強く印象に残っています。 Though the book is seen in old times and it knew this story. The barbola drawn in the book remains in the impression. (どうやって一文で伝わりやすくなるでしょうか;) もしも、私がこの祝日の日星にお願いするならば、世界一周はもちろんのこと、さまざまな国の言葉を習得し、さまざまな国の人々と通じ合えますように、と願います。 If I ask the day star of this holiday The word in various countries not to mention surroundings is acquired, and it wishes that the word run with people in various countries in the most in the world. (意味がわからない上に2文になってしまいました;) まだ途中分ですがよろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文の翻訳を早急にお願いします!英語に自信のある方!

    英文の翻訳を早急にお願いします!英語に自信のある方! London is not only England’s and Britain’s, capital city; it is also one of the most multi ?racial, cosmopolitan cities in the world. A quarter of schoolchildren in London do not speak English at home. Instead, they speak an Asian language such as Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali or Chinese; a Middle Eastern language like Arabic or Turkish, or another European language such as Greek, Albanian or Spanish. A recent poster (see above) celebrating London’s diversity claimed that 300 languages were spoken by the 7 million residents, who followed 14 different faiths, or religions, between them. In parts of some other towns, it is easier to hear a language other than English spoken. In Bradford, in the north, or in parts of England’s second biggest city, Birmingham, in the West Midlands, you are more likely to hear a south Asian language. About three adults in ten admit they have prejudice against people of a different skin colour. In one recent survey of 1500 people, more than half said they believe Britain is a racist society; but more than half also said they believe it accepts people of different races more easily than it did ten years ago. It is interesting that some people from former colonies feel more comfortable as devolution increases. Some were scared of the Union jack, a symbol of the British Empire. They feel more comfortable now that English people are choosing to fly the red and white flag of St. George. The other countries of Britain also have their own flags; and some families who have always been British do not speak English as their first language: Wales is officially a bilingual country and 20% of Welsh people speak Welsh. 翻訳サイトを使わないで、翻訳していただけると助かります。

  • 英語が得意な方、翻訳をよろしくお願いします!

    Most of our sets have footage from early careers and the country they originate from so most sets will have both formats we test on the cheapest DVD player around which is about £15 I must stress any modern DVD player will play both formats it has been like this for about 7 years, what I suggest you do is buy from an American website but ask are they copies from a British website it is very sad because I watch more NTSC fights than PAL here is a list of countries below good luck with your pursuit of fight sets elsewhere

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    長文で恐縮ですが、 英文の和訳をお願いします。 He will attract money. He has little understanding of the depth of human greed cupidity and envy, jealousy. He is weak willed where friendships or illicit unions are concerned, the combination will bring about his rune. Not everyone will understand his motives and will think he is only concerned with pleasure and falls victim to it, for he has a sense of gaiety, fun, and independence or unconventionality, but it is also circumstance, not shallowness or weakness that place her in difficult relationships. Unfortunate or foolish in human relationships or marriage. But in other area s of life successful. He can brighten up drab days and difficult surroundings and likes to add color to life, he has much energy that way, but will help others and will do them with no great fuss or bother, and won't expect praise or recognition. For this reason he has many good qualities but they tend to get taken for granted, while his minor falls from grace get noticed..

  • 英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします

    アメリカの方から手紙を受け取ったのですが、一部意味が取りきれない部分がありました。いくつかの翻訳サイトで訳してみましたが分かりません。  However,school here is different than it is at your school.Students here are more uniform,so if it's obvious that you're "different" or "unique",sometimes those qualities are made fun of.

  • 下記英文の文法が理解できません。

    (1)The talent their family is proud of is dancing. なぜisが二回でてくるのでしょうか。 和訳もお願いします。 (2)The class is looking forward to the year ender activity which is having a graduation ceremony Which以下が理解できません。 クラスは年次イベントを楽しみにしている/卒業式をすること 的な解釈で良いのでしょうか? (3)A noun complement, also called predicate nominative is a noun or phrase that follows a linking verb and complements, or identify the subject of the sentence, by either, (1) renaming it or (2) describing it. まったくさっぱりお手上げです。。。 すみません、教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • 英語が得意な方おねがいします。

    英語学習を始めたばかりのものです。次の英文と問いにおいて正しい答えを教えてください My watch is the one on the left. I believe it's the best watch in the world. When my minute hand came loose , Ididn't trust anybody local to tighten it. So I sent it to WTAmerica. Even though it was 3 years old at the taime , they repaired it for nothing. And now it keeps perefect time again. Maybe that's why I have about two dozen WorldTime watches , 4 of which are eco-drives. That was 3 years ago , and havent had aproblem since. My oldest eco-drive is about 8 years old. It's in Iraq right now. The soldier wearing it is extremely happy with it. I may not get it ack. (1)What kind of blog is this comment posted on? 1.A blog for war protesters 2.A blog for watch lovers 3.A retired people's Internet community 4.A young people's chat group talking about the Iraqi conflict (2)Which of these statements is ture? 1.This blogger has nearly 20 wrist watches. 2.This blogger has a 3-year-old boy. 3.This blogger is in Iraq. (3)How did this blogger fix his watch? 1.By sending it toIraq. 2.By sending it to WorldTime of America. 3.By taking it to a local repair shop. 4.By changing it over to on eco-drive system.

  • 翻訳ソフトでは理解出来ません。翻訳お願いします。

    FRAKES: The feeling is we would love to be part of it. But the feeling is also that it’s Patrick’s show. [Laughs.] Having said that, I can’t imagine a world where there’s no reference to what happened to the rest of the Next Generation cast. Patrick isn’t playing Capt. Jean-Luc Picard this time, he’s done with [that phase of his career in] Starfleet in this show. That’s about the only thing I do know about the show. Patrick and I had a steak dinner a couple of weeks ago and this man, who I’ve known for 31 years now, is so excited about this show he’s like a little kid. It’s fabulous! He’s thrilled and excited to be invited into the writer’s room and he’s a producer on the show and he’s part of the development of the story arc. It’s terrific. I mean he is a guy who is fully engaged. よろしくお願いします。!

  • 英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします!

    英語の得意な方、翻訳をお願いします! 翻訳機能などを使ってみましたが、綺麗な日本語にならなくて困っています お願いします What do you say about people who say female bodybuilders aren't even women? I think such opinions are extremely shallow. To look at just one aspect of a person, such as the fact that they have a lot of muscle, and then say that that person is not a woman constitutes an extremely narrow viewpoint. Is bodybuilding to you in any way a rebellion? That didn't have anything to do with why I started bodybuilding, but I must say that it has been a constant battle since then. As my muscles got bigger and I got stronger, people around me started to change. That's when it started becoming necessary to fight. What do you think about the trend for women bodybuilders to alter the natural body line with breast implants? I think it's a very unfortunate trend. It looks to me like the women are being manipulated by men's wishes. It's like a fitness version of Playboy. I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? You have to value yourself more and value what you think and what you want to do.The way I see it, God made lots and lots of people. Why? Because it's a good thing to have all different types of people.Each person has his or her own individuality, own character, and it's the most important thing is to express that.